Lesson #3

LESSON #3 Anti-Bullying:
Nov. 4, 2015 (for gr. 9s/Gr. 8s go to Presentation in Theatre)
Nov. 18, 2015 (for gr. 8s/Gr. 9s go to Presentation in Theatre)
1. Take attendance. Remind students about presentations in the following weeks with
Ryan (no food).
2. Introduce Next Week’s Presentation (for gr. 9s on Nov. 4) or Review last week’s
presentation (gr. 8 HRs on Nov. 18). Discuss the following points:
 Where does bullying happen? (on the internet, in hallways, in classrooms,
outside of school, on sports teams, etc.) Remind them that hazing is bullying.
o Remember that what you post on line is there forever and it can be
manipulated or changed by others and used against you.
 Ask students if they remember/know the two ways to bully There is direct
(physical, hitting, pushing, tripping) and indirect (spreading rumours, glares,
stares, gossiping) bullying.
 Who can you report bullying? (Youth Worker – Ryan, a counsellor, a teacher,
an educational assistant, an administrator any adult
o Don’t feel that you have to report it by yourself; report as a group it’s
not often that only one person witnesses the bullying happening.
 People need to be responsible. They need to have integrity (honesty, reliability,
honour) and respect. Discuss what those three words mean and what they look
3. Read out and have students (in their own head) do the “Do You Bully?” survey (on
pg. 2). Read summary at the bottom of the “Do You Bully” sheet.
**Do activity 4 or 5 or both depending on your group and time:
4. “Power Play” Activity:
a. Prepare your deck of cards (available besides the attendance folders). Use
only what you need for your group starting with 4 kings, 4 queens, and so on.
b. Shuffle and hand out cards to each participant, telling them to not look at it.
c. Have participants interact and move around classroom as if they were at a
party while holding their card on their forehead so everyone else can see it.
As they interact they can talk about anything OTHER THAN the card they
have. They also have to :
i. Associate with people who have the highest numbered cards and
avoid (snub) those with the low-level cards without revealing to them
the value of that card
ii. Try to determine if they themselves are being accepted or rejected by
Groups will naturally form and the dynamics should reflect the participants’
card “rankings”
d. After allowing participants to mingle for 5-10 minutes have them stop but
NOT LOOK AT THEIR CARDS YET! Form a line, placing themselves in
the order of the card value they think they are based on their mingling
(choose a starting position for who thinks they have the highest ranking
card). When finished, look around and see the order of each card and then
look at your card. How did they do?
e. Have students return their cards and take a seat. Debrief questions:
i. What was your reaction to this game? Are there any feelings or
observations? Surprises?
ii. Who had the power in this activity? Did they use their power for
positive or negative? How?
iii. Does something similar happen between high school students?
iv. What can we take from this? Does it have to be this way?
v. What would it take to change these dynamics?
f. Talking Points:
i. Bullying and all forms of violence tend to involve misuse of power
ii. Exercising power involves choice. Everybody has the power to either
help or hurt others.
5. Read through the handout “Effects of Bullying” with the class. A copy of the
handout should be in your attendance folder. Stop to discuss points. (i.e. if they’ve
had such an experience, whether or not they agree with the point / advice and why,
if they have points or ideas to add, etc.). Feel free to share your own experiences
with your group. Continue to read through the handout about “If you are being
bullied, you witness bullying, you are a bully” if time permits.
Okay, time for the truth. Or at least time to consider if you have a confession to make! Take this
quiz to find out if you've ever bullied someone. Do a “mental” check if you've done these things
There's a boy or a girl (or maybe more than one) whom you've repeatedly shoved, or
punched or physically pushed around in a mean way just because you felt like it.
You had someone else hurt someone you don't like.
You've spread a nasty rumor about someone, in conversation, in a note, or through
email, instant messaging or other social media.
You and your friends have regularly kept one or more kids from hanging out or
doing something with you. Examples: at your lunch table at school, during sports or
other activities, or activities that are a part of a club or any kind of group activity.
You've teased people in a mean way, calling them names, making fun of their
appearance, or the way they talk, dress or act.
You've been part of a group that did any of these things - even if you only wanted to
be part of the crowd.
If you said yes to any of these boxes, you're not alone. All over the country, in all types of
neighborhoods and schools, there are all types of young people who bully others. Bullying is
serious business. It causes young people a lot of pain, and it can affect their ability to do well in
school and their general happiness.
