Eco B - 1 ECONOMICS We may define economic activity as any action that helps in the satisfaction of human wants. It is this activity which forms the subject-matter of the study of economics. Economics originally developed as a science of statecraft. Definitions of economics: 1. Wealth definition - by Adam Smith approach/school/thought 2. Welfare definition - by Alfred Marshall 3. Scarcity definition – by Lionel Robbins 4. Growth definition – by Paul A. Samuelson 1 Wealth definition – Wealth has always assumed تظاهر کردنa significant role to control and regulate the economic activity. But with the development of trade, industry and commerce, the role of wealth has become more dominantغالب. Economists in the 18th and the early 19th centuries had defined economics as that part of knowledge which relates to wealth. Adam Smith defined economics as “a science which studies the nature and causes of the wealth of nations”. 2 Welfare آسایشdefinition – Alfred Marshall defined economics as: “Political economy or Economics is a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life; it examines that part of individual and social action which is most closely connected with the attainment حصولand with the use of the material requisites احتیاجof well-being. Thus it is, on the one side, a study of wealth; and on the other, and more important side, a part of the study of man”. Marshall was the first to realize the significance of human welfare. He believed that wealth is not an end in itself, it is a means to an end, the ultimate نهاییend being human welfare. 3. Scarcity کمیابیDefinition – Lionel Robbins defined economics as ; “Economics is the science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses.” The definition of Robbins bring home the following fundamental conditions: Economics is a science – a positive science – because it studies how human beings adjust their multiple wants to scarce means. Economics studies human behavior. Ends – Ends refer to the human wants which are unlimited. Scarce means – Human wants are unlimited while the means (material resources) to satisfy them are limited. 4. Growth Definition - Professor Paul A. Samuelson has propounded اریرایه کردنthe growth-centered definition of economics; “Economics is the study of how man and society choose, with or without the use of money, to employ scarce productive resources which could have alternative uses, to produce various commodities وسیله مناسبover time and distribute them for consumption مصرفnow and in future among various people and groups of society.’ MICRO ECONOMICS Micro and macro have come to be known as two important approaches to the economic analysis. Micro has been taken from the Greek word ‘Mikros’ which means small. Professor Ragner Frisch coined this term for the first time in 1933, and since then it has become an important approach of economic analysis. “Micro economics is the study of particular firm, particular household, individual price, wage, income, industry and particular commodity”. (K. E. Boulding) Scope هدفof Micro Economics: Scope of Micro Economics Theory of Demand Theory of Production Theory of Price Determination Theory of Factor Pricing 1. Theory of Demand : In the theory of demand we study the concept of individual demand and market demand, elasticity of demand, equimarginal principle, consumer’s surplus, etc. 2. Theory of Production : It deals with various factors of production, production function, optimum combination of inputs to maximize the output, returns to a variable factor and returns to scale. 3. Theory of Price Determination : It deals with the determination of commodity price by a firm under different market structures. 4. Theory of factor pricing : It deals with the determination of rent, wages, interest and profit. Significance of Economics: 1. Significance for academicians ; Economics is logical and systematic science. Economic theory explains how production takes place, how goods are exchanged and finally consumed. 2. Significance for consumers : The ultimate object of economics is to promote human welfare. The law of substitution, for example, helps consumers to maximize their satisfaction from a given income. 3. Significance for the producers ; The aim of producers is to find out the least cost combination. The study of economic theory helps producers to choose the level of output that maximizes profits. 4. Significance in price determination : Theory of price is the most important part of economic theory. Pricing of products is a very difficult decision that the firms have to take under the different market conditions. So economic theory suggest at what time what price should be determined for a unit of commodity at different conditions. 5. Solves problems of income distribution – Distribution of national income among the different factors of production is the most sensitive and difficult problem. The theory of distribution suggests that every factor should be paid according to its marginal productivity. 6. Significance for the administrators – A successful administration is one which offers maximum amenities to the citizens causing the least burden on them. So a good tax-policy helps the administrator (Government) in this regard. 7. Significance for the planners – Several countries have adopted the technique of economic planning to accelerate the pace of their economic growth.