Theme Exploration in “Winter Dreams”

Theme Exploration in “Winter Dreams”
Now that you have an idea of the characters and the setting in
“Winter Dreams” it is time to explore the themes. Here, I have defined a
possible theme in the book.
Your pod’s task:
1) Look at the story, and identify areas where the theme might be
2) Explain in a short paragraph how the theme is explored in the story
(in other words, how do we know the theme is in the story).
3) Relate this theme to the concept of the Lost Generation.
Your theme is: “The American Dream is a lie.” The American Dream is the
belief that a life of confidence, hard work, and tenacity will net an ideal and
a rich “dream life” for whom ever puts in the effort to take it. The concept
of “rich” includes material possessions, emotional and spiritual stability,
and overall fulfillment of desires.
Theme Exploration in “Winter Dreams”
Now that you have an idea of the characters and the setting in
“Winter Dreams” it is time to explore the themes. Here, I have defined a
possible theme in the book.
Your pod’s task:
1) Look at the story, and identify areas where the theme might be
2) Explain in a short paragraph how the theme is explored in the story
(in other words, how do we know the theme is in the story).
3) Relate this theme to the concept of the Lost Generation.
Your theme is “Material possessions are not important.” This is fairly selfexplanatory—material possessions include creature comforts, wealth, and
expensive services and objects.
Theme Exploration in “Winter Dreams”
Now that you have an idea of the characters and the setting in
“Winter Dreams” it is time to explore the themes. Here, I have defined a
possible theme in the book.
Your pod’s task:
1) Look at the story, and identify areas where the theme might be
2) Explain in a short paragraph how the theme is explored in the story
(in other words, how do we know the theme is in the story).
3) Relate this theme to the concept of the Lost Generation.
Your theme is “Dreams can become unhealthy obsessions.” An unhealthy
obsession is an unnatural fixation on a goal—usually an unreasonable goal
given the circumstances.
Theme Exploration in “Winter Dreams”
Now that you have an idea of the characters and the setting in
“Winter Dreams” it is time to explore the themes. Here, I have defined a
possible theme in the book.
Your pod’s task:
1) Look at the story, and identify areas where the theme might be
2) Explain in a short paragraph how the theme is explored in the story
(in other words, how do we know the theme is in the story).
3) Relate this theme to the concept of the Lost Generation.
Your theme is “Failure is a part of life.” Fairly self-explanatory, look for the
message that all people must deal with failure.
Theme Exploration in “Winter Dreams”
Now that you have an idea of the characters and the setting in
“Winter Dreams” it is time to explore the themes. Here, I have defined a
possible theme in the book.
Your pod’s task:
1) Look at the story, and identify areas where the theme might be
2) Explain in a short paragraph how the theme is explored in the story
(in other words, how do we know the theme is in the story).
3) Relate this theme to the concept of the Lost Generation.
Your theme is: “Self-Gratification is hollow”. Self-gratification means
pursuing pleasure only for one’s self usually at the detriment of others—an
egocentric person “always” seeks self-gratification.
Theme Exploration in “Winter Dreams”
Now that you have an idea of the characters and the setting in
“Winter Dreams” it is time to explore the themes. Here, I have defined a
possible theme in the book.
Your pod’s task:
1) Look at the story, and identify areas where the theme might be
2) Explain in a short paragraph how the theme is explored in the story
(in other words, how do we know the theme is in the story).
3) Relate this theme to the concept of the Lost Generation.
Your theme is: “Autobiography as a source of inspiration in Lost
Generation Writing.” Many writers, including Fitzgerald, fictionalize real
events in their lives as a means to gain and communicate meaning from
their life and relate it to others. Identify the events that have been
fictionalized in this story. Item number three is already taken care of for
you by the nature of this prompt.