

Puritan Plain Style Poetry Assignment/Mrs. Breaux

Due: Tues. 10/7

50 pts. /writing category of your grade

-15 pts. per day late. If not turned in by 10/9, you will receive a zero for this assignment for the 1 st nine weeks. Note: even though this is only worth 50 points, it’s one of two writing grades in the writing category of your grade, so it’s worth more than you might think. Avoid turning in late work at all costs and make sure it’s HONORS quality.

Using the definition from your textbook of Puritan Plain Style, you are creating a poem with the following characteristics:

 an everyday object in your life

 simple (although not boring and non-descriptive!) diction

 direct statements (to the point but NOT boring!)

 use of an apostrophe

 extended metaphor (comparing an object (like a flower) to a human characteristic

(like love)

You will be graded on the following:

 5 pts. poem has at least one line with an apostrophe

 5 pts. poem has proper end mark punctuation (vary lines – some lines have a comma, some no punctuation, some have a period)

 5 pts. poem has descriptive diction (no use of: good, thing, bad, nice and words that are similarly basic and non-descript such as those).

 15 pts. poem has an extended metaphor that continues from line to line throughout poem. Poem has a sentence or two of explanation at the bottom of poem explaining the extended metaphor you created.

 5 pts. poem is typed and has the object drawn on or as clip art on it.

 10 pts. poem uses phrasing and not complete sentences

 5 pts. You have developed a rhyme scheme and have used it throughout your poem.

This is an original poem. If you are caught using one from any printed source (including the Internet), you will receive a zero, a detention from me, and a parent phone call.

Be creative!!! 