But it doesn't have to be that way. You can learn about better ways to treat your friends and
acquaintances, as well as become part of the solution to this serious problem!
If you've ever heard an adult - or anyone else - say that bullying is "just a fact of life" or "no big
deal," you're not alone! Too often, people just don't take bullying seriously - or until the sad and
sometimes scary stories are revealed.
It happens a lot more than some people think - Studies show that between 15-25% of U.S.
students are bullied with some frequency, while 15-20% report they bully others with some
frequency (Melton et al, 1988; Nansel et al, 2001).
It can mess up a kid's future. Young people who bully are more likely than those who don't
bully to skip school and drop out of school. They are also more likely to smoke, drink
alcohol and get into fights (Nansel et al, 2003; Olweus, 1993).
It scares some people so much that they skip school. As many as 160,000 students may
stay home on any given day because they're afraid of being bullied (Pollack, 1998).
It can lead to huge problems later in life. Children who bully are more likely to get into
fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school. And 60% of boys who were bullies in
middle school had at least one criminal conviction by the age of 24 (Olweus, 1993).
There are all kinds of reasons why young people bully others, either occasionally or often. Do any
of these sound familiar to you?
Because I see others doing it
Because it's what you do if you want to hang out with the right crowd
Because it makes me feel, stronger, smarter, or better than the person I'm bullying
Because it's one of the best ways to keep others from bullying me
Whatever the reason, bullying is something we all need to think about. Whether we've done it
ourselves ... or whether friends or other people we know are doing it ... we all need to recognize
that bullying has a terrible effect on the lives of young people. It may not be happening to you
today, but it could tomorrow. Working together, we can make the lives of young people better.
So you're being bullied, huh? That can feel pretty awful. But, no matter how bad it makes you feel
sometimes, you should know you're not alone. That's right ... there are plenty of kids all over the
world who go through the same things you do every day. And, even though you may feel helpless
sometimes, there are a lot of things you and others can do to help stop the bullying. Give these
tips a try.
Always tell an adult. It's hard to talk about serious things with adults sometimes, but they can help
put a stop to bullying. Tell an adult that you trust and can talk to—your parents, your teacher, your
school counselor, your coach, your neighbor. If you've told a grown-up before and they haven't
done anything about it, tell someone else. And if you're afraid to tell an adult that you have been
bullied, get another person—like a friend or a sister or brother—to go with you. Having someone
else there to support you can make it a lot less scary. Tell the adults exactly what has happened—
who did the bullying, where and when it happened, how long it's been happening to you, and how
it's making you feel. If you talk with an adult at your school, ask them what they will do to help
Stay in a group. Kids who bully like to pick on kids who are by themselves a lot— it's easier and they're
more likely to get away with their bad behavior. If you spend more time with other kids, you may not be
an easy "target" and you'll have others around to help you if you get into a difficult situation!
If it feels safe, try to stand up to the person who is bullying you. If the person who is bullying you thinks you
won't do anything about it, they are more likely to keep picking on you. This doesn't mean you should
fight back or bully them back. Instead, tell the person bullying you that you don't like it and that they
should stop! Keep it simple. You might just say, "Cut it out!" and then walk away. If possible, try to talk
to them in a calm voice. Kids who bully often like to see that they can make you upset. If you're afraid to
talk to the person who is bullying you by yourself, then you might want to ask someone else to be there
with you. Kids who bully are more likely to listen, and less likely to bully you, when you're with
someone and not alone. If you're not comfortable standing up to someone who has bullied you, that's
definitely OK! Just walk away. But be sure to tell an adult.
If you are being bullied on-line, don't reply. This may actually make the bullying worse. Instead, be sure to
tell a family member or another adult you trust. If possible, block any more communications from this
person. (For example, it might be a good idea only to accept messages from people you know.) Save
evidence of the bullying. If you get a nasty e-mail, print it out or save it so that you can show it to an
Join clubs or take part in activities where you'll meet other kids. Sometimes, it can help to join clubs or take part
in activities that interest you. Think about joining a sports team, taking an art class, or joining a
scouting group, for example. You can meet other kids who share your interests and you might make
some good friends!
