08/01/2001 Call Number 020.715 Sta 128.5 Cou 155.91 Gro 305.4 Bol 332.024 Kiy 355.02 SUN 362.88 Mar 378.161 Pet 398.2454 Mag 636.7082 Whi 647.9473 Hal 725.158 Wri 736.982 Mom 796.3576 Joh 796.407 Sco 809.3 All 814.4 Twa 818.1 Cot 818.207 Irv 821.0822 Bes 909.07 Bil 910.2404 Ber 940.5421 Col 973.918 Als 973.929 Ree AUDIO 468.3421 L AUDIO F Gab B Cae B Sex B Wil CD 781.542 Rot CD 782.1 Bes CD 782.42163 Bil CD 782.42163 Dyl CD 782.42165 Wai CD 782.42166 Aer CD 782.42166 Aer CD 782.42166 Ali CD 782.42166 Bah CD 782.42166 Bea CD 782.42166 Bil CD 782.42166 Bil CD 782.42166 Blo CD 782.42166 Blu CD 782.42166 Bow Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 1998 33 tap Item No. 0010102353348 0010100324432 0010106414633 0000101068849 0010106992968 0010103478540 0010104572507 0010105302755 0010106679904 0010100881274 0010104564173 0010100084523 0010106169831 0010102914917 0010100107357 0000100322528 0010107461104 0010107461088 0010107461096 0010104823512 0010101278215 0010100392058 0010100763993 0010100418788 0010103968276 0010106822603 0010106325771 0010100567683 0010102244802 0010104882633 0010104497846 0010107082165 0010104538862 0010104826150 0010106301251 0010104908248 0010107197476 0010104500177 0010107197385 0010104839773 0010104538581 0010104538623 0010104839518 0010106301053 0010106300725 Title Staff development : The celebration of l Body image : Goddesses in everywo The cashflow quadran The art of war / The feminine warrior Peterson's guide to Magical beasts / How to breed dogs, Hostels U.S.A. : Architecture: Trick origami / When women played ha Dave Scott's triathl The modern novel in The complete travel John Cotton, The sketch book. The Best loved poems The cross & the cres Ms Adventures : Is Paris burning? The reporter's trade Running in place : Living language Span Drums of autumn The education of Jul Anne Sexton : Becoming Laura Ingal The godfather Best opera album in Billboard top hits, Bob Dylan's greatest Blue valentine Aerosmith's greatest Live bootleg Freedom for Frankens Who let the dogs out 20 good vibrations Billboard top rock ' Billboard top rock ' The best of Blood, S Straight on till mor The man who sold the Author Cousins, Norman Grogan, Sarah, Bolen, Jean Shi Kiyosaki, Rober Sun-tzu, Marrewa, Al. Whitney, Leon F Halper, Evan. Wright, Frank L Momotani, Yoshi Johnson, Susan Scott, Dave. Allen, Walter E Twain, Mark, Emerson, Everet Irving, Washing Billings, Malco Bereny, Gail Ru Lapierre, Domin Alsop, Joseph, Reeves, Richard Gabaldon, Diana Kahn, Arthur Da Middlebrook, Di Miller, John E. Rota, Nino, Dylan, Bob, Waits, Tom, Aerosmith (Musi Aerosmith (Musi Alice Cooper (M Baha Men (Music Beach Boys. Blood, Sweat, a Blues Traveler Bowie, David. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng spa eng eng eng eng eng mul eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 23870589 00915698 10375069 44772802 18647055 39193285 00297538 02190175 31140822 29255689 13558824 00350434 00271364 00386667 00234302 13024677 17841086 03482158 00711458 00412863 27860644 42421333 12749770 23582599 fol05514 44950354 Page 1 Last-Date 12/07/2000 04/07/2001 04/10/2001 04/10/2001 03/19/2001 03/17/2001 04/04/2001 04/03/2001 02/20/2001 05/21/2001 01/26/2001 04/09/2001 03/17/2001 03/29/2001 11/04/1998 04/06/2001 12/05/1995 11/21/1988 06/02/1997 03/14/2001 03/28/2001 06/05/1990 03/22/2001 04/06/2001 03/27/2001 06/26/2001 05/18/2001 03/19/2001 03/30/2001 06/07/2001 07/07/2001 07/14/2001 04/26/2001 11/28/1998 01/18/2000 08/04/1999 02/28/2001 07/13/2001 01/16/2001 10/21/1998 04/17/2000 04/17/2000 08/24/1999 03/06/2000 03/22/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 0 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Req No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD 782.42166 782.42166 782.42166 782.42166 782.42166 782.42166 782.42166 782.42166 Bow Cou Doo Doo Doo Eme Eth Eur 0010106301418 0010107078213 0010104840680 0010104539357 0010107196965 0010104496962 0010106300956 0010106212698 Space oddity This desert life Best of the Doobies The Doors. Greatest hits Brain salad surgery Brave and crazy Greatest hits Bowie, David. Counting Crows Doobie Brothers Doors (Musical Doors (Musical Emerson, Lake & Etheridge, Meli Eurythmics (Mus eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 05/12/2000 06/20/2001 07/26/2001 03/30/1999 07/27/2001 01/22/2001 03/06/2000 09/27/2000 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number CD 782.42166 Iro CD 782.42166 Jef CD 782.42166 Jop CD 782.42166 Jop CD 782.42166 Kis CD 782.42166 Leg CD 782.42166 'N CD 782.42166 Osb CD 782.42166 Pol CD 782.42166 Ste CD 782.42166 Wai CD 782.42166 Wal CD 782.42166 Who CD 782.42166 Who CD 782.42166 Yes CD 782.42166 You CD 784.0904 Day CD 784.4165 Col F Bra F Cat F Eug F Key F Mic F Sto Fp Bor m Pet mp Tey NFp Cos NFp Cos Rp Smi SC Pen SF Del SF For SF Poh SF Wre VIDEO 378.7860 T VIDEO 599.7357 W VIDEO 643.7 Int VIDEO 791.43 Fig VIDEO 791.43 Lit VIDEO 791.43615 VIDEO 791.43655 VIDEO 791.43655 VIDEO CASSETTE A Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 2 Disc Item No. 0010106301202 0010106301343 0010104922793 0010105478324 0010104840060 0010105479488 0010106302556 0010104500003 0010104908255 0010106298945 0010106299240 0010104500086 0010106301749 0010104499602 0010104826044 0010107077850 0010106241994 0010104913115 0010104881874 0000100437284 0010102535324 0010106347163 0010101949807 0000100896570 0010104393854 0010101562782 0000100066091 0000100110758 0000101261048 0010107522566 0010103971700 0000101423218 0010107461070 0010102915682 0010101995768 0010107485921 0010102978037 0010102121018 0010107131749 0010102644324 0010107135609 0010106211864 0010103874243 0010102756722 Title In-a-gadda-da-vida The worst of Jeffers Janis Joplin's great Live at Winterland ' Alive! Legacy No strings attached The Ozzman cometh Every breath you tak Every picture tells Mule variations Joe Walsh's greatest Meaty, beaty, big, a The Who sell out Fragile Silver & gold Daybreak Sun ship The mists of Avalon The song of the lark The virgin suicides Flowers for Algernon Captive innocence / Dracula / When the legends die Crocodile on the san The singing sands. I never played the g I never played the g Border lord / The Penguin book of Stars in my pocket l The dragon waiting : The voices of heaven Mairelon the magicia Tuesdays with Morrie The Whitetail deer Interior projects Fight club The Little colonel The fifth element Body of evidence Miller's crossing Jessica Tandy and Hu Author Iron Butterfly Jefferson Airpl Joplin, Janis. Joplin, Janis, Kiss (Musical g 'N Sync (Musica Osbourne, Ozzy, Police (Musical Stewart, Rod. Waits, Tom, Walsh, Joe. Who (Musical gr Who (Musical gr Yes (Musical gr Young, Neil. Coltrane, John, Bradley, Marion Cather, Willa, Eugenides, Jeff Keyes, Daniel. Michaels, Fern. Stoker, Bram, Borland, Hal, Peters, Elizabe Tey, Josephine, Cosell, Howard, Cosell, Howard, Smith, Haywood, Delany, Samuel Ford, John M. Pohl, Frederik. Wrede, Patricia LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng N/A Original Rec Cnum 43965008 eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 14986193 00702452 26806717 41317323 22276327 02504388 00335443 01130123 eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 46612486 34328481 10948563 29702489 23016241 45183717 26385581 14190665 45259209 17565963 37849180 28733233 23379192 19700870 Page 2 Last-Date 12/18/2000 02/03/2000 09/26/2000 06/04/1999 07/30/1999 05/21/1999 07/07/2001 07/29/1999 05/21/1999 08/27/1999 01/16/2000 07/16/2001 02/08/2000 02/18/2001 01/12/2001 12/15/2000 05/29/2001 03/10/2000 07/13/2001 07/21/2000 04/06/2001 12/17/2000 09/13/2000 12/20/1993 07/23/2001 04/07/2001 03/26/1992 08/05/1991 02/10/1989 04/07/2001 07/10/1997 04/07/2001 04/23/1998 04/07/2001 08/15/1997 07/28/2001 10/13/1998 04/12/2001 07/13/2001 12/14/2000 05/01/2001 08/25/2000 05/08/1999 11/25/2000 Mat Code 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 0 0 0 0 29 0 2 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 27 21 13 13 21 13 13 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 133.4097 Kar 133.43 Moo 158.1 Car 363.3309 Ful 363.3309 Gun 363.3309 Gun 364.151 Gou 621.6 Fan 671.52 Gia 745.5922 Bar AUDIO 613 Orn B Man CD 782.42163 Kim F Bro m Rad Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Claims Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 1994 Item No. 0010101165172 0010103654124 0010104133268 0010104766885 0010101956133 0010104587638 0010105319643 0000101477537 0010101873585 0010106319816 0010104915318 0010103116595 0010105479397 0010102348280 0000101383586 Title The devil in the sha Witchcraft How to win friends a The gun control deba Gun control : Gun control : We wish to inform yo The Fan book / Welding technology The Barbie chronicle The healing power of Long walk to freedom Veering from the wav The elf queen of Sha A talent for destruc Author Karlsen, Carol Moorey, Teresa. Carnegie, Dale, Fuller, Sharon. Gourevitch, Phi Giachino, Josep Ornish, Dean. Mandela, Nelson Kimball, Jennif Brooks, Terry. Radley, Sheila. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 16226547 250 07173128 22452677 09910454 00724473 40413474 31530423 24696394 08626890 Page 3 Last-Date 01/25/1999 02/26/1999 06/20/2001 05/22/2001 05/22/2001 05/22/2001 05/12/2001 06/15/2001 07/10/2001 05/16/2001 06/13/2001 05/12/2001 07/11/2001 07/05/2001 06/22/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 31 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Last Copy No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 001.44 Gel 001.542 Hof 001.9 Moo 001.9 Str 001.93 San 001.94 Cay 001.94 UFO 001.942 Hou 001.942 Kla 001.942 Kla 001.942 Ran 004.03 Mic 004.1 Bli 004.165 Com 004.165 Goo 004.6 Dul 004.616 Rat 004.67 Ros 004.678 Mar 004.678 She 005.1202 She 005.1202 Ste 005.133 Bel 005.133 Dav 005.133 Fit 005.133 Rin 005.133 Sax 005.133 Sie 005.262 Chr 005.265 Keo 005.265 Usi 005.268 Hol 005.2762 Wal 005.369 Bal 005.369 Bal 005.369 Cou 005.369 Ive 005.369 Lan 005.369 Lan 005.369 Nel 005.369 Nel 005.369 Pat 005.369 Wan 005.42 Met Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 1992-1 1995 1977 Item No. 0010100416832 0010102615357 0010100709095 0000100497478 0010100991388 0000100810480 0010104880678 0010100584001 0010103595673 0010101604634 0000100018019 0010102605093 0010105419781 0010102606539 0010103143276 0010103483201 0010105419880 0010103075221 0010103605365 0010104219687 0010104766679 0010101604485 0000100568971 0010103605308 0010103641071 0010101710415 0010103606033 0010100792034 0010102813804 0010103422027 0000100825876 0010104425508 0010104216915 0010103606074 0010103468491 0010103468509 0010104211965 0010104411938 0010105390719 0010105419328 0010105419575 0010103605225 0010104563977 0010103653928 0010102851788 Title Castro's Cuba, Cuba' Plain talk about gra Speak the language o Can you speak Venusi Strange stories, ama Investigating the un Mysteries of Atlanti UFO's--a scientific The complete book of UFOs : UFOs explained / UFOs and how to see Microsoft Press comp Introducing computer The Complete idiot's PCs for dummies / MCSE fast track. Modems for dummies / The ABC's of Microso Teach yourself Inter Cybergrrl! : Author Lockwood, Lee. Geller, Robert Hoffman, Gloria Moore, Patrick. Flowcharting : Essence of programmi C++ for dummies / Universal assembly l Learn C++ today! / ANS COBOL programmin Teach yourself...C / The Microsoft guide The programmer's not Using Visual Basic 5 Microsoft Visual C++ Java for dummies / AutoCAD Release 13 f AutoCAD Release 13 f Microsoft Office 97 How to use Microsoft Excel 98 for Macinto Quicken 99 : Mastering Quicken 99 Microsoft money guid Teach yourself Micro Microsoft Office 97 Managing a programmi Stern, Nancy B. Bell, Doug, Davis, Stephen Fitz, Robert M. Rinehart, Marti Saxon, James A. Siegel, Charles Christian, Kaar Keogh, James Ed Sanderson, Ivan Cayce, Edgar Ev Hough, Peter A. Klass, Philip J Klass, Philip J Randles, Jenny. Blissmer, Rober Gookin, Dan. Dulaney, Emmett Rathbone, Tina. Ross, John. Maran, Ruth, Sherman, Aliza. Holzner, Steven Walsh, Aaron E. Balagtas, Denni Balagtas, Denni Courter, Gini. Ivens, Kathy. Langer, Maria. Langer, Maria. Nelson, Stephen Nelson, Stephen Patterson, Lois Wang, Wally. Metzger, Philip LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 00712290 18809892 08826079 00640911 02542190 00258415 00934695 09957637 02091667 27765913 36841497 30329287 32525503 29440255 37463374 38418008 01324352 13581942 33978240 02680848 29566293 09732216 37225391 37730358 40047564 40328205 36287222 06943560 Page 4 Last-Date 05/29/2001 10/27/1997 05/29/2001 05/09/2001 05/09/2001 05/09/2001 06/04/2001 12/18/1997 12/18/1997 12/18/1997 12/18/1997 12/18/1997 05/11/1999 06/17/1998 06/17/1998 03/11/1998 04/28/1999 05/19/1998 02/08/1999 05/01/1999 05/01/1999 03/11/1998 03/11/1998 11/29/1997 12/19/1997 02/07/1998 11/29/1997 06/13/1998 10/28/1997 12/19/1997 12/16/1998 03/03/1998 12/19/1997 04/14/1998 06/13/1998 12/14/1997 03/27/1999 01/09/1999 05/18/2001 04/10/1999 04/10/1999 04/10/1999 05/18/2001 05/18/2001 12/16/1998 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 005.43 Rat 005.43 Rob 005.446 LeV 005.446 Sim 005.4469 Goo 005.4469 Goo 005.4469 Oli 005.4469 Rat 1998 0010103075569 0010103187729 0010103104104 0010102562716 0010104843643 0010103615612 0010103075106 0010102634473 More Windows for dum Welcome to-- memory Macintosh System 7.5 DOS 6 running start DOS for dummies / DOS for dummies Wind The complete idiot's OS/2 for dummies / Rathbone, Andy. Robinson, Phill LeVitus, Bob. Simpson, Alan, Gookin, Dan. Gookin, Dan. Oliver, Kelly. Rathbone, Andy. eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 29694186 31413353 28283993 30037847 28176489 07/28/1998 09/17/1998 12/01/1997 12/01/1997 01/30/1999 07/28/1998 05/19/1998 12/01/1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 005.4476 Dul 005.6 Wit 005.7136 Cad 005.75 Sos 006.5 Hel 006.676 Abr 006.6869 Gre 027.0097 Sag 070.5 App 070.5 Bro 070.5 Ros 070.5023 Pot 070.5794 Poe 103 Bla 108 Edw 109 Dur 110 Hei 111.85 Bar 128 Zel 128.2 Adl 128.2 Hum 128.2 Sea 128.3 Don 133 McK 133.1 Spe 133.1 War 133.1 War 133.1129 Joh 133.1297 In 133.3 Cun 133.3242 Kas 133.33 Arc 133.3337 Kin 133.335 Bar 133.4 Mic 133.42 Ans 133.43 Dun 133.43 Moo 133.43 Rav 133.43 Rav 133.43 Tel 133.43 Tel 133.43 Wei 133.4309 Rus 133.44 Har Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010105419641 0010104202154 0010105256340 0010101880374 0010103638556 0010101880408 0010105391238 0010102589016 0010103870167 0010102302998 0000101505519 0010101890969 0010105483100 0010103100094 0010100889939 0000101389021 0010100837284 0010103472816 0010103195920 0010101791712 0010102476875 0010100679132 0010100837573 0010103266937 0010104230361 0010101732088 0010101732104 0010103457528 0010102483665 0010102637351 0010103917232 0010103653985 0010107454356 0010103467006 0010103398375 0010104060917 0010104198600 0010104209555 0010104880264 0010104005425 0010107442955 0010107442971 0010104075675 0010103272166 0010104886972 Title MCSE fast track. Visual special effec Accelerated NetWare Using FileMaker / Web developer's guid Power graphics progr Fundamental Photosho Small libraries : How to get happily p The self-publishing The complete guide t Who does what and wh Music publishing : The Oxford dictionar A modern introductio The story of philoso The end of philosoph The artful universe An intimate history Intellect : A history of the min Minds, brains, and s The nature of man in The invisible landsc Ghostwatching / Ghost hunters : Ghost hunters : The people in the at In a dark place : The art of divinatio Tarot in ten minutes I Ching for beginner Clear your clutter w Numerology / Satanism and witchcr The Amityville horro Everyday Wicca : Herbs for magic and To ride a silver bro To stir a magick cau Exploring candle mag Exploring candle mag Positive magic : A history of witchcr Hocus pocus : Author Dulaney, Emmett Wittenburg, Tim Cady, Dorothy L Sosinsky, Barri Helmstetter, An Abrash, Michael Greenberg, Adel Sager, Donald J Appelbaum, Judi Brownstone, Dav Ross, Marilyn H Potter, Clarkso Poe, Randy, Blackburn, Simo Edwards, Paul, Durant, Will, Heidegger, Mart Barrow, John D. Zeldin, Theodor Adler, Mortimer Humphrey, Nicho Searle, John R. Doniger, Simon. McKenna, Terenc Spencer, John, Warren, Ed. Warren, Ed. Johnson, Dorett Cunningham, Sco Kaser, R. T. Arcarti, Kristy Kingston, Karen Barrett, David Michelet, Jules Anson, Jay, Dunwich, Gerina Moorey, Teresa. RavenWolf, Silv RavenWolf, Silv Telesco, Patric Telesco, Patric Weinstein, Mari Russell, Jeffre Hardie, Titania LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 40473869 22217878 20685915 26855134 17877731 11211099 11971062 22118169 30036693 00533845 05429727 01275384 20011990 25915998 11496742 00235031 32544607 19887294 19887294 25964448 27266156 32741277 01680212 03072755 36688712 32027702 11793280 35847611 Page 5 Last-Date 05/11/1999 04/24/1998 02/28/1999 08/24/1998 03/22/1999 04/24/1998 03/22/1999 12/15/1998 01/12/1998 01/12/1998 01/12/1998 06/03/1998 05/30/2001 02/08/1999 02/08/1999 02/08/1999 02/08/1999 02/08/1999 02/08/1999 03/19/1999 03/22/1999 03/22/1999 10/14/1997 06/03/1999 01/12/1999 08/25/1998 09/15/1998 01/12/1999 08/25/1998 09/15/1998 03/09/1998 03/09/1998 05/03/2001 09/15/1998 06/11/1998 04/02/1998 05/26/2001 06/11/1998 03/04/1999 09/13/1998 05/14/2001 05/29/2001 03/09/1998 06/11/1998 09/09/1998 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 133.44 Mor 133.44 Mor 133.44 Tel 133.442 Dol 133.442 Dun 133.493 Dun 133.493 Dun 133.5 Goo 0010104880181 0010104880223 0010103989025 0010103190509 0010104177810 0010104859920 0010104859938 0010102282083 Everyday magic : The modern witch's s Spinning spells, wea Simple spells for lo Wicca love spells / Magick Potions Magick Potions Linda Goodman's Sun Morrison, Dorot Morrison, Sarah Telesco, Patric Dolnick, Barrie Dunwich, Gerina Dunwich, Gerina Dunwich, Gerina Goodman, Linda. eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 37739995 30973822 335 335 04968300 09/09/1998 01/27/1999 09/03/1998 09/13/1998 12/26/1998 10/09/1998 09/13/1998 12/23/1998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 133.5 Mai 133.5 May 133.8 Hof 133.8 Sec 133.901 Ead 133.9013 Zal 133.93 Ing 135.3 Par 135.3 Par 150.973 Ful 152.4 Laz 155.31 Mor 158 Pra 232.904 Phi 242.5 Luc 282.092 Cor 291.62 Som 292.13 Pin 294.3 Bud 294.3 Pic 294.309 Rea 294.342 Gov 294.35 Nha 294.392 Suz 294.3923 Bst 294.3923 Dge 294.5 Vis 294.503 Klo 294.54 Dan 296.385 Sch 296.45 Wag 296.74 Was 299.16 Car 299.93 Red 299.93 Red 299.93 Red 299.93 Spa 299.93 Sto 299.93 Tom 299.93 Wat 299.93 Wil 299.936 Ata 299.936 Hub 299.936 Wha 300.76 Ale Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010103970439 0010103448634 0010103650023 0010107439787 0010104238844 0010101048568 0010104253454 0010103467444 0010103467451 0010100555258 0010103095872 0010103440466 0010107001033 0010103051917 0010103448824 0010106421661 0010103047626 0010102295390 0010103927389 0000101374767 0010103051768 0010101989704 0010104561286 0010104186225 0010103225560 0010103054275 0010102533352 0010107126012 0010103052766 0010102408548 0010104232557 0010103454319 0010102629887 0010104023881 0010103963269 0010103963301 0010102314365 0010102617361 0010104407506 0010102350799 0010104886220 0010102258943 0000101513760 0010103966882 0010103139209 Title Astrology : Astrology : Develop your psychic Dreams, your magic m Embraced by the ligh Otherworld journeys The messengers : Understand your drea Understand your drea Americans and the un Passion and reason : The erotic mind : The little book of l The wisdom & wit of A gentle thunder : Hitler's pope : Of water and the spi Greek mythology / Buddhism in practice Buddhism, Japan's cu Buddhism : Buddhist reflections Teachings on love / Mahayana Buddhism; The world of Tibetan Mystical verses of a Am I a Hindu? / A concise encycloped Virtue, success, ple The seven deadly sin The synagogue surviv Down-to-earth Judais The Druid way / The Celestine prophe The tenth insight : The tenth insight : Reimagination of the In search of heaven Paradise fever : God, Harlem U.S.A. : Heaven's harlots : A piece of blue sky Scientology : the fu What is Scientology? GED, test 2 : Author Mailly Nesle, S Mayo, Jeff. Hoffman, Enid. Sechrist, Elsie Eadie, Betty J. Zaleski, Carol. Ingram, Julia. Parker, Alice A Parker, Alice A Fuller, Robert Lazarus, Richar Morin, Jack. Prather, Hugh. Phipps, William Lucado, Max. Cornwell, John, Somé, Malidoma Pinsent, John, Picken, Stuart Reat, N. Ross, Govinda, Anagar Nhât Hanh, Suzuki, Beatric Bstan-'dzin-rgy Dge-'dun-rgya-m Viswanathan, Ed Klostermaier, K Daniélou, Alai Schimmel, Solom Wagner, Jordan Waskow, Arthur Carr-Gomm, Phil Redfield, James Redfield, James Redfield, James Spangler, David Storm, Rachel. Tompkins, Ptole Watts, Jill. Williams, Miria Atack, Jon. Hubbard, L. Ron Alexander, Davi LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 12260322 07636140 01395846 27104277 13904122 13063776 27975371 29386433 10162383 08589838 28062944 22209608 03236583 29751591 25548592 40624802 26254961 25245765 28374757 29768419 34348857 34348857 23356163 27174096 23939915 20934706 00220887 Page 6 Last-Date 12/01/1998 09/15/1998 09/09/1998 05/14/2001 11/12/1998 06/14/1998 09/09/1998 01/26/1998 10/23/1998 02/08/1998 10/08/1998 06/01/2001 06/04/2001 05/29/2001 04/04/2000 06/04/2001 03/16/1999 04/24/1999 05/02/1998 05/02/1998 08/01/1998 01/20/1998 12/21/1998 08/01/1998 12/21/1998 01/20/1998 08/01/1998 06/05/2001 06/05/2001 05/30/2001 07/20/1998 12/21/1998 04/20/1999 08/24/1998 08/24/1998 01/28/1999 05/16/1999 05/16/1999 05/16/1999 05/16/1999 05/16/1999 09/15/1998 09/15/1998 09/15/1998 12/12/1997 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 300.902 Jar 301.1931 Joh 301.294 Got 301.362 Gan 301.412 Eas 301.412 Edi 301.412 Hol 301.412 Koe 0010100840056 0010100651099 0010100652675 0000100431501 0010100662377 0010100348142 0010100662047 0010100662856 Social theories of t The New Zealanders : Toward the French Re The Levittowners : Crystal Eastman on w Editorial research r Rebirth of feminism Radical feminism. Jarrett, Bede, Johnston, R. J. Gottschalk, Lou Gans, Herbert J Eastman, Crysta Hole, Judith. Koedt, Anne. eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 00264830 02385746 00588878 04368132 03932884 03017076 00239935 00605164 04/02/1998 02/06/1999 02/21/1998 12/02/1998 05/19/2001 05/19/2001 05/19/2001 05/19/2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 303.6 Lev 305.235 Kal 305.4 Cha 305.4094 His 305.4209 Cri 305.8916 McC 305.896 Du B 305.9607 Fea 306.81 Big 325.73 Wit 331.702 Car 331.702 Ins 332.024 Bar 332.15 Smi 332.6324 Nic 332.6324 Piz 332.6324 Por 332.7209 Sir 332.742 Koe 332.743 McN 333.33 Har 333.38 Bor 333.5068 Rob 344.0796 All 344.0796 Mur 346.0434 Por 346.0652 Min 350.3 Erd 361.77 Moo 362.768 Par 362.883 Lin 364.132 Man 364.1523 St. J 364.1524 Gro 364.177 Bug 370.973 Dew 370.973 Ric 371.02 Gre 371.0209 Koe 371.3028 Fra 371.3028 McC 371.3028 Mey 371.3028 Woo 372.19 Wha 372.4145 Pro Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume vol. 5 1993 v 1998 Item No. 0010103139845 0010106568339 0010100312544 0010103137997 0010105528037 0010106382715 0010103985569 0010102909206 0010103659560 0010100009207 0010102509972 0010103051628 0010103225818 0010101685245 0010100558518 0010102533345 0010106307332 0010105265606 0010105381197 0010103211446 0010105308893 0010101557113 0010107112897 0010103449046 0010103449186 0010105352461 0010105266463 0010107061649 0010106406977 0010103584024 0010107033622 0010100379345 0010106280232 0010102637146 0010102240347 0000100270727 0010100349736 0000100271907 0010104222988 0010104766299 0010101925302 0010104831838 0010104772602 0010102597530 0010102884599 Title Teaching young child Seen and heard : The American woman; A history of women i What our mothers did 'Tis : The souls of Black f Living with racism : Bride's guide to emo We who built America Career information c The insider's guide The 5 rituals of wea The global bankers / Nickerson's no-risk Profiting from the b Get rich with Y2K : Essentials of real e The insider's guide Everything you need Barron's real estate Sell your own home! Landlording : School prayer : Let us pray : Renters' rights / Business and the leg Civil service arithm Dunant's dream : Turning stones : The date rape preven U.S. v. Richard M. N Disco bloodbath / The killing of a pre Drugs in America : Schools of tomorrow, Education and freedo Doing your own schoo The parents' guide t The everything study Mastering the inform The secrets of takin How to study / What your sixth grad Professor Phonics gi Author Levin, Diane E. Kalergis, Mary Chafe, William Crittenden, Dan McCourt, Frank. Du Bois, W. E. Feagin, Joe R. Bigel-Casher, R Wittke, Carl Fr Barnhart, Tod, Smith, Roy C., Nickerson, Will Pizzo, Stephen. Porter, Steven Sirota, David. Koehler, Dan M. McNaughton, Deb Harris, Jack C. Boroson, Warren Robinson, Leigh Alley, Robert S Murray, William Portman, Janet. Minter, Scott. Erdsneker, Barb Moorehead, Caro Parent, Marc. Lindquist, Scot Mankiewicz, Fra St. James, Jame Groden, Robert Bugliosi, Vince Dewey, John, Rickover, Hyman Great Atlantic Koetzsch, Ronal Frank, Steven, McCarthy, Micha Meyers, Judith Wood, Gail. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 31157978 00495364 28965796 01003192 29028842 19263592 13793463 26314248 15519755 38371695 41143864 01138027 28147926 22762522 00649755 00175477 00636315 21762926 27106382 29481373 Page 7 Last-Date 05/06/2001 05/13/2001 05/19/2001 05/19/2001 06/03/2001 06/02/2001 03/17/1999 12/04/1997 05/29/2001 05/20/2001 05/10/1999 09/08/1998 05/29/2001 04/19/1998 08/19/1998 04/19/1998 05/17/2001 03/08/1999 03/08/1999 06/11/1998 03/22/1999 01/21/1999 05/21/2001 05/24/2001 05/24/2001 05/08/2001 05/29/2001 06/01/2001 05/14/2001 05/09/2001 05/13/2001 05/30/2001 06/05/2001 03/05/2001 05/09/2001 04/25/1999 12/05/1997 11/22/1998 11/22/1998 05/03/1999 12/09/1997 12/29/1998 05/03/1999 06/11/1998 05/09/1998 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 372.4145 Pro 372.445 Fie 372.952 Ben 372.973 Ste 373.1262 Arc 373.1262 Arc 373.1262 Arc 373.1262 Arc 1996 1996 0010102884607 0010104605398 0010104193205 0010102396420 0010103504717 0010103504725 0010104013544 0010104013577 Professor Phonics gi Phonics for the new Japanese lessons : The learning gap : Arco preparation for Arco preparation for Arco preparation for Arco preparation for Fields, Harriet Benjamin, Gail. Stevenson, Haro eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 29481373 35593458 25008460 05/13/1999 04/12/1999 04/24/1998 04/24/1998 02/12/1998 04/23/1998 06/11/1998 02/19/1998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 373.1262 Cra 373.1262 Cra 373.1262 GED 373.1262 Law 373.1262 Law 373.1262 Roc 373.1262 Roc 373.1262 Roc 373.1262 Roc 373.1262 Roc 373.1262 Roc 373.1264 Arc 373.1264 GED 373.73 Con 378.1056 Mol 378.1057 Bau 378.161 Fis 378.1662 Bro 378.1662 Pet 378.1662 Up 378.1664 Mid 378.198 Far 378.3 Don 378.3097 Pay 378.73 Fis 378.73 Pet 379.157 Fox 384.5506 McG 387.155 Lig 388.324 Boy 395.22 Cla 395.22 Woo 395.52 Cra 398.2 Pij 398.2091 Bru 398.2094 Mic 398.22 Hel 398.3 Kor 419.03 Cos 419.03 NTC 428.24 Cas 439.8232 Eng 443.21 Gut 448.242 Jac 448.2421 Hem Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 1999 1999 1999 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1991 1994 2001 1999-2 1990 1997-1 1998 1999 1995 1997 Item No. 0010105320575 0010105320609 0010105303811 0010107159740 0010107159765 0010104441877 0010104513212 0010104516116 0010104516124 0010104516132 0010104516140 0010104425367 0010102557609 0000100283183 0010100636256 0010101539046 0010104258966 0010103097985 0010106658924 0010104856058 0010101897378 0010101805686 0010104030829 0010104425383 0010104878284 0010103048814 0000101510188 0010103971890 0010105261910 0010100294049 0010103250733 0010100194157 0010103653670 0010102427019 0010102532255 0010103649769 0010101035748 0010100388619 0010104443089 0010104515860 0010100316297 0010101613155 0010106279598 0010101526332 0010107021148 Title Cracking the GED / Cracking the GED / GED success. Preparation for the Preparation for the How to prepare for t How to prepare for t How to prepare for t How to prepare for t How to prepare for t How to prepare for t Arco preparation for GED : The American high sc Playing the private On writing the colle The Fiske guide to g Barron's pass key to Peterson's CLEP succ Up your score : How to prepare for C College 101 : Don't miss out. Paying for college w The Fiske guide to c Peterson's guide to NTE, national teache MTV : Lighthouses of the w How to succeed in bi How to have the wedd Your wedding: Don't slurp your sou White wolf woman : The baby train and o Living with ghosts : Knights / Coal dust on the fid Random House Webster NTC's multilingual d Everyday English & b Engelsk-norsk, norsk Random House FrenchFrench made simple, Living language. Author Lawrence, Nancy Lawrence, Nancy Rockowitz, Murr Rockowitz, Murr Rockowitz, Murr Rockowitz, Murr Rockowitz, Murr Rockowitz, Murr Conant, James B Moll, Richard. Bauld, Harry. Fiske, Edward B Brownstein, Sam Midgley, David Farrar, Ronald Fox, David J. McGrath, Tom. Phares du monde Boyle, David H. Claro, Danielle Woods, Marjorie Craig, Elizabet Pijoan, Teresa, Brunvand, Jan H Michel, Heller, Julek. Korson, George Costello, Elain Cass, Angelica Gutman, Hélèn Jackson, Eugene Heminway, Annie LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng nor eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 24670442 00182808 04491637 16930401 30109622 37832414 44990216 21873366 18415496 38022001 18604341 16316336 09970760 34542874 40604883 03150791 01283767 25508854 25508604 08431313 00270000 31775701 03467713 08209849 38553274 00871931 28339765 Page 8 Last-Date 05/31/2001 06/04/2001 05/30/2001 05/29/2001 05/15/2001 05/06/1998 04/26/1998 06/18/1998 06/11/1998 04/10/1998 08/03/1998 10/17/1998 02/12/1998 04/26/1998 11/26/1997 11/26/1997 02/05/1999 02/05/1999 06/04/2001 02/05/1999 05/16/1998 05/06/2001 11/28/1997 05/11/1998 02/05/1999 02/05/1999 01/02/1998 03/10/1999 06/04/2001 01/16/1999 04/02/1998 07/31/1998 01/27/1998 05/24/1999 02/11/1999 05/23/2001 11/29/1997 08/11/1998 05/01/1999 05/01/1999 03/26/1998 03/23/1998 06/04/2001 05/09/1998 06/04/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 453.4 Mel 468.2421 Dia 468.3421 Ham 468.4321 Wei 491.732 Rom 491.7824 Hug 500.2 Wor 507.6 Mit 1994 0010100877041 0010105274285 0010104445738 0010103651195 0000101322931 0010104722250 0010102284410 0010103143763 The Bantam new colle Let's review : Learn Spanish the Fa Living Language conv Romanov's pocket Rus Russian in three mon The World treasury o Contemporary's GED t Melzi, Robert C Diaz, Jose M. Hammitt, Gene Weiman, Ralph W Mitchell, Rober eng eng