Grade 9 Curriculum Map_Blank.doc

Ninth Grade CPS Social Science Curriculum Map
Quarter 1,Unit 1 Theme – Identity
Introduction to Geography
Students will begin their High School education with a yearlong theme-driven investigation into the world. The themes of Identity, Power, Conflict/Compromise, and Justice/Injustice will provide the lenses through
which students will study a total of 12 cases from multiple regions and time periods.
Unifying Concept
Enduring Understandings
Essential Questions
Reading Complex Texts and Text
to Support Writing
Community and Partner
Performance Assessments to
Measure Skills Acquisition and
Historical Analysis
Quarter 1, Unit 2 Theme – Identity
The Roots of Human Kind
Quarter 2, Unit 3 Theme – Power
Defining Power
Quarter 2, Unit 4 Theme – Power
Interrogating Power
Quarter 3, Unit 5 Theme – Conflict/Compromise
Why Is There No Peace?
Quarter 3, Unit 6 Theme – Conflict/Compromise
Current Events
Quarter 4, Unit 7 Theme – Justice/Injustice
Facing Justice
Quarter 4, Unit 8 Theme – Justice/Injustice
Agents of Change