Jonathan Edwards “Foldable” How to make your foldable “Sinners in

Jonathan Edwards “Foldable”
How to make your foldable “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
1. You need three sheets of plain computer paper.
2. Lay the three sheets on top of one another.
3. Fan them out so you see about an inch of each.
4. Fold the paper in half, so you have a “front page” and then five tabs below.
5. At the bottom of each flap, label the page number on the far right side.
6. On the far left side, label the focus of the flap (see the instructions below)
You will be making a “foldable” for the key elements of “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”
Point value: Class work grade
Please use COLOR and make this an example of your best work.
Title Flap:
 Title, author, with your illustration
 Your name
Page 1 “Imagery” Flaps (each flap should have the following):
 A piece of imagery from the sermon, as well as the quote where it is found
o Ex: “The bow of God’s wrath is bent.”
 Colored illustration of the imagery you have chosen
 Function/Analysis of the imagery (minimum of 3 sentences per image)
o What is Edwards trying to say with this piece of imagery? Why is he using this piece of imagery? Do you
think this imagery is effective for his argument? Why or why not?
Page 2 Repeat the above instructions for another piece of imagery
Page 3 Tone Flap:
 Describe the tone of “Sinners” and whether you think it is appropriate or inappropriate. Include examples from
the text that support your answer (minimum of 5 sentences).
Page 4 “Summary” Flap:
 7-9 sentences
 Speaker (who is delivering the message?)
 Audience (who is the speaker addressing?)
 Purpose (what does the speaker want the audience to learn/realize/do?)
 Strategy (how does the speaker get his point across? Imagery? Tone? Vocabulary?)
Page 5 “My Own Imagery” Flap:
 Create your own piece of imagery that you think Edwards may have used to deliver his sermon.
o Include an illustration
 Create your own sentence to be included in the sermon that uses your piece of imagery.
o Think: how would Edwards have inserted this imagery into his sermon?