Introductory Paragraph- Model

Name: __________________________
Date: _________________
Heroic Traits Essay:
The purpose of this essay is to illustrate how Odysseus is a heroic figure.
The essay will be four paragraphs
o Opening Paragraph
o Body Paragraph # 1
o Body Paragraph # 2
o Concluding Paragraph
Resources to Use
o Springboard Workbook p. 32 – 28
o Odyssey Worksheet
o Hero Graphic Organizer
The rough draft is due on _______________________.
We will type the final copy in the library/computer lab on ________________.
Directions: Using your Odyssey Worksheet, identify Odysseus’s heroic
traits. Then star the two heroic traits you will identify in your essay.
Introductory Paragraph
Odysseus, the Greek warrior in The Odyssey, is a heroic character. In The
Odyssey, Odysseus has to overcome many obstacles in his encounter with the
Cyclops. These challenges include ____________________________________
____________________ , ________________________________________
________________________, and _________________________________
___________________________________. During his time in the cave,
Odysseus demonstrates many heroic traits. Two heroic traits he displays in the
excerpt of the Cyclops scene are _________________________________ and
Name: __________________________
Date: _________________
Body Paragraph # 1
Introductory Sentence - Identify one of Odysseus’s heroic traits.
Provide support (at least 2) using your Odyssey Worksheet and the excerpt in the Springboard
Concluding Sentence – “tie it all together” – remember a concluding sentence is basically the
introductory sentence written differently.
This paragraph needs to be at least 5 sentences.
Odysseus possesses the heroic trait of ____________
While facing the Cyclops, Odysseus displays the heroic trait of ______________.
Body Paragraph # 2
Introductory Sentence - Identify another one of Odysseus’s heroic traits.
Provide support (at least 2) using your Odyssey Worksheet and the excerpt in the Springboard
Concluding Sentence – “tie it all together” – remember a concluding sentence is basically
the introductory sentence written differently.
This paragraph needs to be at least 5 sentences.
Name: __________________________
Date: _________________
Odysseus also has the heroic quality of
Concluding Paragraph
In conclusion, _______________________ is a hero. In the excerpt of
the Cyclops scene, he faces many challenges. In order to return safely back to his
ship he had to __________________________________________________ ,
_____________________________________________________________ ,
and __________________________________________________________.
To overcome these challenges, Odysseus behaves heroically by
_____________________________ and _____________________________.
Trait # 1
Trait # 2