spa eng eng eng eng eng 02542726 40279304 165 01816530 07768131 22275454 29670441 11/18/1997 04/28/1999 12/21/1998 11/07/1997 06/17/1998 05/29/2001 06/13/1998 12/12/1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 510.76 Hol 510.76 SAT 512.9 Abb 512.9007 McC 513.2 Sla 515 Dow 582.13 Pet 598 Aud 610.7307 Hoe 610.7307 Mey 613.954 Ber 613.96 Pen 615.035 She 615.1076 Chi 615.7827 Zim 615.8588 Sel 616 Eve 616.12 McG 616.74 McI 616.84 Wie 617.9071 Eyr 618.24 Eis 618.24 Pre 618.3 Joh 618.9285 Fre 621.3916 Mey 621.3916 Min 621.3916 Pil 623.51 Rin 636.7 Wol 641.26 Mur 641.5 Fre 641.5 Fri 641.53 Sko 641.5622 Lan 641.563 Moq 641.5884 Whi 641.5945 Cal 643.53 Con 646.21 Cur 646.504 Lyn 646.7 Coo 646.7008 Van 649.58 Kay 650.1 Hil Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 1998 Item No. 0010106329070 0010105274954 0010103217716 0010105261753 0010104772057 0010103132816 0010105344567 0010101092343 0010107037656 0010106666307 0010107156563 0010102553442 0010104927701 0010106670382 0010104887392 0010105257348 0010104204325 0010104564496 0010103650718 0010103490172 0010105504491 0010107168980 0010106413734 0010101947116 0010101947306 0010107448333 0010106608291 0010107004169 0010104928220 0010100951754 0010104246730 0010106435240 0010105342405 0010101709136 0010102884953 0010102909388 0010103131149 0010107164229 0010101791209 0010103085279 0010104174601 0000101303170 0010103262159 0000100480763 0010103088208 Title Mathematics workbook SAT II, math level I Algebra / Algebra / Math essentials / Calculus the easy wa A field guide to wil The Audubon Society The comprehensive NC Cracking the NCLEX-R For women only : How to make love to The history of natur Barron's how to prep Marijuana myths, mar Down syndrome : Everything you need Heart fitness for li The fibromyalgia han It's not a tumor! : How to talk to your What to expect when Pregnancy fitness / Pregnancy bedrest : Seizures and epileps All-in-one A+ certif The complete PC upgr Build your own Penti Understanding ballis City dog; The complete book of Cooking time is fami Friendship gifts of Lunch box treats / Jenifer Lang cooks f 200 kid-tested ways Slow cooking : Food and memories of Terence Conran's doCurtains, draperies "I do" veils, so can Always bear left, an Value in the valley Games for reading : Napoleon Hill's keys Author Holm, Johanna. Abbott, P. McCune, Sandra Slavin, Stephen Downing, Dougla Peterson, Roger Hoefler, Patric Meyer, Jennifer Berman, Jennife Penney, Alexand Shelton, Herber Chisholm, Marie Zimmer, Lynn Et Selikowitz, Mar McGowan, Mary P McIlwain, Harri Wiedemeyer, Rob Eyre, Linda. Eisenberg, Arle Johnston, Susan Freeman, John M Meyers, Michael Minasi, Mark. Pilgrim, Aubrey Rinker, Robert Wolters, Richar Murray, Michael Fredericks, Lyn Skodack, Nancy, Lang, Jenifer H Moquette-Magee, White, Joanna. Callen, Anna Te Conran, Terence Lynch, Claudia. Cooper, Ken. Vanzant, Iyanla Kaye, Peggy, Hill, Napoleon, LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 33460708 26489855 00171378 10174076 41165288 41881727 27684194 41345095 23139996 21441639 21483241 46426374 42867548 01046992 25711864 25174422 20013571 22955302 28721581 19672494 29522203 35794875 07877107 10323773 30156370 Page 9 Last-Date 05/30/2001 06/04/2001 05/20/2001 06/04/2001 05/29/2001 06/04/2001 05/20/2001 05/30/2001 05/29/2001 06/02/2001 06/02/2001 06/02/2001 04/27/2001 05/29/2001 05/27/2001 06/02/2001 05/24/2001 05/24/2001 05/16/2001 06/05/2001 05/17/2001 05/29/2001 05/16/2001 05/20/2001 06/05/2001 06/11/2001 06/01/2001 06/01/2001 05/22/2001 05/09/2001 05/27/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 05/08/2001 05/08/2001 05/04/2001 05/04/2001 05/23/2001 05/06/2001 05/29/2001 05/16/2001 06/03/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 650.14 Far 650.14 Fau 650.14 Mar 650.14 Mar 650.14 Ric 652.5536 Bob 652.5536 Goo 652.5536 Low 1995 0010104444657 0010105273329 0010102119608 0010103986195 0010107048943 0010104196612 0010106293961 0010103075460 The quick resume & c The complete resume The resume guide for Cover letters made e Great resume : The complete idiot's Word 2000 for Window More word for Window Farr, J. Michae Faux, Marian. Marino, Kim, Marler, Patty. Rich, Jason. Bobola, Daniel Gookin, Dan. Lowe, Doug. eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 30358916 22533102 36299476 41414962 30869522 05/22/2001 05/22/2001 05/30/2001 05/30/2001 05/30/2001 05/17/2001 05/17/2001 05/08/2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 657.0237 Gol 658.022 Rye 658.022 Sta 658.041 Pow 658.1141 Dre 658.1141 Rye 658.1592 Fal 658.1592 Lac 658.4012 Ban 658.4012 Ber 658.4012 Bus 658.421 Bra 658.8 McC 658.827 Bar 658.848 Dun 658.848 Zod 658.87 Bur 736.5 Rit 743.4 Civ 745.4494 Lus 778.5902 Ado 778.593 Bol 780.6 Son 780.688 Sum 780.8373 Pas 783 Leb 786.76 Gra 787.8719 Cha 789.1 See 791.4302 Lee 794.12 Las 794.124 War 794.159 Spa 796.323 Ame 796.352 Bla 796.8153 Lee 808.02 Kel 808.02 Tur 808.042 Hod 808.042 Wic 808.042 Wic 808.0666 Bev 808.0666 Mar 808.0666 Nau 808.0666 Rom Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 1994 2000 1996 1994 1994 Item No. 0010105329220 0010105322969 0010106279788 0010105319916 0010105322399 0010105305857 0010105533862 0010105416266 0010105438617 0010104013841 0010105512130 0010105317167 0010100636306 0010103400403 0010103239231 0010105483316 0010105347008 0010100126886 0010104770796 0010106679300 0010106670432 0010106622623 0010106296485 0010106615312 0010107453283 0010106407306 0010103606306 0010107051228 0010100299774 0010102451316 0010100547131 0010104894042 0010100437937 0010103991922 0010106406589 0010104564223 0010104257323 0010103584859 0010102910618 0010103137815 0010103137823 0010101591815 0000100990191 0000101321693 0000101244721 Title Great jobs for accou Adams how to start a Start your own impor How to start a retir Which business? : Starting up : Finding money for yo Financing your busin The business plannin The international in Business plans that Entrepreneuring : Marketing tactics ma Names that sell : Doing business in As Export import / How to start and run Soft stone carving Drawing human anatom 159 Celtic designs / Adobe After Effects Premiere 5.1 for Mac Songwriter's market. Making and marketing All you need to know The professional voc The sound & music wo The complete guitari The steel drums of K Tarnished angel : Common sense in ches Endgame play / Spassky's 100 best g Coaching youth baske Exercises for elite Jeet kune do : Writing from persona A manual for writers Harbrace college han Contemporary's GED t Contemporary's GED t Positioning to win : Make your point : Letter perfect : Writing that works : Author Goldberg, Jan. Rye, David E. Powers, Jacquel Drescher, Nancy Rye, David E. Fallek, Max. Lacy, Harold R. Bangs, David H. Berle, Gustav, Brandt, Steven McCready, Geral Barrett, Fred. Dunung, Sanjyot Zodl, Joseph A. Burstiner, Irvi Ritchie, Carson Civardi, Giovan Lusebrink, Amy Bolante, Antony Summers, Jodi. Passman, Donald Lebon, Rachel L Grace, Richard, Chapman, Richar Seeger, Pete, Lee, Jennifer, Lasker, Emanuel Ward, Chris. Spassky, Boris Blackburn, Kell Lee, Bruce, Kelton, Nancy. Turabian, Kate Hodges, John Cu Wickham, Susan Wickham, Susan Beveridge, Jame Markel, Michael Nauheim, Ferd. Roman, Kenneth. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 39351849 BRD30015 36930705 28708913 07773807 00983737 42388973 42004747 03979280 35738321 03085674 24173874 01109444 37462813 37897946 08100323 28847157 28847157 08444359 08827335 07813137 07275111 Page 10 Last-Date 06/04/2001 05/12/2001 05/23/2001 05/21/2001 05/06/2001 05/21/2001 06/05/2001 05/21/2001 05/23/2001 05/14/2001 05/23/2001 05/21/2001 05/12/2001 05/03/2001 05/23/2001 05/23/2001 05/23/2001 06/02/2001 05/31/2001 06/05/2001 02/04/2001 02/04/2001 05/08/2001 05/08/2001 05/30/2001 05/30/2001 05/08/2001 05/19/2001 05/14/2001 05/19/2001 05/17/2001 05/17/2001 05/31/2001 05/23/2001 06/02/2001 05/15/2001 05/19/2001 12/09/1997 12/09/1997 01/31/1998 12/12/1997 01/23/1999 05/11/1998 05/11/1998 05/11/1998 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy No No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 808.0666 San 808.0666 Sla 808.0669 Kan 808.1 Dru 808.1 Foo 808.23 Tob 808.3 Whi 808.6 Mey 1992 0010102511077 0010102344362 0000101264240 0010104198642 0010106319550 0010105483381 0010101871597 0010103948476 Persuasive business How to write a manua Sant, Tom. Slatkin, Elizab eng eng 26013924 23584693 Creating poetry / Fooling with words : The insider's guide Guide to fiction wri Lifetime encyclopedi Drury, John. eng eng eng eng eng 18382707 24069709 Tobias, Ron. Whitney, Phylli Meyer, Harold E 01/23/1999 01/22/1999 12/04/1997 05/31/2001 05/31/2001 07/10/1999 03/15/1999 06/08/1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 808.8035 Boo 808.8093 Cha 808.8193 Ain 808.8193 Hol 809 McC 810.82 Hut 810.9 Par 810.9005 Cas 810.9005 Cha 810.9005 Fos 811.008 Unl 811.3 Whi 811.3 Whi 811.3 Whi 811.4 Dic 811.4 Dic 811.52 Hem 811.54 Cre 812.54 Alb 812.54 Alt 812.54 Han 812.54 McG 812.54 Mil 812.54 Mil 812.54 Rab 812.54 Sim 812.54 Vol 812.54 Wil 813.54 Tyl 813.54 Von 813.5409 Con 817.54 Bar 817.54 Bar 817.5402 All 818.3 Poe 818.3 Poe 820.8 Nor 820.822 McC 821.04 Jum 821.1 Cha 821.1 Cha 821.1 Cha 821.1 Cha 821.4 Mil 821.7 Byr Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 2 1968 v 1 Item No. 0010103234745 0000101322527 0010103266895 0010103403845 0000100321710 0000101161784 0010100988798 0010101808300 0010100569986 0010102417671 0010103404264 0010101999497 0000101033728 0000101189025 0010101718392 0010103323589 0010100630861 0010103052816 0010104173728 0010102895314 0010101861259 0000100613777 0010101536992 0010102827333 0000100990449 0010101511532 0010104025472 0010103218755 0010102591947 0010103019617 0010100034031 0010103248703 0010103085808 0010103639034 0010101965928 0010101966165 0010103593082 0010100853042 0010100699320 0010102912028 0010103459284 0010101555943 0010102827903 0010102165700 0010100302248 Title The Book of vices : Sexual fiction / Ain't I a woman! : Holocaust poetry / The writing on the w The American twentie Main currents in Ame Off the road : Beats & company : Understanding the Be Unleashed : Critical essays on W Language and style i Critics on Whitman, Final harvest: Emily Dickinson / 88 poems / Echoes / Who's afraid of Virg 2 minutes and under A raisin in the sun Dramatic programs fo Arthur Miller / Arthur Miller / Streamers / The odd couple. 20/20 : A streetcar named De Anne Tyler / Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. / Contemporary America Dave Barry's Complet Dave Barry's gift gu I'm not really here Selected writings of Selected writings of The Norton anthology The Age of Elizabeth The ode / The Canterbury tales The Canterbury tales Chaucer : Geoffrey Chaucer / Paradise lost and ot Letters and journals Author Charney, Mauric McCarthy, Mary, Hutchens, John Parrington, Ver Cassady, Caroly Charters, Ann. Foster, Edward Hollis, C. Carr Rupp, Richard H Dickinson, Emil Ferlazzo, Paul Hemingway, Erne Creeley, Robert Albee, Edward, Alterman, Glenn Hansberry, Lorr McGee, Cecil. Moss, Leonard, Moss, Leonard, Rabe, David. Simon, Neil. Williams, Tenne Evans, Elizabet Schatt, Stanley Barry, Dave. Barry, Dave. Allen, Tim, Poe, Edgar Alla Poe, Edgar Alla McCollum, John Jump, John Davi Chaucer, Geoffr Chaucer, Geoffr Howard, Donald Payne, Robert O Milton, John, Byron, George G LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 08038488 00051116 00231636 02903894 21118954 13270931 24502183 08689019 08931125 00354800 00710824 02706661 05171998 29518176 29818768 28890124 15366585 00097860 05751122 05751122 09637559 00646631 06701533 27187066 02423693 12079137 00274894 00274894 00427027 00997207 17108606 15054929 12262083 00873831 Page 11 Last-Date 08/17/1998 10/14/1997 05/31/2001 06/13/1999 11/03/1998 02/24/1999 06/02/2001 10/13/1998 10/13/1998 10/13/1998 04/22/1998 06/08/1998 06/08/1998 06/08/1998 03/26/1998 12/08/1997 03/04/1998 06/03/2001 10/06/1998 02/25/1998 12/22/1997 12/03/1997 11/30/1998 05/01/1999 09/03/1998 03/17/1998 10/28/1997 10/28/1998 02/16/1999 05/08/1998 02/16/1999 06/09/1998 06/09/1998 01/15/1998 11/29/1997 05/04/1998 06/10/1999 04/11/1999 04/08/1999 03/30/1999 03/30/1999 01/10/1998 01/10/1998 02/27/1999 04/21/1998 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 821.7 Byr 821.7 Col 821.7 Kea 821.7 Kea 821.8 Yea 821.808 Tur 821.9109 Per 821.9109 Thw 0010100618999 0000100556547 0010100274033 0010103594320 0000101028918 0010100731198 0010101582996 0000100009463 Poems of George Gord Poems of Samuel Tayl John Keats and Percy Selected poems and l The tower. Parlour poetry; A history of modern Twentieth-century En Byron, George G Coleridge, Samu Keats, John, Keats, John, Yeats, W. B. Turner, Michael Perkins, David, Thwaite, Anthon eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 00027165 01294158 00639458 00276449 00364372 00046498 13796577 03802475 04/21/1998 03/03/1998 04/08/1999 03/03/1998 10/14/1997 10/14/1997 04/04/1998 04/04/1998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 821.9109 Unt 821.912 Eli 821.914 Wal 821.914 Wal 821.914 Wal 822.3 Eli 822.33 Cha 822.33 Eps 822.33 Jon 822.33 Tay 822.331 Sha 822.332 Mac 822.332 Sha 822.332 Wat 822.333 Sha 822.333 Sha 822.914 Bol 822.914 Pin 823.0099 Fig 823.09 Woo 823.8 Dic 823.8 Dic 823.8 Dic 868.44 Paz 871 Ovi 880.9 Fra 909.82 Wal 940.5478 Ryc 942.05 Byr 942.055 Sha 942.055 Sin 972.91 Cas 973.7092 And 973.7092 Cob 973.7092 Lor 973.713 Bue 973.775 Oat 973.924 Abu 973.924 Ehr 973.924 Eme AUDIO 636.707 Mo AUDIO 828.912 Th AUDIO 917.9804 K AUDIO F Arc AUDIO F Fre Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 1 Item No. 0000101470284 0010100984060 0010100014777 0000101029650 0000100408871 0010101528007 0010100275824 0010102516241 0010102299939 0010101660701 0010103818174 0010101528312 0010103068820 0010101687852 0000101289833 0010102911533 0010100276400 0000101327864 0010101296605 0010100280113 0000100867803 0010102828307 0010102322301 0000100410307 0000100410471 0000101044105 0010103039060 0010107473976 0010100413185 0010106654642 0010106646176 0000100235977 0010101570926 0010102557880 0010100818482 0010104780787 0010102895504 0010104435051 0000101299030 0010103041280 0010105375629 0010102664678 0010103859889 0010104726509 0010103284120 Title Modern British poetr Old Possum's book of Collected poems, 194 Midsummer / Selected poems. Elizabethan drama : William Shakespeare; The friendly Shakesp These valiant dead : Reinventing Shakespe Poems of William Sha Macbeth / Hamlet / Hamlet / The love poems and s The love poems and s A man for all season The birthday party, Sex & subterfuge : Virginia Woolf and h Dickens of London / Charles Dickens / David Copperfield : The perpetual presen The metamorphoses; Early Greek poetry a The Cold War : Hitler, the war, and Elizabethan life in Shakespeare's Englan Daily life in Elizab History will absolve The generals--Ulysse Terrible innocence : Lincoln; a picture s The warrior generals A woman of valor : Abuse of power : Witness to power : Watergate : The art of raising a Dylan Thomas reads Into the wild Honor among thieves Against the wind Author Untermeyer, Lou Eliot, T. S. Walcott, Derek. Walcott, Derek. Walcott, Derek. Chambers, E. K. Epstein, Norrie Jones, Robert C Taylor, Gary, Shakespeare, Wi Shakespeare, Wi Shakespeare, Wi Watts, Cedric T Shakespeare, Wi Shakespeare, Wi Bolt, Robert. Pinter, Harold, Figes, Eva. Guiguet, Jean. Mankowitz, Wolf Nelson, Harland Storey, Graham, Ivask, Ivar, Ovid, Fränkel, Herma Walker, Martin, Rychlak, Ronald Byrne, M. St. C Singman, Jeffre Castro, Fidel, Anderson, Nancy Coburn, Mark. Lorant, Stefan, Buell, Thomas B Oates, Stephen Ehrlichman, Joh Emery, Fred. Monks of New Sk Thomas, Dylan, Krakauer, Jon. Archer, Jeffrey Freedman, J. F. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 00413500 07977212 12669385 09621850 00248263 16691724 00353406 25509661 22346168 19514309 01384533 03472072 30908518 18051904 07207519 07207519 00363229 00368532 17546419 14389617 03228205 07272485 22709958 00695076 05223170 29791711 46681517 00398523 41958999 00996248 16645191 27643143 00022576 29259364 37755068 07944879 29600634 40351291 25489985 34130080 28454501 26191007 Page 12 Last-Date 04/04/1998 12/19/1998 03/24/1998 03/24/1998 03/24/1998 04/11/1999 03/16/1998 03/16/1998 03/03/1999 03/03/1999 02/08/1998 04/25/1999 04/18/1999 03/19/1998 02/08/1998 02/08/1998 05/11/1999 05/25/1999 10/21/1997 05/12/1998 11/16/1998 11/16/1998 11/16/1998 11/22/1997 11/16/1998 03/20/1999 05/22/2001 06/04/2001 05/07/2001 05/07/2001 05/07/2001 05/29/2001 05/21/2001 05/21/2001 05/24/2001 05/21/2001 05/14/2001 05/30/2001 05/30/2001 05/30/2001 06/05/2001 07/22/1998 07/22/1998 03/09/2001 03/19/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 12 12 12 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AUDIO F Gro AUDIO F Rob AUDIO m Ren B Ada B Ada B Ada B Bar B Cas 0010104727259 0010104395297 0010102657326 0010100858769 0010100859379 0000100350206 0010101601044 0010100106037 Forrest Gump Inner harbor Inspector Wexford on John Quincy Adams an John Quincy Adams an John Quincy Adams; Clara Barton : Fidel : Groom, Winston, Roberts, Nora. Rendell, Ruth, Bemis, Samuel F Bemis, Samuel F Hecht, Marie B. Pryor, Elizabet Bourne, Peter G eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 30764563 40455174 24149200 00424692 13239165 00488426 15792319 13525711 05/12/2001 06/04/2001 03/09/2001 06/03/2001 06/03/2001 06/03/2001 05/14/2001 05/29/2001 12 12 12 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number B Cas B Cas B Gal B Gal B Jef B Lee B Poi B She B Wal Bp O'Co CD 781.542 Bes CD 781.542 Con CD 782.421644 Ha CD 782.42166 Bil CD 782.42166 Han CD 782.42166 Lan CD 782.42166 Que CD 789.1 Hus E791.4572 Fir F Atw F Bai F Bel F Ber F Bro F Cél F Chb F Dav F Dic F Eng F Fis F Gol F Gre F Har F Hug F Jen F Ker F Kin F Koo F Kre F LaH F Mar F Mel F Mil F Oat F Orw Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010101938966 0010100558336 0010100859825 0010102909495 0010104515902 0010100783652 0010106626392 0010102614194 0010102415618 0010106699654 0010104497747 0010104497978 0010104870109 0010104538953 0010106231326 0010104870687 0010107077876 0010107196130 0010104720619 0010100138071 0010106676298 0010100118123 0010104568125 0010105323926 0000100607472 0010106355844 0010103213038 0010105522550 0010106315491 0010103497433 0010105426547 0000100461615 0010104278030 0000100585744 0010105416878 0010103500608 0010107192923 0010104437958 0010103495668 0010105334626 0010103655170 0010101405420 0010106820441 0010102563623 0010101608007 Title Guerrilla prince : Fidel : The crime of Galileo Galileo : American sphinx : Lee and Grant, a dua The measure of a man Sherman : Sam Walton, made in I think I'm outta he The best of James Bo Rocky If you don't know me Billboard top rock ' Head hunters Ingenue Live killers Essence of rhythm The Firehouse The edible woman, The Maintenance man Henderson, the rain Extreme justice / Send no flowers / Death on the install The perks of being a The end of the story Cheaters / For the relief of un The bedquilt and oth The princess bride : The comedians. The return of the na The hunchback of Not Twas the night befor Visions of Cody / Misery / Fear nothing / Absolutely, positive Nicolae : The list / Moby Dick; Knight of the sacred Where are you going, 1984 / Author Geyer, Georgie Szulc, Tad. De Santillana, Reston, James, Ellis, Joseph J Smith, Gene. Poitier, Sidney Marszalek, John Walton, Sam, O'Connor, Carro Conti, Bill. Harold Melvin a Hancock, Herbie Lang, K. D. Queen (Musical Hussain, Ustad Atwood, Margare Baisden, Michae Bellow, Saul. Bernhardt, Will Brown, Sandra, Céline, LouisChbosky, Stephe Davis, Lydia. Dickey, Eric Je Englander, Nath Fisher, Dorothy Goldman, Willia Greene, Graham, Hardy, Thomas, Hugo, Victor, Jenkins, Jerry Kerouac, Jack, King, Stephen, Koontz, Dean R. Krentz, Jayne A LaHaye, Tim F. Martini, Steve, Melville, Herma Miles, Rosalind Oates, Joyce Ca Orwell, George, LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng N/A eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 22310244 13861350 00319274 30758166 10230903 26161146 25965158 38373988 39878571 22736764 00123957 42676726 04922851 37310946 39922025 00341849 40813072 00365953 06767974 05905017 14819562 01191202 27147350 09944718 Page 13 Last-Date 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/12/2001 05/12/2001 06/02/2001 05/21/2001 05/15/2001 05/21/2001 05/20/2001 05/16/2001 06/08/2001 06/03/2001 06/08/2001 06/08/2001 06/12/2001 06/03/2001 06/14/2001 06/06/2001 06/05/2001 05/26/2001 05/30/2001 05/06/2001 05/18/2001 06/03/2001 06/01/2001 05/12/2001 06/02/2001 05/29/2001 05/25/2001 05/18/2001 05/12/2001 05/14/2001 04/16/2001 05/17/2001 05/22/2001 05/24/2001 05/23/2001 05/12/2001 05/30/2001 05/06/2001 05/30/2001 05/24/2001 05/16/2001 05/29/2001 05/24/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes F F F F F F F F Pla Riv Sha Ski Spe Ste Ste Wat 0010105300759 0010103408315 0010102813861 0010104247167 0010102329801 0010106680746 0010107170606 0010101599636 The age of terror : As sure as the dawn The killer angels : A blessing on the mo Bygones / The house on Hope St Jewels / Night over day over Plante, David. Rivers, Francin Shaara, Michael Skibell, Joseph Spencer, LaVyrl Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Watkins, Paul, eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 27266944 24318369 23139620 17385610 05/16/2001 05/16/2001 06/01/2001 05/25/2001 05/15/2001 06/02/2001 05/08/2001 05/15/2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number F Wel F Wie Fp Ayc Fp Gro Fp Kes Fp Kin Fp Kin Fp Spa Fp Von KIT AUDIO 468.34 KIT VIDEO 428.34 LARGE TYPE F Sid m Joh NEW JERSEY 658.1 NEW JERSEY 974.9 NEW JERSEY 974.9 NFp Bre NFp Lim Rp And Rp Bro Rp Gre Rp Hea Rp Hes Rp Hil Rp Jef Rp Joy Rp Kri Rp Mac Rp Pal Rp Ran Rp Rim Rp Riv Rp Spe SFp Var VIDEO 613.71 Bil VIDEO 781.6609 P VIDEO 782.42166 VIDEO 791.43 Up VIDEO 791.4572 I VIDEO E372.465 L VIDEO E372.634 W VIDEO j398.22 Ri VIDEO j791.43 To VIDEO j791.433 S Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Vol.9 Item No. 0010100932945 0010102607172 0010104923577 0010105366255 0010106360273 0010106632663 0010106698292 0010106827685 0010104786750 0010106457012 0010106467136 0010102608246 0010106335796 0010105320716 0010107020470 0000101055036 0010103354659 0010103028170 0010107076241 0010106471369 0010107203134 0010107025255 0010106632077 0010107187576 0010106706046 0010107202508 0010106465502 0010105470933 0010106343451 0010104825301 0010105207921 0010105356298 0010106459638 0010106698532 0010104913958 0010104726855 0010103561881 0010106222192 0010106473498 0010106211526 0010102987491 0010106220279 0010106222531 0010106218463 Title The history of Mr. P The night trilogy / The lost / Forrest Gump / One flew over the cu The green mile : It / The notebook / Slaughterhouse-five, Spanish English for new Amer Colony : The killing game / SmartStart your New Cherry Hill, New Jer Moorestown, old and Talking back to proz See, I told you so / Seventh heaven / Bittersweet rain / Rough wrangler, tend Never love a cowboy Tanner / The blue viking / The dangerous lord / High intensity / Prince of wolves. Nell's cowboy. Rage of passion / My wicked fantasy. For the baby's sake. Her prince charming. Devil's wager / The Klingon gambit / Billy Blank's Tae-Bo Punk Grateful Dead Up close & personal Fat chance Letter sounds Writing the alphabet Rip Van Winkle Tom and Huck Sleeping Beauty Author Wells, H. G. Wiesel, Elie, Aycliffe, Jonat Groom, Winston, Kesey, Ken. King, Stephen, King, Stephen, Sparks, Nichola Vonnegut, Kurt. Siddons, Anne R Johansen, Iris. Mathis, Mike. Purdy, James C. Breggin, Peter Limbaugh, Rush Anderson, Cathe Brown, Sandra, Gregory, Jill. Heath, Lorraine Hess, Norah. Hill, Sandra. Jeffries, Sabri Joy, Dara. Krinard, Susan. Macomber, Debbi Palmer, Diana. Ranney, Karen. Rimmer, Christi Rivers, Nikki. Spencer, Mary. Vardeman, Rober Inspector Morse LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 00362636 16225092 12215840 40924647 13497048 12761019 07519842 42921156 26546456 45096215 02212843 29250177 44998565 45341466 43804535 39709910 45906407 43688423 44788781 43372390 08019927 40386255 32537346 18533035 35553262 29819504 38980965 16933113 27773669 34652940 37626702 Page 14 Last-Date 05/23/2001 07/28/2000 05/24/2001 05/16/2001 05/25/2001 05/25/2001 01/14/2001 06/02/2001 05/29/2001 05/30/2001 05/07/2001 03/26/2001 06/02/2001 06/05/2001 05/11/2001 05/11/2001 05/25/2001 05/08/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 06/05/2001 05/06/2001 05/13/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/17/2001 06/01/2001 05/21/2001 05/21/2001 05/31/2001 05/06/2001 05/31/2001 05/31/2001 05/26/2001 06/08/2001 02/13/2001 Mat Code 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 16 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 13 27 13 13 13 26 26 26 26 26 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes No No No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 286.732 Jor 615.852 Vil 793.932 Cas 812.54 Top 940.5315 Gil AUDIO 448.3421 F AUDIO 639.2778 G CD 782.42163 Bae CD 788.35162 Hor F Dun F For F Woo Fp Kin Fp Kin m Leo Rp Rob VIDEO 791.43 Wai VIDEO j791.433 G VIDEO j791.433 L Camden County College TO :VOORHEES(010100) List of Items Declared Claims Returned between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume pt. 6 pt. 5 Item No. 0010101264462 0010103594254 0010106616302 0010103333810 0010100735413 0010104915169 0010106455784 0010104496384 0010106695181 0010104421556 0010100077105 0010106991812 0010103905765 0010103905948 0010102843280 0010104871958 0010106240582 0010106242877 0010106222614 Title The Seventh-Day Adve Healing states / Official Final Fanta Nuts, a play in thre The Holocaust : Fast & easy French The hungry ocean Joan Baez : Inside Monument Vall Another city, not my Hornblower during th True to the game : Coffey on the mile / Night journey / Unknown man no. 89 / True betrayals / Waiting to exhale The Great mouse dete The last unicorn Author Jordan, Anne De Villoldo, Alber Cassady, David. Topor, Tom, Gilbert, Martin Greenlaw, Linda Baez, Joan. Horn, Paul Dunne, Dominick Forester, C. S. Woods, Teri. King, Stephen, King, Stephen, Leonard, Elmore Roberts, Nora. Last unicorn (M LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 18105781 38138248 13670391 11842970 40672824 41579199 41481703 37546902 00894361 35275332 35115454 28375886 34609153 26183359 30819027 Page 15 Last-Date 07/24/2001 03/06/2001 02/03/2001 01/05/1998 05/15/2000 06/18/2001 05/30/2001 06/21/2001 06/21/2001 07/12/2001 03/04/2001 05/24/2001 05/11/2001 05/11/2001 06/27/2001 05/24/2001 06/22/2001 06/25/2001 06/26/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 31 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 21 26 26 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number F Dia F Sco F Ste F Ste Camden County College TO :NEWBOOKS(010101) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107065566 0010107180100 0010107063561 0010107452483 Title The trophy wife : The vendetta defense Journey / Lone eagle / Author Diamond, Diana. Scottoline, Lis Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle LNG eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum Page 16 Last-Date 04/02/2001 03/23/2001 03/19/2001 07/16/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 Req No No No Yes Last Copy Yes No No No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 133.1 Bod 649.1 Col F And F Gol F Joh F Kel F Kin m D'Am m Tru SF Ant SF Bea Camden County College TO :NEWBOOKS(010101) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107115411 0010107040809 0010107163106 0010107046855 0010107481946 0010106999690 0010107437989 0010107110628 0010106381006 0010107443599 0010107456070 Title Relax, it's only a g Parenting through cr The end of the rainb Spike and Dru : Final target / Stalker : Dreamcatcher : Authorized personnel Murder at the Librar Dooon mode / The innkeeper's song Author Bodine, Echo L. Coloroso, Barba Andrews, V. C. Golden, Christo Johansen, Iris. Kellerman, Faye King, Stephen, D'Amato, Barbar Truman, Margare Anthony, Piers. Beagle, Peter S LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 43717436 45747607 44484112 44749618 27896362 Page 17 Last-Date 05/22/2001 05/12/2001 05/11/2001 06/05/2001 06/05/2001 06/02/2001 05/18/2001 05/26/2001 04/12/2000 06/05/2001 06/05/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number F Sti Camden County College TO :NEWBOOKS(010101) List of Items Declared Claims Returned between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010106999559 Title The last days of dis Author Stillman, Whit, LNG eng Original Rec Cnum Page 18 Last-Date 05/07/2001 Mat Code 0 Req No Last Copy Yes Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number E Wil E398.21 Wal E585.2 Adl E917.4009 Ryl Ep Sta ER Seu j Sci j624 Gol j624.2 Ric j780 Bar j793.74 Blu jB Wil jp Hop jp Nor jp Pik jp Pil jp Ree jp Sac jp Voi KIT AUDIO j468.3 y Bla yB Bla yp Joh Camden County College TO :CHILDREN(010102) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010104971485 0010102829404 0000100842889 0010102240925 0010103894837 0010103268057 0010104633598 0010102113767 0010102902078 0010103710975 0010104602320 0010101522919 0010106372096 0010104809008 0010106356297 0010106350027 0010104155204 0010106367344 0010104271241 0010103673744 0010104932883 0010102412375 0010106706715 Title Working cotton / Persephone and the p Redwoods are the tal Appalachia : The best little monk One fish, two fish, Summer reading is ki Bridges and how they Bridges / The world of music / Mathamusements / Laura Ingalls Wilder Trouble in toyland. The Borrowers. The howling ghost / Captain Underpants a Keisha to the rescue Wayside School gets Bad girls / Spanish The Shakespeare stea Elizabeth Blackwell Who knew? / Author Williams, Sherl Waldherr, Kris. Adler, David A. Rylant, Cynthia Standiford, Nat Seuss, Scieszka, Jon. Goldwater, Dani Richardson, Joy Barber, Nicola. Blum, Raymond. Giff, Patricia Hope, Laura Lee Norton, Mary. Pike, Christoph Pilkey, Dav, Reed, Teresa. Sachar, Louis, Voigt, Cynthia. Blackwood, Gary Brown, Jordan. John, Laurie. