PSY 350, Sleep and Dreaming

PSY 350
Learner Outcomes
Identify methodological issues in the study of
sleep and dreaming, including potential
problems and biases in these methods.
Assessment Tool or Process
This goal will be assessed by graded
answers to multiple choice and short
essay questions and/or by a critical
evaluation of an original research
paper in the field.
Demonstrate knowledge of the measurement
This goal will be assessed by graded
of sleep and dreaming including
answers to multiple choice and short
polysomnography and techniques for recording essay questions.
and understanding dreams.
Describe and identify disorders of sleep and
This goal will be assessed by graded
dreaming, including sleep apnea, limb
answers to multiple choice and short
movement in sleep, narcolepsy, insomnias,
essay questions.
and parasomnias.
Discuss and identify behavioral, cognitive and
This goal will be assessed by graded
pharmacological interventions for sleep
answers to multiple choice and short
essay questions.
Demonstrate knowledge of circadian rhythms
This goal will be assessed by graded
and the biology underlying sleep and
answers to multiple choice and short
essay questions.