Salvation Essay (Nov 2015).doc

Salvation Essay
Write a one to two page response about salvation (at least 15 sentences, quite possibly more). You
must define what it is we’re saved from and identify at least three scriptural references dealing with this
concept. DO NOT concentrate too much on heaven and hell. What are we really saved from? Where
does eternity fit in?
Approach each verse by stating what TRUTH that verse conveys, and then what ACTION we are
motivated to take because of that truth.
Your last paragraph should be a summary of all the TRUTHS that you have presented, and then a concise
review of the ACTIONS the Christian is now motivated to take based on those truths.
Here are a few suggested verses to look up and possibly include in your report but feel free to use other
verses that you know.
 Isaiah 59:2
 Titus 3:3-8
 Philippians 2:12-13
 1 Peter 2:1-3; 21-25
 1 John 2:4-6
 James 2:14-26
 Matthew 1:20-21
 Romans 6:1-14
 Romans 3:10-20
 Ephesians 2:1-10
 John 3:3-8
 I Thessalonians 5:9-11
 Romans 8:26-30
 Exodus 15:2
Be sure to use a correct heading at the top of your report including your name and number, the
date, and subject/assignment. Include a title! This report must be typed, single-spaced in
whatever font you prefer but the font size should be at least 12.
You must include 3 quotes from Scripture with their reference. If the quote is long, please shorten it
to include only the most important part. You may include explanation from the longer reference in
your paper. You may want to start with the dictionary definition of salvation and then narrow it to a
Christian understanding of what salvation means. Are we already saved? Are we still being saved?
It will help you to be clear if you write your paper as if you are talking to someone who is an
Grading criteria
Stapled this rubric sheet to your final essay
Good essay format: Intro, key ideas, supporting details, conclusion
Logical, clear explanation of salvation
3 appropriate Scripture references, used well
Typed, single-spaced, heading and grammar
10 points
30 points
20 points
30 points
10 points