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng spa eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 26592712 02874326 21523103 00470637 00562759 28633245 14903960 00301665 33374638 21136663 18382776 44036671 Page 19 Last-Date 07/23/2001 04/10/2001 05/30/2000 06/14/2001 04/07/1998 03/14/2001 11/15/2000 04/09/2001 04/09/2001 03/19/2001 04/23/2001 04/13/2001 04/17/2001 04/21/2001 04/21/2001 05/07/2001 04/21/2001 05/17/2000 04/21/2001 10/03/2000 05/11/2001 04/23/2001 03/22/2001 Mat Code 1 1 1 1 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 16 1 1 24 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number E Boy E Les jp Por jp Sti Camden County College TO :CHILDREN(010102) List of Items Declared Claims Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107069824 0010103703293 0010105361744 0010105297989 Title Horns to toes and in Sam and the tigers / Meet Addy : Jekyll and Heidi. (G Author Boynton, Sandra Lester, Julius. Porter, Connie Stine, R. L. LNG eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 27066911 Page 20 Last-Date 05/22/2001 06/13/2001 06/28/2001 06/14/2001 Mat Code 1 1 24 24 Req No No No No Last Copy Yes No No No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number E Arc E Bob E Bro E DeM E Far E Jon E Kle E Kur E Lad E O'Mal E Rey E Rey E Seu E Seu E Seu E Seu E Tal E220.9505 Hof E398.209 Tay E567.91 Dod E567.91 Mos E595.7 Bar E597 Che E612.63 Col E633.15 Ali E649.62 Fra E793.735 Wic Ep Bri Ep Bri Ep Civ Ep Joh Ep Mac Ep Mac Ep Mor Ep Sad Ep Sca Ep Sut Ep Van ER All ER Pom ER Pre j Amd j025.04 Wal j398.25 Sch j398.25 Sch Camden County College TO :CHILDREN(010102) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010103113568 0010106415523 0010103734884 0010106430332 0010107069915 0010106541450 0010104643613 0010103745468 0010107069295 0010103410386 0010103231931 0010103232459 0010104618888 0010103256045 0010103255302 0010103278247 0010107170713 0010104944227 0010102418125 0010103257522 0010103708276 0010104939490 0010103102280 0010102581914 0000100326669 0010106588550 0010104637771 0010106355976 0010105592066 0010104797377 0010104270318 0010105471931 0010104813786 0010107083288 0010104814420 0010106458978 0010107083502 0010106982332 0010100588671 0010102891198 0010102586962 0000101314623 0010106325342 0010104155667 0010104903181 Title A beautiful feast fo Bobby the bunny rabb Arthur's Thanksgivin Look and find Pinky Farm animals. The quilt / A monster in the hou When Aunt Lena did t Peek-a-who? / Roller coaster / Curious George at th Curious George goes The butter battle bo I can lick 30 tigers If I ran the circus, If I ran the zoo, Find Freddie / A first Bible story The ghost and Lone W An alphabet of dinos Dinosaur questions / Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! / Fishy facts / How you were born / Corn is maize : Once upon a potty : I spy fantasy : Clifford, the small Clifford's family. ( Going to school. (Us Sparky and Eddie : Monster math school Soccer game! / Dolphin / Alistair in outer sp The best Halloween m Dad's car wash / Amanda Pig and her b Where is Freddy? / The outside dog / What I did last summ One of us / 101 things to do on More scary stories t More scary stories t Author Archambault, Jo Brown, Marc Tol DeMichael, Tom. Jonas, Ann. Kleven, Elisa. Kurtis-Kleinman Laden, Nina. O'Malley, Kevin Rey, Margret. Rey, Margret. Seuss, Seuss, Seuss, Seuss, Tallarico, Tony Hoffman, Mary, Taylor, C. J. Dodson, Peter. Most, Bernard. Barner, Bob. Chermayeff, Iva Cole, Joanna. Aliki. Frankel, Alona Wick, Walter. Bridwell, Norma Bridwell, Norma Civardi, Anne. Johnston, Tony, Maccarone, Grac Maccarone, Grac Morris, Robert Sadler, Marilyn Scarry, Richard Sutherland, Har Van Leeuwen, Je Allen, Laura Je Pomerantz, Char Prelutsky, Jack Amdur, Nikki. Wallace, Mark. Schwartz, Alvin Schwartz, Alvin LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 38418739 09280278 37741130 45771280 11917575 06597594 10046060 00058594 00471685 04841037 21366170 23976054 26362571 01256927 41828994 12930716 29548116 33416138 10558731 42276138 16090094 12370109 23016576 09621785 07522124 41575107 10696809 10696809 Page 21 Last-Date 05/26/2001 05/09/2001 05/21/2001 05/16/2001 05/15/2001 02/24/2001 05/08/2001 06/02/2001 03/10/2001 05/13/2001 05/25/2001 05/24/2001 05/16/2001 05/16/2001 05/13/2001 05/13/2001 05/12/2001 05/08/2001 05/08/2001 05/23/2001 05/23/2001 05/25/2001 05/25/2001 05/31/2001 05/09/2001 05/09/2001 05/25/2001 05/07/2001 05/07/2001 05/09/2001 05/09/2001 05/07/2001 05/07/2001 06/01/2001 05/15/2001 05/08/2001 05/09/2001 05/09/2001 05/09/2001 05/09/2001 06/04/2001 05/12/2001 05/30/2001 03/25/2001 03/25/2001 Mat Code 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 1 1 1 1 1 24 24 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy No No No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes j523.482 Dai j537.078 Cha j537.078 Far j537.078 Lev j591.65 Dos j595.3841 Bai j595.3842 Zim j595.789 Jou 0010103731310 0010103812771 0010106521544 0010106497240 0010104947360 0010101596293 0010100087724 0000101278307 Pluto / Experiments with ele Electricity / Shocking science : Beware! we are poiso Discovering crabs an Crabs, Butterflies and moth Daily, Robert. Challand, Helen Farndon, John. Levine, Shar, Dossenbach, Han Bailey, Jill. Zim, Herbert Sp Jourdan, Evelin eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 12973173 16883682 00714250 06603834 05/23/2001 05/21/2001 05/21/2001 05/21/2001 06/03/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/21/2001 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number j595.789 Por j597.9 Mat j597.96 Mar j598.617 Joh j598.943 Pat j599 Har j599 Par j599.5 Kel j599.885 Gre j612.1 Bai j612.6 Bai j641.5 New j641.5882 Kre j736.982 Pok j745.5 Gou j745.5 Mac j745.5942 Har j796.51 Log j940.53 Ada j942 Bur j974.8 Tho j974.8 Wil j974.9 Ste j975.1 Ken jB Car jB DuB jB Edi jB Rob jBp Bar jp Avi jp Bro jp Cas jp Cle jp Fie jp Hur jp Kim jp Nay jp Osb jp Sob jp Sta jp Sti jp Sti y Blu y303.327 Pec y306.874 Camden County College TO :CHILDREN(010102) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010101109543 0010106459596 0010103486824 0000100898006 0010106523888 0010107019712 0010103700505 0010104645071 0010106515231 0010101980927 0010101980950 0010105529233 0010102446597 0010106402026 0010104874465 0010105490600 0010104898167 0010106657009 0010106544967 0010104954127 0010106514861 0010103607858 0010104939532 0010104938898 0010102822300 0010102405981 0010101961877 0010102510368 0010102083275 0010104144547 0010104260210 0010104799860 0010106367922 0010106699266 0010104371967 0010106472276 0010107143751 0010106461923 0010103801238 0010103289640 0010105357403 0010104709992 0010101006384 0010102527479 0010106415192 Title Discovering butterfl Reptiles / The spitting cobras Inside an egg / The bald eagle retur Animal fact-file : Mammal / Finding out about wh Chimpanzees / All about your heart All about birth and New junior cook book The guaranteed goofPokémon origami / Making cool crafts & Bake it and build it Knot now! : Kids outdoors : World War II / England / Pennsylvania / A historical album o New Jersey / America the beautifu Ben Carson / W.E.B. Du Bois : Thomas A. Edison : Jackie Robinson : Clara Barton: founde No more magic / Jane Eyre. (Step int Along came a spider. Ralph S. Mouse / The case of the chee Class clown / Balto and the great Shiloh season / Ghost town at sundow Encyclopedia Brown a The codebreaker kids It's only a nightmar The tale of the blue Deenie. Coping with cliques When your parents sp Author Porter, Keith. Matero, Robert. Martin, James, Johnson, Sylvia Patent, Dorothy Hare, Tony. Parker, Steve. Kelsey, Elin. Greenberg, Dani Bailey, Donna. Bailey, Donna. Kreschollek, Ma Gould, Roberta, MacLeod, Elizab Hartelius, Marg Logue, Victoria Adams, Simon, Burgan, Michael Thompson, Kathl Wills, Charles. Stein, R. Conra Kent, Deborah. Carson, Ben. Cryan-Hicks, Ka Adler, David A. Reiser, Howard. Sloate, Susan. Avi, Bronte, Charlot Cascone, A. G. Cleary, Beverly Fiedler, Lisa. Hurwitz, Johann Kimmel, Elizabe Naylor, Phyllis Osborne, Mary P Sobol, Donald J Stanley, George Stine, R. L. Stine, R. L. Blume, Judy. Peck, Lee A. Swan-Jackson, A LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 14379699 27899841 07924590 40939333 18291408 38106515 21975815 22210103 21196967 24175135 38753699 26679325 32665077 22624979 26014882 24839802 20992142 24376668 eng 01094856 eng eng eng eng eng eng 08281393 44051401 14358956 eng 40354506 eng eng eng 00800751 25675186 Page 22 Last-Date 05/21/2001 06/04/2001 06/04/2001 05/31/2001 06/03/2001 06/03/2001 06/03/2001 05/27/2001 06/05/2001 05/22/2001 05/31/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 06/04/2001 06/04/2001 05/30/2001 06/04/2001 05/25/2001 03/11/2001 05/07/2001 06/04/2001 06/04/2001 06/04/2001 06/04/2001 05/07/2001 05/19/2001 05/16/2001 05/22/2001 05/14/2001 05/15/2001 05/15/2001 05/25/2001 05/12/2001 06/02/2001 05/30/2001 05/15/2001 05/29/2001 05/07/2001 05/24/2001 05/21/2001 06/01/2001 06/01/2001 06/05/2001 06/04/2001 06/05/2001 Mat Code 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 1 1 1 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes y344.0796 And y362.2908 Nar y541.24 Stw y973.71 Bie yB Edi yB Fra yB Jac yp Dun 0010104607667 0010101980182 0010103716766 0010103747415 0010103701230 0010102377958 0010103220405 0010105579949 School prayer : Drugs and sports / A guide to the eleme Life in the North du Thomas Alva Edison : The diary of a young Michael Jackson / Locked in time / Andryszewski, T Nardo, Don, Stwertka, Alber Biel, Timothy L Adair, Gene. Frank, Anne, Nicholson, Lois Duncan, Lois, eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 21195052 00906279 11623085 05/24/2001 05/13/2001 05/23/2001 03/27/2001 05/16/2001 05/22/2001 05/21/2001 05/20/2001 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number yp Gar yp Mar yp Odo yp Pas yp Pie yp Sti yp Sti yp Wil Camden County College TO :CHILDREN(010102) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010105584626 0010105396138 0010105584584 0010106469074 0010106706855 0010103854211 0010106368748 0010104816557 Title Return to chaos / Sunny. I'll zap Manhattan. All about love. (SVH The woman who rides Secret admirer. (Fea Truth or dare. (Fear Jessica quits the sq Author Gardner, Craig Martin, Ann M., Odom, Mel, Pascal, Francin Pierce, Tamora. Stine, R. L. Stine, R. L. Williams, Kate. LNG eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 41133857 38824262 Page 23 Last-Date 05/11/2001 05/20/2001 05/20/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 05/14/2001 05/29/2001 05/26/2001 Mat Code 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Req No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number AUDIO j Cle E152.4024 Ber E363.2023 Fla Ep Bou Ep Hal Ep Hal Ep Kat ER Avi j796.352 Sim jp Dad jp Tho KIT AUDIO ER Mar KIT AUDIO j448.3 y Qua yp Coo yp McD Camden County College TO :CHILDREN(010102) List of Items Declared Claims Returned between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010103839923 0010103067939 0010104955355 0010106344335 0010105547904 0010105422496 0010105472673 0010104649552 0010106525834 0010104270490 0010104112064 0010102743076 0010104836795 0010106567927 0010105367733 0010104804074 Title Ramona Quimby, age 8 I have feelings too Officer Brown keeps Franklin is lost / Chickie riddles / Sheepish riddles / Lots of lice / Abigail takes the wh Golf / Bogeymen don't play The princess in the Troll country Children's living Fr Close to a killer / The face on the milk Until angels close m Author Cleary, Beverly Berger, Terry. Flanagan, Alice Bourgeois, Paul Hall, Katy. Hall, Katy. Katz, Bobbi. Avi, Simmons, Richar Dadey, Debbie. Thomas, Jane Re Marshall, Edwar Qualey, Marsha. Cooney, Carolin McDaniel, Lurle LNG N/A eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng fre eng eng Original Rec Cnum 24610412 27835770 19352079 09712405 15159501 20669799 Page 24 Last-Date 07/10/2001 06/21/2001 05/14/2001 06/16/2001 07/06/2001 07/27/2001 06/18/2001 03/06/2001 07/10/2001 10/31/1999 07/06/2001 06/06/2001 04/21/2001 05/23/2001 05/27/2001 03/20/1999 Mat Code 25 1 1 24 24 24 24 1 1 24 24 16 16 1 24 24 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No No No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number LARGE TYPE 378.1 LARGE TYPE 945.5 LARGE TYPE F Ken LARGE TYPE F Lec LARGE TYPE F Ste Camden County College TO :LRG TYPE(010103) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010104778658 0010104774962 0010107153503 0010107432154 0010107432139 Title Tuesdays with Morrie Under the Tuscan sun Seduced by the boss The bride's proposit Marriage in mind / Author Albom, Mitch, Mayes, Frances. Kendrick, Sharo Leclaire, Day. Steele, Jessica LNG eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 39003131 44915667 45325964 45325885 Page 25 Last-Date 06/09/2001 04/03/2001 04/03/2001 04/03/2001 04/03/2001 Mat Code 29 29 29 29 29 Req No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number F Ste LARGE TYPE 051 R LARGE TYPE 051 R LARGE TYPE 051 R LARGE TYPE B Wes LARGE TYPE F Bak LARGE TYPE F Bar LARGE TYPE F Bin LARGE TYPE F Bro LARGE TYPE F Cla LARGE TYPE F Col LARGE TYPE F Cou LARGE TYPE F Eva LARGE TYPE F Gar LARGE TYPE F Gar LARGE TYPE F Gre LARGE TYPE F Hil LARGE TYPE F Joh LARGE TYPE F Kin LARGE TYPE F Mic LARGE TYPE F O'D LARGE TYPE F Puz LARGE TYPE F Qui LARGE TYPE F Rob LARGE TYPE F Rob LARGE TYPE F Sid LARGE TYPE F Spe LARGE TYPE F Tay LARGE TYPE m Bro LARGE TYPE m Fer LARGE TYPE m Loc Camden County College TO :LRG TYPE(010103) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume FEB 20 MAR 20 APR 20 Item No. 0010100796209 0010107169426 0010107430083 0010107442336 0010107170531 0010107053950 0010105416340 0010103622410 0010102816328 0010106647984 0010102602330 0010107001801 0010107066101 0010104515191 0010107043191 0010107176108 0010105253081 0010102837282 0010107028531 0010102899134 0010107001751 0010107005521 0010104844435 0010106281891 0010104186712 0010103210158 0010104418925 0010106281883 0010103245139 0010102922993 0010101826385 Title Full circle / Reader's digest: Lar Reader's digest: Lar Reader's digest: Lar Becoming Mae West / Firestorm / Caribbean flame / This year it will be Breath of scandal / Before I say goodbye American star : Secret song / The carousel : The Clayborne brides Heartbreaker / Irish mist : The white flower / The magnificent rogu Different seasons / Pot of gold / Back roads / Omerta / Black and blue / Desire in the sun / Sanctuary / Hill towns / Home song / Defiant hearts / Murder at Monticello Murders anonymous / Murder can't wait : Author Steel, Danielle Leider, Emily W Baker, Donna. Barry, Maxine. Binchy, Maeve. Brown, Sandra, Clark, Mary Hig Collins, Jackie Coulter, Cather Evans, Richard Garwood, Julie. Garwood, Julie. Greeley, Andrew Hill, Grace Liv Johansen, Iris. King, Stephen, Michael, Judith O'Dell, Tawni. Puzo, Mario, Quindlen, Anna. Robards, Karen. Roberts, Nora. Siddons, Anne R Spencer, LaVyrl Taylor, Janelle Brown, Rita Mae Ferrars, E. X. Lockridge, Rich LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 11090550 04453816 04453816 04453816 37669245 28149306 43897198 28026796 29357597 29909364 28505127 31606852 05191408 21442079 Page 26 Last-Date 03/26/2001 03/09/2001 03/26/2001 05/17/2001 05/17/2001 02/12/2001 03/26/2001 03/26/2001 03/26/2001 03/26/2001 03/09/2001 03/26/2001 03/26/2001 06/04/2001 02/12/2001 03/09/2001 03/26/2001 03/26/2001 03/26/2001 03/26/2001 03/26/2001 03/26/2001 03/09/2001 03/26/2001 03/26/2001 03/09/2001 03/05/2001 03/26/2001 03/09/2001 03/09/2001 02/12/2001 Mat Code 0 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 0 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number NEW JERSEY 398.2 Camden County College TO :NJ CIRC(010105) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010101159217 Title Pine Barrens legends Author McMahon, Willia LNG eng Original Rec Cnum 06708995 Page 27 Last-Date 