Howardsville Christian School WEEKLY NEWSLETTER February 18, 2016 PROGRESS REPORTS - will be going home today with those students doing unsatisfactory work in one or more subject areas. If you receive a progress report, please make sure to sign it and return it to the school. Parents of Drama Students Students need to arrive at the church by 4:30 p.m. to get into costume and makeup for Saturday's performance. Please have your son/daughter bring 2 dozen cookies for the refreshments and a snack to share at the after party. The after party will go from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. during which time we will strike the set, eat pizza and snacks, and watch the video of the play. Please contact Mrs. Jones if you have any questions. Parents of Band Students A.C.S.I. recently sent me some changes for the band festival after I had already sent home the final letter. The changes are as follows: We will need to leave at 10:45 a.m., so please do not order pizza for your son/daughter for that day. Instead, please send a sack lunch that he/she can eat on the way. Also, they changed the dress code for the concert. Students must wear black pants or a long black skirt with a solid white or solid black top. They are supposed to wear black socks and shoes also if possible. Boys are not supposed to wear ties. I have a collection of white shirts and black pants of various sizes. If your son/daughter needs one, have them see me to try them on. I apologize for the last minute changes and hope that this is not a big inconvenience for anyone. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Jones. HOOP SHOOT – The Hoop Shoot Committee is looking for businesses or families that would be willing to donate to Hoop Shoot and to the athletic department. There are many new families that we as a Hoop Shoot Committee do not know and therefore, we are searching and asking the HCS family for anyone who would be willing to donate a monetary amount to help our athletics. If you have any questions feel free to contact the office or Mr. Bishop at or if you are willing to donate please drop your donation off at the school office. Thank You! Volunteers are needed to help run the games at the Hoop Shoot Carnival to benefit the athletic department on March 18th. The games start at 3:15 and run to about 5:30. We would also like to give prizes of candy at the carnival, and would appreciate your help in donating candy. If you can help or have questions contact Julie Hitchcock at the school READING MONTH - The elementary is in need of the following items: boxes of blue Jell-O, bags of mini marshmallows, boxes of Swedish fish or gummy fish, and tubs of Cool Whip. Please have donations to the school by March 21st, thank you PIZZA KITS - The Howardsville Bands are selling Little Caesars pizza kits to raise money for their overnight stay at the A.C.S.I. Band Festival. If you would like to help them out by purchasing some yummy pizza, contact a band student or the office. You can order until Tuesday, February 16th. Pizzas will arrive at the school on Thursday, February 25th. ELF Jr. The play Elf Jr. will be on Friday, February 19th at 1:30 p.m., and on Saturday, February 20th at 7:00 p.m. Admission is $8.00 for adults, and $5.00 for senior citizens and children. CAMPBELLS SOUP LABELS – Remember to keep sending in those Campbells labels and Box Tops for Education. We receive cash back for these, and use it to buy playground and classroom supplies. Thank You!