What NOT to do if you are bullied. DON'T...
think it's your fault. Nobody deserves to be bullied!
fight back or bully a person back. This probably won't make things any better
and it might get you into big trouble. Besides, you should try to act better than
the person who bullies you.
keep it to yourself and just hope the bullying will "go away." It's normal to want
to try to ignore bullying and hope that it will stop—or hope that the person will
start to pick on someone else. But, often, bullying won't stop until adults and
other kids get involved. So, be sure to report the bullying.
skip school or avoid clubs or sports because you're afraid of being bullied.
Missing out on school or activities that you enjoy isn't the answer. You have a
right to be there!
think that you're a "tattle tale" if you tell an adult that you've been bullied.
Telling is NOT tattling! It's the right thing to do.
hurt yourself. Some kids who are bullied get so sad and depressed that they
may try to hurt themselves because they think there is nothing else they can do.
This definitely isn't the answer. Talk with an adult immediately and tell them how
you are feeling. They can help stop the bullying.
So, you aren't someone who bullies others, and you haven't been bullied yourself. But if you see it happening to
others, you can help put a stop to it. In order to stop bullying, everyone needs to lend a hand and get involved! And
even though it might be easier to stand by and watch (or try to ignore the bullying), just remember, we all need a
little help from time to time! Think about how you might feel if the bullying was happening to YOU. There are all
kinds of great things you can do to help. So the next time you see someone being bullied, try one (or more) of these
ideas and make a real difference!
Report the bullying to an adult. Many kids who are bullied are scared to tell an adult about it (especially a
teacher or principal), because they are afraid the person bullying them will find out and the bullying will just get
worse. That's where you come in. Even if it's a little scary for you to tell an adult about bullying that you see, it's the
right thing to do. It's not tattling—you're helping someone out. Who should you tell? You could tell your teacher,
school counselor, school nurse, parents, coach, or any adult you feel comfortable talking with. It might be a little
less scary if you ask a friend to go along with you. Be sure to tell the adult exactly what happened—who was
bullied, who did the bullying, and where and when it happened. If you're not sure if another kid is being bullied but
you think they probably are—it's good to report that, too. Most adults really care about bullying and will be VERY
glad that you told them about it. If you told an adult and you don't think they did anything about the bullying (or if it
isn't getting any better), find another adult to tell.
Support someone who is being bullied. Sometimes the best thing you can do for a person who is being
bullied is just to be there for him or her and be a friend. Whether this means agreeing to walk home with him or her
after school, sitting with him or her on the bus or at lunch, trying to include him or her in your school or social
activities, or just spending some time with him or her and trying to understand what he or she is going through, it
will make a huge difference! Although these may seem like small things to you, they will show a kid who is being
bullied that you care about him or her and the problems he or she is facing. And that can be a BIG help!
Stand up to the person doing the bullying. If you feel safe doing this, tell a person who is bullying that
what he or she is doing is wrong and that he or she should stop. Keep it simple. You could just say, "Ben, cut it out.
Nobody thinks that's funny." If you can, get some friends to join you. When kids who bully see that other kids don't
think it's cool, they are more likely to stop. Just be sure you don't bully them back! It's not easy to stand up to kids
who may be bigger and stronger than you or really popular, so if you're not comfortable doing this, that's OK. (But
be sure to tell an adult!)
If you bully others, we're glad you're here. If you're not sure if what you're doing is really bullying…here's a hint: If
you are hurting or threatening others in some way and using your size, strength or popularity to do it ... you're
probably bullying someone!)
Hey - let's face it, hurting and making others feel bad is NEVER cool. Just admitting that you are doing things to
harm others takes some guts. But that's not enough. Trying to find out what you should do to change the way
you're acting ... now that's a step in the right direction! So check out these tips ... they'll help you to start treating
others with the respect they deserve.
Think about what you're doing ... and how it affects others. If you think calling others names is
really harmless, or if you think pushing, hitting or stealing from other kids is funny, you've forgotten what it feels
like to be hurt yourself! Teasing, hitting, keeping others out of a group - all of these things harm someone. All of us
have been hurt at one time or another and we all know how it feels - awful! So the next time you are about to bully
put yourself in their shoes
think about how it must make them feel; and
and just don't do it.
Talk to an adult. Making other people feel badly should never make you feel good. If it does, or if you're not
really sure why you bully other kids, you need to talk to an adult about it. Even though you might think an adult
won't understand, or that you'll get yourself into trouble, they can help! Whether it is your parent, a teacher or
another trusted grown-up, you should tell an adult how you've been acting so that they help you deal with it. School
counselors are also great people to talk to about how you feel and how to change the way you treat other