05/23/2001 Mat Code 0 Req No Last Copy No Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number E Dou j Row j Sto jB Lee jp War yp Dub yp Haw Camden County College TO :NEWJUVBK(010113) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010106540817 0010106572711 0010106541716 0010106525206 0010106375164 0010107199779 0010107140963 Title Get that pest! / Harry Potter and the Ola's wake / The diary of David R The ghost town myste It's a miserable lif Paris : Author Douglas, Erin. Rowling, J. K. Stone, B. J. Leeper, David R Warner, Gertrud Dubowski, Cathy Hawthorne, Rach LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 44504637 45265242 45268255 Page 28 Last-Date 05/09/2001 01/14/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 05/07/2001 05/20/2001 05/20/2001 Mat Code 1 1 1 1 24 24 24 Req No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number READY REF. 380.1 Camden County College TO :READYREF(010124) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107066630 Title The southern New Jer Author LNG eng Original Rec Cnum Page 29 Last-Date 07/17/2001 Mat Code 0 Req No Last Copy Yes Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number REVIEW QUESTIONS Camden County College TO :ILL(010160) List of Items Declared Claims Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107483132 Title Author LNG Original Rec Cnum Page 30 Last-Date 05/24/2001 Mat Code 23 Req No Last Copy Last Main 08/01/2001 Call Number AUDIO F Kei Camden TO List of Items between the dates Volume Item No. 0010102641494 Title Local man moves to t County College :AV(010180) Declared Assumed Lost 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Author Keillor, Garris LNG eng Original Rec Cnum 23950212 Page 31 Last-Date 07/15/1998 Mat Code 12 Req No Last Copy Yes Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 332.024 Car F Bar F Blu F Ham Camden County College TO :DISPLAY(010198) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010104442552 0010105491020 0010104853808 0010106436586 Title Don't worry, make mo Books of blood : Summer sisters : Moth smoke / Author Carlson, Richar Barker, Clive, Blume, Judy. Hamid, Mohsin, LNG eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum Page 32 Last-Date 04/12/2000 05/11/2001 05/08/2001 06/03/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number j Ste Camden County College TO :ILL DEPT(010300) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107183229 Title Treasure Island / Author Stevenson, Robe LNG eng Original Rec Cnum 04415426 Page 33 Last-Date 07/16/2001 Mat Code 1 Req No Last Copy Yes Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 364.1523 Rul 372.9773 Cow 419.03 Lan 520 Eve 613.2 Fre 618.4 Bre 636.9322 Weg 694.2 Cha 745.1028 Pea 791.4572 Gro 795.4 Fam AUDIO F Spa AUDIO m Cra AUDIO m Gra BRANCH VIDEO A 0 CD 782.42166 'N E Bal E Bro E Gom E Lud E Roc E Wil Ep Vel F Cam F Cla F Rob Fp Cho Fp Cus Fp Ros Fp Ros Fp San Fp Ste j Lut j629.2872 Par jp Sac jp Spi jp Tub Ref. 338.74 Sta Ref. 338.74 Sta Ref. 338.74 Sta Rp Mic SFp Bra VIDEO 791.43617 y Cus yB Koe Camden County College TO :GLOUCSTR(010400) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 2000 v 2000 v 2000 v Item No. 0010107467457 0010103964507 0010101788171 0000100766161 0000100883701 0000101527687 0010106329633 0010101899820 0010103964598 0010107442708 0010102577383 0010104901060 0010104538334 0010105290521 0010101339454 0010106998890 0010104283048 0010101678026 0010101749298 0010107511833 0000101242808 0010105440316 0010106984213 0010106645988 0000101204105 0010104892905 0010105582083 0010104838684 0000101298370 0000101150993 0010104070114 0010106637282 0010104958599 0010106522930 0010105370836 0010105707532 0010104166359 0010106434813 0010106434821 0010106434839 0010103183942 0010106483158 0010106267940 0010104011571 0010100201713 Title The stranger beside To sleep with the an Gallaudet survival g Everyman's astronomy Carlton Fredericks' The complete book of Rabbits : Floor framing / How to recognize and The Simpsons forever Family fun & games / Message in a bottle Sunset express "O" is for outlaw The Immigrant experi No strings attached Disney's The little Arthur goes to camp Spring is here / Disney's The little When we grow up / Working cotton / Frog in winter / The stranger / Noble house : Jitterbug perfume / The Awakening / The Mediterranean ca Montana! Washington! Eyes of prey / Of mice and men / Escape from slavery Lowriders / Wayside School gets Maniac Magee : Freedom train; Standard & Poor's re Standard & Poor's re Standard & Poor's re Captive splendors. Fahrenheit 451. Swingers Catherine, called Bi Mischling, second de Author Rule, Ann. Cowan, David, Lane, Leonard G Fredericks, Car Brennan, Barbar Wegler, Monika. Chadwick, Charl Peake, Jacquely Groening, Matt. Sparks, Nichola Crais, Robert. Grafton, Sue. 'N Sync (Musica Balducci, Rita. Brown, Marc Tol Gomi, Taro. Ludier, Carlo. Rockwell, Anne Williams, Sherl Velthuijs, Max, Camus, Albert, Clavell, James. Robbins, Tom. Chopin, Kate, Cussler, Clive. Ross, Dana Full Ross, Dana Full Sandford, John, Steinbeck, John Lutz, Norma Jea Parr, Danny. Sachar, Louis, Spinelli, Jerry Sterling, Dorot Standard and Po Standard and Po Standard and Po Michaels, Fern Bradbury, Ray, Cushman, Karen. Koehn, Ilse. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 20671952 01322277 08762700 02401751 18928486 26753195 38962466 37323397 42671436 14710918 07838078 18624216 06708157 26097647 07170060 04411736 eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 22862384 BRD30031 eng eng eng eng 39338041 39234936 20422223 00964447 01981061 01981061 01981061 03169313 Page 34 Last-Date 07/20/2001 07/26/2001 09/29/1994 10/05/1998 06/10/1988 07/27/1998 12/11/2000 04/03/2001 03/26/1999 06/02/2001 11/27/2000 07/19/2001 06/28/2001 06/26/2001 10/28/2000 06/20/2001 12/27/1999 06/27/2001 03/27/2001 07/19/2001 04/10/2001 10/02/2000 03/31/2001 09/06/2000 11/25/1996 12/16/2000 09/09/1999 12/28/2000 11/08/1994 04/04/1994 06/22/2001 09/20/2000 07/18/2001 07/17/2001 07/09/2001 07/17/2001 03/01/2001 07/17/2001 07/17/2001 07/17/2001 08/23/2000 01/04/2000 07/05/2000 07/10/2000 04/22/1998 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 13 31 1 1 1 1 0 1 24 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 24 24 24 9 9 9 2 2 21 1 1 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yp yp yp yp Jac Nix Odo Sal 0010106204042 0010104060396 0010107142258 0010104398135 Redwall / A Deadly Promise. Unnatural selection The catcher in the r Jacques, Brian. Nixon, Joan Low Odom, Mel, Salinger, J. D. eng 14692986 eng eng 41537398 23741064 07/09/2001 07/07/2001 07/05/2001 05/16/2001 24 0 24 24 No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number jp App jp App Camden County College TO :GLOUCSTR(010400) List of Items Declared Claims Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107200098 0010105705577 Title The return / The sickness. (Animo Author Applegate, K. A Applegate, K. A LNG eng Original Rec Cnum 45383439 Page 35 Last-Date 06/09/2001 06/09/2001 Mat Code 24 24 Req No No Last Copy No Yes Last Main Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 031 Wor 248.843 Jak 331.702 Mal 332.6 Jaf 629.409 Nea 636.1083 Ain 636.7083 Can 782.42163 Bra 808.51 Qub AUDIO 158.1 Bro F Bar F Kat F Kin F Sau F Sav F Str Fp Ric Fp Ste j Bro j Pil j306 Mil j629.4 Sto j641.5123 Wil j745.5922 Wal j932 Per jB Jef jp Bri jp Car jp Dad jp Eis jp Gan jp Kat jp Mil jp Spe jp War jp War [n] SF Her Rp Nee SFp Tol VIDEO j791.433 S VIDEO j791.433 S y974.902 Cun yp Rei Camden County College TO :GLOUCSTR(010400) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 8 G 1 1984 EASY S Item No. 0010103087200 0010107007998 0010101199478 0010104846588 0010103435227 0000100523679 0010104577340 0010102496931 0010104173926 0010102688503 0010104778286 0000101244085 0010102624227 0010104118442 0010104876262 0010106686164 0010107487877 0010106637274 0010106539850 0010106572802 0010102544201 0010104606644 0010104622500 0010103219357 0010101526795 0010104607618 0010104723548 0010107023888 0010105581515 0010105581523 0000101013233 0010107023847 0010104736243 0010107023540 0010104073001 0010104072920 0000101116051 0010104059992 0010105579196 0010107108192 0010107107582 0010100204022 0010105586878 Title The World Book encyc The lady, her lover, What can I do with a The right way to hir Spaceflight : The body language of Catch your dog doing The craft and busine How to be a great co Live your dreams Galilee / The Judas kiss / Nightmares and dream Black lightning / The inheritance / Magic terror : Interview with the v Of mice and men / Muffy's secret admir Captain Underpants a Hands around the wor Space exploration / Children's quick & e I can make puppets / Mummies, tombs, and Thomas Jefferson / Caddie Woodlawn. How to meet a supers Trolls don't ride ro The case of the disa Rotten Ralph / If I were president. House at Pooh Corner Two on the town / Bus station mystery. The haunted cabin my Dune messiah. The bachelor's weddi The Hobbit, or, Ther Sailor moon R Sailor moon S Colonial New Jersey Extreme sisterhood / Author Jakes, T. D. Malnig, Lawrenc Jaffe, Charles Neal, Valerie. Ainslie, Tom. Cantrell, Krist Braheny, John, Qubein, Nido R. Brown, Les, Barker, Clive, Katkov, Norman. King, Stephen, Saul, John. Savage, Tom, Straub, Peter. Rice, Anne, Steinbeck, John Brown, Marc Tol Pilkey, Dav, Milord, Susan. Stott, Carole. Wilkes, Angela. Wallace, Mary, Perl, Lila. Old, Wendie C. Brink, Carol Ry Carrol, Jacquel Dadey, Debbie. Eisenberg, Lisa Gantos, Jack. Katsche, Judy. Milne, A. A. Speregen, Devra Warner, Gertrud Warner, Gertrud Herbert, Frank. Neels, Betty. Tolkien, J. R. Cunningham, Joh Reisfeld, Randi LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 29604857 11220879 06326427 17106743 26874424 38867899 23253928 27226610 02132415 BRD30031 26132880 30070798 13860832 00830277 eng eng 01959441 eng eng 40245610 00901100 eng 00032595 eng eng eng eng eng 43301998 43456416 44160175 00247036 40525651 Page 36 Last-Date 05/21/2001 06/04/2001 01/10/2001 06/04/2001 05/31/2001 05/15/2001 05/15/2001 06/04/2001 06/04/2001 02/08/2001 05/16/2001 05/24/2001 05/23/2001 05/23/2001 05/23/2001 05/23/2001 05/09/2001 06/04/2001 05/30/2001 05/22/2001 06/02/2001 05/31/2001 06/05/2001 10/22/1997 05/12/2001 06/04/2001 05/25/2001 05/30/2001 05/16/2001 05/12/2001 05/22/2001 05/30/2001 05/18/2001 05/30/2001 05/24/2001 05/24/2001 05/08/2001 05/29/2001 05/09/2001 06/02/2001 06/02/2001 05/12/2001 06/04/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 0 2 2 26 26 1 24 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number AUDIO F Cla BIOGRAPHY GT E McC Ep Sci Rp Dav y940.1 Gra Camden County College TO :GLOUCSTR(010400) List of Items Declared Claims Returned between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107129297 0010105289333 0010101328648 0010104725204 0010105585045 0010103738893 Title We'll meet again Author Clark, Mary Hig LNG Original Rec Cnum 41227416 Make way for ducklin The frog prince, con Rich blessings. The world of the Med McCloskey, Robe Scieszka, Jon. Davis, Racine L Gravett, Christ eng eng 00192241 22908149 eng Page 37 Last-Date 05/15/2001 06/04/2001 03/24/2001 07/12/2001 06/02/2001 04/24/2001 Mat Code 12 6 1 24 2 1 Req No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Last Main Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number m Gut Camden County College TO :GTNEWBKS(010401) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107166695 Title Equivocal death : Author Gutman, Amy, LNG eng Original Rec Cnum Page 38 Last-Date 04/11/2001 Mat Code 0 Req No Last Copy Yes Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 650.1 St.J 650.14 Fox SF Bea Camden County College TO :GTNEWBKS(010401) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107161878 0010107473604 0010106689366 Title Simplify your work l Don't send a resume Rogue planet / Author St. James, Elai Fox, Jeffrey J. Bear, Greg, LNG eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 44732290 43958959 Page 39 Last-Date 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/15/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 Req No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 158.5 Fis 616.74 Wal 618.175 Lee 641.5638 Atk 917.9313 Fod CD 782.421643 Hi E Bre E Man E Wah Ep Bou Ep Cou F Har F Rei Fp Spa j Hes j Mac j Mac j597.92 Fic jp Mye jp Sti SFp Cob SFp Haw VIDEO 613.71 Abs VIDEO 613.71 Low Camden County College TO :HADDON(010500) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 1999 Item No. 0010104053581 0010106294175 0010105717242 0010106235905 0010105535081 0010105723075 0010102775938 0010101997160 0000100601624 0010107071119 0010104266118 0010105709017 0010106980708 0010105277825 0010104571020 0000101485662 0010102944591 0010103496179 0010102795613 0010104165716 0010104079966 0010102166401 0010107129800 0010104787766 Title Getting to yes : Making sense of fibr What your doctor may Dr. Atkins' quick an Fodor's ... Las Vega The miseducation of The Bremen town musi Be brave, Baby Rabbi Sylvester Bear overs Franklin goes to day What can Pinky see? Plainsong / Deadly décisions / The notebook / Out of the dust / Sarah, plain and tal Sarah, plain and tal Turtles, toads, and Mop, Moondance, and The curse of Camp Co Choosers of the slai The wizard of Santa Abs of steel Lower body/thighs & Author Fisher, Roger, Wallace, Daniel Lee, John R., Atkins, Robert Hill, Lauryn. Manushkin, Fran Wahl, Jan. Bourgeois, Paul Cousins, Lucy. Haruf, Kent. Reichs, Kathlee Sparks, Nichola Hesse, Karen. MacLachlan, Pat MacLachlan, Pat Fichter, George Myers, Walter D Stine, R. L. Cobb, James H. Hawke, Simon. