
Fall 2003
Line #: 49512
Internship HON 484
Instructor - Dr. Janet Burke
Contact Information:
Dr. Janet Burke
Brenda Romero
Office Hours by Appointment
IMO Internship Requirements
Academic Credit
1 credit
2 credits
3 credits
Site Hours
45 (3 hours/week)
90 (6 hours/week)
125 (9.5 hours week)
Seminar: Students will attend a 1-hour introductory seminar on August 29th from 3:40 – 4:30
p.m. Additional seminars will be held on October 17th and December 5 th from 3:40 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Best C 114B
Required Reading: Interns will read Sun Tzu and The Art of Business by Mark McNeilly (on
reserve in the library) OR Sun Tzu’s Art of War AND one book recommended by the internship
supervisor and approved by Dr. Burke. The McNeilly book will form the basis for part of the
final seminar discussion and should be read by then.
Book reflections: At mid-semester, interns will turn in a 3 page reflective paper on the book
recommended by the internship supervisor. The reflective paper should be a critical look at the
book based on the experience of the intern in the workplace. At the end of the course, interns will
turn in a three-page reflective paper on the McNeilly or Sun Tzu book, relating that work to the
internship experience.
Timelog: Interns are required to keep a time log to track and record the dates/hours for final
verification of credit hours earned. The time log may be kept in a spiral notebook, on time cards
provided by the site, or other record keeping system. The time log should be turned in before the
last day of classes in the semester.
Reflective Journal: Interns will make at least one journal entry a week throughout the course of
the internship. This should not merely account for time spent on the site. Journal entries should
involve critical reflections upon the learning that is taking place while fulfilling intern
responsibilities. The journal must be turned in before the last day of classes in the semester.
Final Reflection Paper: In a well-organized, 4-5 page essay, describe what you have learned
through your internship opportunity. Did you learn anything about yourself? Can the
internship experience be considered a valid part of the academic experience? Include examples
from your internship to substantiate your point.
Evaluation: The evaluation will be done jointly with the site supervisor and Dr. Burke. Students
should request that their site supervisor complete a mid-semester evaluation in addition to the
final evaluation form.
Grading: Final grades will be based on supervisor evaluations as well as the intern’s completed
assignments and seminar participation. The grading will be divided as follows:
Supervisor evaluations:
Book reflections:
Final reflective paper:
Journal/time log:
Seminar attendance:
20 percent
20 percent
20 percent
20 percent
20 percent
Students who are doing internships for departmental credit and wish to receive footnote 18
honors credit for the internship should make arrangements with Dr. Burke to contact the
departmental faculty director regarding the footnote 18 internship requirements.
Footnote 18 honors credit will only attach to graded internships.
Students are eligible to earn three credits for a second internship if they work at a second
company or serve in a second department.
1 credits
2 credits
3 credits
170 (13 hours/week)
215 (16.5 hours/week)
260 (20 hours/week)
Again, no more than three credits may be earned for each internship unless the internship is
clearly divided by type. Division by type generally occurs when the internship is rotational (two
different departments within the company or another company).
SUBMIT TWO OF EVERYTHING (e.g., 2 Timelogs, 2 Reflection Journals, 2 Assigned
Readings from Dr. Burke & Book Reflections, 2 Assigned Readings from Internship
Supervisor(s) & Book Reflections, 2 Mid-term Evaluations, 2 Final Evaluations and 2
Final Reflection Papers).