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 17954473 20828576 04776687 11372082 11372082 eng eng eng 26035312 29615997 Page 40 Last-Date 01/10/2001 02/19/2000 06/14/2001 07/17/2001 04/17/2001 07/19/2001 12/06/1999 11/20/1998 04/16/2001 07/10/2001 01/31/2001 04/11/2001 07/30/2001 12/21/2000 07/09/2001 12/08/2000 08/25/2000 03/31/2001 01/25/2001 07/05/2001 11/27/2000 04/14/1997 07/06/2001 06/18/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 31 1 1 1 24 24 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 24 24 2 2 13 13 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number Ep Bri F Mac Fp Max j Coo REMINISCE-HT yp Coo Camden County College TO :HADDON(010500) List of Items Declared Claims Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010106828832 0010101089802 0010104076533 0010103058359 0010102497277 0010104549398 Title Clifford the firehou The silver highways The shadow box / The boggart / On the fly records. Whatever happened to LNG Original Rec Cnum Author Bridwell, Norma Macdonald, Malc Maxim, John R. Cooper, Susan. eng eng eng 15283973 Cooney, Carolin eng 26766663 25916909 Page 41 Last-Date 06/26/2001 06/27/2001 06/25/2001 07/05/2001 06/13/2001 07/02/2001 Mat Code 24 0 2 1 6 24 Req No No No No No No Last Copy No Yes No Yes No Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 155.294 Lem 294.3444 Sum 332.024 Den 640.2406 Foe 822.332 Ric 917.471 Sul 942.045 Wei 944.36 Whi 949.6 Sch AUDIO 158.1 Bro AUDIO F Bal B Cra B Oa5s CD 782.42163 Dyl CD 784.2 Ber E Ber E Des E Kra E Zio E598 Roy Ep Gin Ep Hel Ep Lau ER Cap F Gol F Hun F Tho F Wes Fp Spe j Bya j Hur j550.78 Van j932 Man j979.3 Fra j979.3 Lil jp Hug jp Ler jp Met jp Sti jp Wes Rp Bal Rp Eva Rp Pap SF Fei VIDEO 791.43 Mic Camden County College TO :HADDON(010500) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010103824024 0010103481213 0010106446528 0010104225254 0010104008494 0010107037508 0010105291669 0010107436072 0010104567382 0010104157168 0010103673637 0010104052054 0010100251072 0010105407778 0010104929640 0010101729308 0010103146196 0010100262541 0010100247302 0010102545828 0010104268775 0010107088980 0010103671011 0010103707930 0010100260719 0010103950746 0010101039690 0000101216810 0010106156739 0010102315073 0010102274536 0010102316048 0010103738497 0010103713680 0010101868379 0010106373854 0010104551022 0010106631061 0010105471964 0010107523853 0010106367112 0010102189726 0010103036751 0010105385222 0010104390249 Title The birth order book The mind and the way The roaring 2000s : The widow's handbook Richard III / NYC for free / The Princes in the T The flaneur : A History of the Bal It's not over until Total control Mommie dearest / Annie Oakley and Buf Bob Dylan's greatest Symphonie fantastiqu The Berenstain bears My house / Another mouse to fee Harry by the sea. Birds / Mushroom in the rain Pokémon junior. You're aboard spaces Biscuit / Lord of the flies. Roanoke : Winter hawk / The clowns of God / That Camden summer / Wanted-- Mud Blossom School's out / Janice VanCleave's e The Great Pyramid / Nevada / America the beautifu Play ball!. (Scrappe World War II code br The case of the rock Attack of the gravey Prepare for trouble/ The last waltz. Ivan takes a wife. No retreat. Krondor, the betraya Michael Author Leman, Kevin. Sumedho, Dent, Harry S., Foehner, Charlo Shakespeare, Wi Sulavik, Christ Weir, Alison. White, Edmund, Schevill, Ferdi Brown, Les, Baldacci, David Crawford, Chris Sayers, Isabell Dylan, Bob, Berlioz, Hector Berenstain, Sta Desimini, Lisa. Kraus, Robert, Zion, Gene. Royston, Angela Ginsburg, Mirra Heller, S.E. Lauber, Patrici Capucilli, Alys Golding, Willia Hunt, Angela El Thomas, Craig. West, Morris L. Spencer, LaVyrl Byars, Betsy Cr Hurwitz, Johann VanCleave, Jani Mann, Elizabeth Fradin, Dennis Lillegard, Dee. Hughes, Dean, Lerangis, Peter Metz, Melinda. Stine, R. L. West, Tracey, Balogh, Mary. Evanovich, Jane Pappano, Marily Feist, Raymond LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng N/A eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 15645293 17506148 41668033 29616908 29207185 36108275 36240895 04114625 07826282 18745001 04494783 00306328 25675184 00640430 44794316 00364695 15055356 06981842 22629594 22310434 22209986 21562344 43580650 46416466 37038741 Page 42 Last-Date 05/24/2001 11/11/1997 05/25/2001 06/05/2001 05/14/2001 05/16/2001 05/14/2001 05/17/2001 06/01/2001 02/08/2001 05/14/2001 06/02/2001 05/18/2001 05/29/2001 06/16/2001 04/09/2001 05/09/2001 06/01/2001 05/09/2001 06/01/2001 05/31/2001 05/31/2001 05/25/2001 05/09/2001 06/05/2001 04/18/1998 05/17/2001 05/17/2001 06/02/2001 06/02/2001 06/02/2001 05/23/2001 06/05/2001 05/14/2001 05/14/2001 05/14/2001 05/14/2001 05/24/2001 05/16/2001 05/21/2001 05/30/2001 05/30/2001 05/30/2001 05/17/2001 05/29/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 31 31 1 1 1 1 1 24 24 24 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 24 24 24 24 2 2 2 0 13 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes VIDEO 791.43617 VIDEO 791.43617 VIDEO 791.43617 VIDEO E791.433 B VIDEO E791.4572 VIDEO j791.43 Ba y612.82 Ket y612.82 Pow 0010103560628 0010106470049 0010106371379 0010104914626 0010102782561 0010104077051 0010101080629 0010103483771 Junior A midsummer night's Mr. Magoo The Berenstain bears Meet the Fraggles! Babe The human brain / Your brain : Berenstain, Sta Kettelkamp, Lar Powledge, Tabit eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 32605274 42085596 39341484 20457462 28553292 34405644 13215220 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 05/29/2001 06/04/2001 05/21/2001 06/01/2001 05/22/2001 05/22/2001 13 13 13 26 26 26 1 1 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number yBp Fra Camden County College TO :HADDON(010500) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010105401409 Title The diary of a young Author Frank, Anne, LNG eng Original Rec Cnum 00906279 Page 43 Last-Date 05/23/2001 Mat Code 24 Req No Last Copy No Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number F Ish jBp Jor VIDEO j791.43 Do y363.7386 Mil yp Pik Camden County College TO :HADDON(010500) List of Items Declared Claims Returned between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107022542 0010104268031 0010106371429 0010101033065 0010106157059 Title When we were orphans On the court with-Double, double, toil Acid rain : The Starlight Crysta Author Ishiguro, Kazuo Christopher, Ma Miller, Christi Pike, Christoph LNG eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 33006346 13582157 Page 44 Last-Date 05/15/2001 07/30/2001 06/28/2001 01/05/1998 05/29/2001 Mat Code 0 24 26 1 24 Req No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes No Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 365.9747 Wic 818.5409 Ang 929.44 Cra AUDIO CASSDETTE AUDIO CASSETTE A CD 782.42166 Bil CD 782.42166 Bil CD 782.42166 Bus E Cou E Dru E Hil Ep Hel ER Van ER629.13 She F Cur F Har F Pea F Shr F Spa Fp Hoo j741.5 Mar J917.55 Fro jp Par KIT AUDIO 458.34 m Pro mp Tes NEW JERSEY 001.9 NEW JERSEY 001.9 NEW JERSEY 917.4 Rp Del Rp Kre Rp Mic Rp Sel SF Mod SF Wol SFp Bra SFp Sha VIDEO 791.43 Tax VIDEO B Jon VIDEO j782.42083 y Dum y Upd y612.661 Gra y636.6864 Dep yp Ell Camden County College TO :SOUTHCO(010600) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Part 1 1991 Item No. 0000100261452 0010106329492 0010107012303 0010101376779 0010101546785 0010106302952 0010106303000 0010106302994 0010106511164 0010104341051 0010106163776 0010103865639 0010104044788 0010104281182 0010100006955 0010102343919 0010106682577 0010106171902 0010103592027 0010107191479 0010106494791 0010100509727 0010105581200 0010103837414 0010102511655 0010104805808 0000100609007 0000100609080 0010102352894 0010103826250 0010103511399 0010106197147 0010101448115 0010104969703 0010107166927 0010104800601 0010103847447 0010107094392 0010104341838 0010106466765 0010104367189 0010106501314 0010104636773 0010106537078 0000101343655 Title A time to die / Maya Angelou's I kno A is for Adam : Chuck Berry's greate Treasure Island Billboard top rock ' Billboard top rock ' The science of thing Garden animals / Grandma's latkes / Spot helps out / Chickens aren't the More tales of Oliver First flight : Available light : My sister the moon / Middle of nowhere : Eden Close : The notebook / Out of the shadows / Draw 50 nifty cartoo Virginia. Junie B. Jones is no Italian at a glance By evil means / Sharks, jellyfish & The Jersey Devil / The Jersey Devil / New Jersey day trips Commitments / Perfect partners. Charming Lily / Season of storm Scion of Cyador / Return to the whorl Fahrenheit 451. Star trek : Taxi driver James Earl Jones Winnie the Pooh. The Count of Monte C Rabbit, run / What's going on down Lovebirds today : My secret admirer. Author Wicker, Tom. Craker, Lorilee Berry, Chuck. Stevenson, Robe Bush (Musical g Cousins, Lucy. Drucker, Malka. Hill, Eric. Heller, Ruth, Van Leeuwen, Je Shea, George. Currie, Ellen. Harrison, Sue. Pearson, Ridley Shreve, Anita. Sparks, Nichola Hooper, Kay. Margaret, Amy. Frome, Michael. Park, Barbara. Costantino, Mar Prowell, Sandra Tesler, Nancy. McCloy, James F McCloy, James F Hudgins, Barbar Delinsky, Barba Krentz, Jayne A Michaels, Fern. Sellers, Alexan Modesitt, L. E. Wolfe, Gene. Bradbury, Ray, Shatner, Willia Dumas, Alexandr Updike, John. Gravelle, Karen Deply, Karl-Her Ellis, Carol. LNG eng eng eng N/A eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng ita eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 01103378 44042179 04915413 08968336 41291305 bwi04652 40938950 07958447 06708746 12906385 24320442 19846035 45271381 bwi05200 00886962 13532751 26219301 02237199 02237199 24184080 eng 45853464 eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 39338041 32420904 fol05388 35113386 40879469 34281428 bwi04445 bwi04700 Page 45 Last-Date 11/07/1997 02/29/2000 07/28/2001 02/12/1991 03/24/2001 06/10/2001 06/06/2001 07/18/2000 07/06/2001 07/11/2001 07/24/2001 05/07/2001 10/26/2000 04/12/2001 08/24/1991 04/15/1998 06/09/2001 07/09/2001 06/06/2001 05/23/2001 07/21/2001 07/06/2001 07/26/2001 06/09/2001 10/27/1997 07/14/1999 08/04/1999 04/08/2001 02/12/2001 07/23/2001 02/02/2000 06/11/2001 07/23/1990 07/09/2001 05/17/2001 05/28/2000 11/07/1996 06/02/2001 12/26/2000 03/03/2001 07/19/2001 07/28/2001 02/10/2000 07/31/2001 02/16/1991 Mat Code 0 0 0 12 12 31 31 31 1 1 1 24 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 24 16 0 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 21 13 26 1 1 1 1 2 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes yp Jac 0010106530941 Mariel of Redwall / Jacques, Brian. eng 27646949 05/09/2001 24 No Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number Highlights for C KIT AUDIO ER Seu Camden County College TO :SOUTHCO(010600) List of Items Declared Claims Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010105284078 0010103839675 Title Author LNG Original Rec Cnum Hop on Pop Seuss, eng 16944786 Page 46 Last-Date 06/29/2001 06/01/1999 Mat Code 7 16 Req No No Last Copy Last Main Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 070.5 Writer's 2 131 Adr 133.092 Bro 133.3 Hog 133.33 Arc 133.8 Chr 133.9 Bro 133.9 Bro 133.91 Kli 304.896 Kin 381.4568 Rou 398.234 Ber 613.96 Hay 646.7008 Sim 658.022 Gie 658.1522 Bau 658.8 Ros 658.8002 Pat 690.89 Out 745.92 Flo 745.92 Hor 782.4216 Web 782.42164 Car 782.42165 Aer 784.624 H95 791.4302 Wri 791.4309 Oxf 796.357 Jac 808.23 Wal 917.4 Per 917.4044 Ber 932 Joh 959.7043 Moo AUDIO 468.3421 L AUDIO F Kin AUDIO F Leo CD 782.42162 Gut CD 782.42163 Lop CD 782.42163 Str CD 782.42163 Sum CD 782.421644 So CD 782.421649 Do CD 782.421649 Em CD 782.42166 Bac CD 782.42166 Bea Camden County College TO :SOUTHCO(010600) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 2000 Vol. I Item No. 0010106296576 0010104845986 0010106662298 0010106775249 0010103654009 0010100514271 0010107067307 0010106284309 0010101515509 0010103208541 0010106729170 0010100486769 0010106781460 0010106305146 0010105318330 0010106723645 0010103109889 0010105322324 0010103511605 0010103198254 0010101733078 0010106779027 0010103428388 0010103213418 0000100631266 0010106773111 0010106773087 0010104176184 0010104417588 0000100659861 0000101384261 0010106769614 0010103019096 0010106822561 0010103673413 0010104901052 0010104496863 0010107196643 0010105408453 0010105478217 0010105477664 0010107196106 0010107196403 0010107105917 0010105408016 Title The Writer's market. The purpose of your Adventures of a psyc Nostradamus : I Ching for beginner Mediums, mystics, & Blessings from the o The other side and b Channeling : Why we can't wait. Inside Home Depot : Atlantis, the eighth How to satisfy a man Loving me : 121 Internet busines The "how to" grants Big ideas for small Doing business on th Outdoor structures / Flower arranging Arranging cut flower Tunesmith : Mariah Carey : Aerosmith : Hush little baby Writers on directors The Oxford history o The Jackie Robinson The whole picture : The Random House gui Away for the weekend The civilization of We were soldiers onc Latin American Spani Desperation Cuba libre This land is your la J.Lo Higher ground The dance collection Soul classics. 2001 The Marshall Mathers Millennium The Beatles antholog Author Adrienne, Carol Browne, Sylvia. Hogue, John. Arcarti, Kristy Christopher, Mi Browne, Sylvia. Browne, Sylvia. Klimo, Jon. King, Martin Lu Roush, Chris. Berlitz, Charle Hayden, Naura. Sims, Claudette Gielgun, Ron E. Bauer, David G. Ross, Marilyn H Patterson, Marn Horton, Alvin. Webb, Jimmy. Nickson, Chris. Huxley, Martin. Walter, Richard Perry, John, Berman, Eleanor Johnson, Paul, Moore, Harold G King, Stephen, Leonard, Elmore Guthrie, Woody, Lopez, Jennifer Streisand, Barb Summer, Donna. Doctor Dre. Eminem Backstreet Boys Beatles. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng N/A eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 01361183 32741277 01095102 15592187 00268783 10229945 08577251 12088826 05246719 05800713 08347586 25832046 42538023 35625064 38205434 45824656 43845071 44142264 fol05451 Page 47 Last-Date 05/26/2001 06/02/2001 05/26/2001 06/02/2001 06/02/2001 05/26/2001 05/14/2001 05/14/2001 05/26/2001 05/30/2001 05/17/2001 05/14/2001 05/19/2001 05/19/2001 05/06/2001 05/06/2001 05/06/2001 05/26/2001 06/17/1998 09/22/1998 09/22/1998 06/04/2001 04/12/1999 10/17/1997 07/30/1998 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 06/04/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 05/31/2001 05/26/2001 06/02/2001 06/02/2001 06/02/2001 06/10/2001 06/09/2001 01/12/1999 01/05/1999 04/07/1999 06/01/2001 05/21/2001 06/10/2001 05/25/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 12 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CD 782.42166 CD 782.42166 CD 782.42166 CD 782.42166 CD 782.42166 E Bro E Car E Chr Bon Dav Liv Mad Tur 0010107079609 0010107196031 0010104918783 0010107196072 0010105477730 0010106512287 0010106528333 0010103715669 Crush Everyday Throwing copper "Music" Simply the best D.W. thinks big / The very quiet crick Five little monkeys Bon Jovi (Music Dave Matthews B Live (Musical g Madonna, Turner, Tina. Brown, Marc Tol Carle, Eric. Christelow, Eil eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 44438019 46344415 45302586 26051940 05/25/2001 06/10/2001 06/10/2001 06/10/2001 04/07/1999 06/02/2001 05/01/2001 06/02/2001 31 31 31 31 31 1 1 1 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number E Gua E Hin E591 Wal ER Kes ER Wes ER551.576 Fow F Bar F Geo F Puz F Von Fp Kin Fp Lee J 791.433 Mar j Kru j Kru j599.7509 Sai j599.759 Bar j629.13 Gib j743.4 Ame j942 Eng j943.8 Pfe j944 Gof j944 NgC j946 But j970.3 Sne j970.4 Lep j973.7 Kat jp App jp App jp Dix jp Dix jp Gal jp Kee Jp Mac KIT AUDIO 468.34 KIT AUDIO CASSET KIT AUDIO E Awd KIT AUDIO E Bur KIT AUDIO E782.4 KIT AUDIO ER Seu KIT AUDIO ER Wis KIT AUDIO j398.2 KIT AUDIO j567.9 m Atk NFp Lov Camden County College TO :SOUTHCO(010600) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010104277446 0010106502197 0010106586257 0010101271202 0010106587149 0010106532459 0010101509650 0010104182315 0010103668405 0010106624934 0010106988651 0010106269029 0010104342125 0010104349534 0010104340988 0010106565921 0010104957252 0010100095610 0010103426457 0010104368054 0010102375432 0010104647044 0010104948319 0010104595920 0010103693114 0010100100451 0010100484541 0010104742720 0010105283559 0010104088595 0010103538285 0010104712830 0010104087035 0010105283997 0010103912829 0010101906534 0010104542542 0010103839709 0010102719134 0010103839683 0010102718268 0010103348396 0010103024542 0010106809048 0010103354030 Title Is your mama a llama Daddy makes the best Do pigs have stripes Old Turtle's soccer Space guys! / What do you see in a Weaveworld / The memoirs of Cleop The fortunate pilgri God bless you, Dr. K Dolores Claiborne / To kill a mockingbir The Marvelous land o Angelica the grape / Cat's big night ; The African cats / My cheetah family / Flying / Draw 50 athletes / England in pictures Poland, land of free France / France / Spain / The Cherokees / The Cherokee / An album of the Civi The Andalite chronic The stranger. (Animo Final cut. (Hardy Bo Wild wheels. (Hardy Mistaken identity! ( Shock waves. In the land of the b Getting by in Spanis Hansel and Gretel Thomas gets tricked Katy and the big sno Kevin Roth presents Hop on Pop Morris goes to schoo Brer Rabbit and the Stegosaurus Crossroad blues : Apollo 13. Author Guarino, Debora Hines, Anna Gro Walsh, Melanie. Kessler, Leonar Weston, Martha. Fowler, Allan. Barker, Clive, George, Margare Puzo, Mario, Vonnegut, Kurt. King, Stephen, Lee, Harper. Krulik, Nancy. Krulik, Nancy. Saign, Geoffrey Barfuss, Matto Gibbons, Gail. Ames, Lee J. Pfeiffer, Chris Gofen, Ethel, NgCheong-Lum, R Butler, Daphne, Sneve, Virginia Lepthien, Emili Katz, William L Applegate, K. A Applegate, K. A Dixon, Franklin Dixon, Franklin Gallagher, Dian Keene, Carolyn. MacBride, Roger Grimm, Jacob, Thomas gets tri Burton, Virgini Roth, Kevin. Seuss, Wiseman, Bernar Metaxas, Eric. Atkins, Ace. Lovell, Jim. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 37423725 12216696 bwi00228 15860237 bwi05449 bwi01486 16228318 43296763 25747136 BRD30028 29401349 bwi05739 bwi05521 12664147 11261639 28117812 22911612 26053447 11523408 00672218 eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 35623202 22136786 26041356 20298563 25896149 16944786 24348890 27865540 21273755 Page 48 Last-Date 05/21/2001 05/21/2001 06/02/2001 06/02/2001 05/26/2001 05/30/2001 06/02/2001 05/26/2001 06/02/2001 05/08/2001 06/02/2001 05/09/2001 01/27/1998 06/01/2001 06/01/2001 05/08/2001 05/08/2001 05/21/2001 05/08/2001 05/07/2001 03/02/1998 05/08/2001 05/08/2001 05/08/2001 05/17/1999 05/17/1999 02/03/1999 05/26/2001 06/02/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 06/02/2001 05/26/2001 06/04/2001 05/28/1998 07/30/1998 04/04/1998 10/03/1998 07/30/1998 01/23/1998 04/04/1998 12/02/1997 02/04/1998 06/02/2001 05/26/2001 Mat Code 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 16 25 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 0 2 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes RIGHT ON - WT Rp Abe Rp Arm Rp Cam Rp Gar Rp Ham Rp Jam Rp Joh 0010104086128 0010106713810 0010107191115 0010104715429 0010103826342 0010104063671 0010104047328 0010104043806 A kiss at midnight / Outback mistress / The wish club. Castles. The devil his due. Doctors in the house Brazen / Abé, Shana. Armstrong, Lind Cameron, Stella Garwood, Julie. Hamilton, Diana James, Ellen. Johnson, Susan, eng eng eng 43467317 44175691 eng 33259840 06/01/2001 05/24/2001 05/24/2001 02/16/1999 05/07/1998 05/07/1998 05/07/1998 07/11/1998 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number Rp Jor Rp Jor Rp Kan Rp Kra Rp McF Rp Meh SC Dav SC-RIGHT ON SC-ROAD & TRACK SFp Dur SFp Mor SFp Tol VIDEO 791.43 Lil VIDEO 791.43655 VIDEO 791.43655 VIDEO E791.433 D VIDEO j791.4572 y Deu y Neu y612.74 Sil y808.2 Kor y942 Lac y946 Mil yB Kin Camden County College TO :SOUTHCO(010600) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010103018866 0010104044978 0010103792262 0010104137509 0010104066351 0010104144216 0010103466933 0010104749238 0010106161598 0010106985103 0010105356900 0010104560577 0010107106097 0010107106477 0010107106014 0010104711014 0010104560759 0010106553364 0010106565376 0010103421706 0010101097912 0010104593909 0010106499675 0010102628152 Title A reason for marriag Tug of love. Wishes in the wind. Lady outlaw. Ecstasy's captive. A whisper of violets David Copperfield's Author Jordan, Penny. Jordan, Penny Kane, Andrea. Kramer, Kathryn McFather, Nelle Mehl, Linda LNG Original Rec Cnum eng eng 1040 eng eng 1040 Seer's blood / Leopard lord. The fellowship of th The lilies of the fi The Godfather The Godfather, part Dr. Seuss video fest The Haunted mask Night hoops / Boys lie : The muscular system Writing your own pla England / Spain / I have a dream : Durgin, Doranna Morland, Alanna Tolkien, J. R. eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng 44654735 Deuker, Carl. Neufeld, John. Silverstein, Al Korty, Carol. Lace, William W Miller, Arthur, Haskins, James, fol05311 39144765 23452296 09228561 34349565 14166873 39176245 24954896 Page 49 Last-Date 05/07/1998 05/07/1998 07/11/1998 07/11/1998 07/11/1998 07/11/1998 11/04/1998 06/01/2001 05/31/2001 05/26/2001 05/26/2001 05/07/2001 05/21/2001 06/12/2001 06/12/2001 05/26/2001 06/10/2001 05/22/2001 05/25/2001 05/19/2001 05/26/2001 05/07/2001 05/08/2001 05/09/2001 Mat Code 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 6 6 2 2 2 13 21 21 26 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 658.041 Edw CD 782.42166 Ali E394.268 Mac Fp And Fp Lee jp Ste y Bar Camden County College TO :SOUTHCO(010600) List of Items Declared Claims Returned between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010104257216 0010107194887 0010102582003 0010105284300 0010106716797 0010105576358 0010106535346 Title The best home busine Live Martin Luther King, Darkest hour / To kill a mockingbir The ghost of Camp Ka The fires of Merlin Author Edwards, Paul, Alice in Chains MacMillan, Dian Andrews, V. C. Lee, Harper. Steele, Michael Barron, T. A. LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 24174396 45772526 24952353 28061625 BRD30028 41061918 Page 50 Last-Date 05/27/2001 06/25/2001 01/13/2001 05/18/2001 05/29/2001 07/03/2001 07/09/2001 Mat Code 0 31 1 2 2 24 1 Req No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number F Cus Camden County College TO :SCNEWBKS(010601) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107008046 Title Blue gold : Author Cussler, Clive. LNG eng Original Rec Cnum Page 51 Last-Date 07/28/2001 Mat Code 0 Req No Last Copy Yes Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 133.109 Hau 332.6327 Tys Camden County College TO :SCNEWBKS(010601) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107058421 0010107454091 Title The international di Mutual funds for dum Author Hauck, Dennis W Tyson, Eric LNG eng eng Original Rec Cnum 46670102 Page 52 Last-Date 06/02/2001 06/02/2001 Mat Code 0 0 Req No No Last Copy Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 364.1523 Ken 621.434 Chi 745.5941 Ban E Hil E Mar F Pri Fp Irv j Whi j531.14 Str jp Pre LARGE TYPE F Bro mp Cle yp Cle yp Pau Camden County College TO :BELLMAWR(010700) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010105558174 0010104095962 0010104289524 0010104293286 0010104529267 0010104294755 0010100069177 0010104654024 0010107541863 0010104960504 0010107529199 0010104501563 0010104790208 0010104325898 0010107540311 Title Author LNG Forty whacks : Chilton small engine Christmas doughcraft Spot at play / Polar bear, polar be Kate Vaiden / The world according Stuart Little / The science of gravi The case of the Logi Texas! Lucky / And your little dog, Sister of the bride. Hatchet / Kent, David, eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Bang, Elisabeth Hill, Eric. Martin, Bill, Price, Reynolds Irving, John, White, E. B. Stringer, John, Preiss, Pauline Brown, Sandra, Cleary, Melissa Cleary, Beverly Paulsen, Gary. Original Rec Cnum 25551574 27268913 84017848 23462503 12942220 03345460 02558907 46888855 01285764 44519538 Page 53 Last-Date 07/31/2001 12/06/1999 12/20/2000 01/09/2001 11/11/1999 05/22/2001 05/04/2000 05/31/2001 06/13/2001 04/07/2001 07/20/2001 02/15/2001 03/31/2001 07/06/1998 07/26/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 24 29 2 1 24 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number m Kat People - BE Camden County College TO :BELLMAWR(010700) List of Items Declared Claims Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010103237813 0010105566367 Title The last housewife : Author Katz, Jon. LNG eng Original Rec Cnum Page 54 Last-Date 06/13/2001 06/21/2001 Mat Code 0 6 Req No No Last Copy Yes Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 355.0076 Bes 621.3916 Lee 636.7009 Kil CD 782.421643 Hi CD 782.42166 No Ep Cer F Ste Fp Gar Fp Mar j Fol j428.102 Age jp Adl m Bas VIDEO j791.433 S y Fla yB Mad yp Cor yp Hrd yp Pat Camden County College TO :BELLMAWR(010700) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 1995 Item No. 0010104285944 0010107039116 0010104093223 0010104500987 0010107194663 0010105546062 0010104387344 0010106368086 0010105560139 0010105265515 0010104635379 0010104377410 0010104761167 0010105563943 0010104635460 0010104328108 0010104384499 0010105579261 0010104375356 Title The best test prepar Building your own PC Mutts : The miseducation of Return of Saturn Anakin's fate / The gift / The other daughter. The daddy clock / The power twins / Who ordered the jumb Benny, Benny basebal A mansion and its mu Scooby-Doo on Zombie The skin I'm in / Madonna / The hideaway / Beans on toast / Jacob have I loved / Author Lee, Arnie. Kilcommons, Bri Hill, Lauryn. No Doubt (Music Cerasini, Marc Steel, Danielle Gardner, Lisa. Markey, Judy. Follett, Ken. Agee, Jon. Adler, David A. Bastable, Berna Flake, Sharon. Claro, Nicole. Corcoran, Barba Hrdlitschka, Sh Paterson, Kathe LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 43649525 43846296 40135358 29703045 37489532 21562678 40107028 15731258 40541773 14904707 38430610 06581114 Page 55 Last-Date 05/29/2001 06/11/2001 05/09/2001 06/11/2001 05/21/2001 05/25/2001 05/30/2001 05/21/2001 05/21/2001 05/16/2001 05/25/2001 05/21/2001 05/09/2001 06/18/2001 05/30/2001 05/16/2001 05/30/2001 05/30/2001 05/14/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 31 31 24 0 2 2 1 1 24 0 26 1 1 24 24 24 Req No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number E582.13 Pal Camden County College TO :BELLMAWR(010700) List of Items Declared Claims Returned between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010104523674 Title The flower alphabet Author Pallotta, Jerry LNG eng Original Rec Cnum Page 56 Last-Date 07/19/2001 Mat Code 1 Req No Last Copy Yes Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 299.792 Rui F Dea Camden County College TO :BENEWBKS(010701) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107007774 0010107483777 Title The four agreements The blue nowhere / Author Ruiz, Miguel, Deaver, Jeff. LNG eng eng Original Rec Cnum Page 57 Last-Date 06/09/2001 07/27/2001 Mat Code 0 0 Req No Yes Last Copy Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 005.276 Vau 602.373 Row 650.14 Smi Camden County College TO :CTYSTORE(010950) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume 1994 Item No. 0010105537418 0010103064704 0010101828498 Title Webmaster career sta The career connectio How to strengthen yo Author Vaughn, Joan. Rowe, Fred A. Smith, Brenda M LNG eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 30438222 21480439 Page 58 Last-Date 04/13/2001 04/13/2001 12/05/1996 Mat Code 0 0 0 Req Yes No No Last Copy Yes Yes No Last Main Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number CD 782.42163 Dar E Car Ep Cor Ep Kre Ep Pal Ep Sch ER Fri j Bya j Smi jp Chr jp Sac jp Vai yp Mar yp Mye Camden County College TO :MERCHVLE(013000) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107195785 0010106361347 0010106635351 0010107530205 0010107137001 0010106669756 0010105217441 0010105058183 0010105156292 0010105207988 0010105220205 0010107139338 0010105236763 0010106490898 Title Greatest hits The very quiet crick Corduroy's Easter pa Arthur and the reces The icky bug alphabe You're a star, Snoop I'll teach my dog 10 Wanted-- Mud Blossom Chocolate fever Soccer halfback. Wayside School gets What are friends for Maggie: diary two. ( Slam! / Author Dark Latin Groo Carle, Eric. Brown, Marc Tol Pallotta, Jerry Schulz, Charles Frith, Michael Byars, Betsy Cr Smith, Robert K Christopher, Ma Sachar, Louis, Vail, Rachel. Martin, Ann M. Myers, Walter D LNG spa eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 44673408 17337007 21902785 22629594 00483386 42397492 Page 59 Last-Date 07/19/2001 08/22/2000 04/27/2001 07/07/2001 12/18/2000 02/09/2001 01/19/2001 07/30/2001 05/21/2001 05/18/2001 02/21/2001 01/03/2001 07/26/2001 01/12/2000 Mat Code 31 1 24 24 24 24 1 1 1 24 24 24 24 24 Req No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number Ep Bul Camden County College TO :MERCHVLE(013000) List of Items Declared Claims Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010106697518 Title No tooth, no quarter Author Buller, Jon, LNG eng Original Rec Cnum 89030250 Page 60 Last-Date 05/31/2001 Mat Code 24 Req No Last Copy Yes Last Main Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number 299.5 Sac CD 782.42163 Ant E Lew E793.735 Wic j Osb j597.9604 Fic jB DiC jp Spe VIDEO E792.42083 y133.1 Coh Camden County College TO :MERCHVLE(013000) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume Item No. 0010107050683 0010107193285 0010107054149 0010104948152 0010106492969 0010105071517 0010104801534 0010105235997 0010106271058 0010105449952 Title The sacred East : Marc Anthony Daffy Duck and Porky I spy spooky night : Dolphins at daybreak Poisonous snakes / Lovin' Leo : Wish upon a VCR. (Fu Elmo palooza The ghosts of war / Author Anthony, Marc. Lewis, Gary A. Wick, Walter. Osborne, Mary P Fichter, George Scott, Stefanie Speregen, Devra Cohen, Daniel, LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 42669597 42598898 22757707 35223002 07925430 39028063 38964340 20562928 Page 61 Last-Date 06/04/2001 06/13/2001 05/21/2001 05/07/2001 05/22/2001 05/24/2001 05/07/2001 05/07/2001 05/21/2001 05/09/2001 Mat Code 0 31 0 1 1 1 1 24 26 1 Req No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number [STACKS] B3216 . [STACKS] B3216.C [STACKS] B3216.C [STACKS] B3216.C [STACKS] HQ774.5 [STACKS] JV6465 [STACKS] LB2395 [STACKS] PS3511 [STACKS] PS3557. [STACKS] RC495 . Camden County College TO :STACKSCC(020101) List of Items Declared Missing between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume v.2 v.1 v.3 Item No. 0203100344365 0203100481209 0203100481217 0203200054849 0203100600733 0203100651777 0203100209725 0203100169382 0203100619931 0203100309715 Title The logic of the hum The philosophy of sy The philosophy of sy The philosophy of sy The emotional life o Crossings : Study skills; Robert Frost / Grendel General techniques o Author Cassirer, Ernst Cassirer, Ernst Cassirer, Ernst Cassirer, Ernst Lieberman, Alic Nugent, Walter Carman, Robert Gardner, John, Weitzenhoffer, LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 00372129 00372771 00372771 00372771 27973593 25368181 00329070 13270399 00161732 02676236 Page 62 Last-Date 07/30/2001 12/06/1996 07/25/2001 07/25/2001 12/14/1999 12/13/1999 02/06/2001 02/13/1999 07/31/1999 04/21/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 08/01/2001 Call Number [STACKS] BF575.A [STACKS] DG975 . [STACKS] DT18 .R [STACKS] DT18 .R [STACKS] HF6146. [STACKS] RD585.5 Camden County College TO :STACKSCC(020101) List of Items Declared Assumed Lost between the dates 07/01/2001 And 07/31/2001 Volume v.2 v.1 Item No. 31000000135106 0203100042001 0203100359991 0203200041143 31000000144199 0203100423409 Title The beast within : Siena, the history o World's great men of World's great men of Advertising on the I The vasectomy book : Author Boyd, Neil, Schevill, Ferdi Rogers, J. A. Rogers, J. A. Zeff, Robbin Le Goldstein, Marc LNG eng eng eng eng eng eng Original Rec Cnum 00405633 00515832 00515832 08283891 Page 63 Last-Date 06/04/2001 06/05/2001 05/14/2001 05/14/2001 06/04/2001 06/01/2001 Mat Code 0 0 0 0 0 0 Req No No No No No No Last Copy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Last Main Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes