Risk assesement

Risk Assessment
Risk assessment Mechanical Testing with the 10kN ESH servo hydraulicUTM
and furnace.
1) Listed users and limits of access.
Persons authorised to carry out mechanical test on this equipment.
Any competent research student or technician following training by AW Rayment or
Brian Whitmore. See http://www.msm.cam.ac.uk/mechtest/ for further information on
how to get authorisation to use the equipment.
Persons authorised to service, remove or in any other way modify the hardware
Andrew Rayment(AWR)
Brian Whitmore(BW)
Further Notes.
The scope of the above applies to the ESH 10kN servo hydraulic UTM and furnace
room G18, Austin building.
Anyone wishing to use the equipment other than those listed above must first satisfy
BW or AWR that they can use the machine safely and not endanger themselves or the
2) Hazards
Mechanical testing on this machine involves applying tensile or compressive loads to
a test sample. A furnace can also be fitted to the machine. The following hazards are
 Crushing or ripping injuries from getting caught between the grips.
 Fire from incorrect use of insulation materials.
 Burning from contact with the furnace walls, pull rods or the sample.
3) Risks
Crushing, tearing.
4) Precautions and control measures
The following precautions must be taken.
Ensure that you are familiar with the correct way to set up the machine.
Always set up in position control.
When using the furnace make sure all samples have been cleaned and no residual
oil or solvents remain on their surfaces. Failure to do this will result in excess
fumes and is a possible fire hazard.
Hands and fingers must never be placed in the test area.
Any extensometers must be fitted/removed only when the apparatus is cool.
Never rely on the furnace thermocouple, as they are notoriously inaccurate.
Always use another reference thermocouple attached to the sample
Always keep the main door shut and locked to prevent unauthorised access or
tampering during the test.
Many accidents happen through the researcher attempting to tweak or change
settings just that little bit more... resist this temptation.
If using the furnace place a high temperature test in progress sign on the machine
during testing.
If using the furnace the user MUST remain with the machine for the first two
hours or until the temperature is stable. Whichever is longer.
If using the furnace always use new insulation as old insulation has been shown
to be flammable.
Training is conducted by BW or AWR until they reach the level necessary to operate
the machine safety.
6) Emergency Procedures.
Switch off the machine with the emergency stop button, or
Shut down the equipment at the power supplies by the switches that are clearly
7) Assessment and document details
Conducted by Andrew Rayment 1/11/2005.
File copy to Nathan Cliff (safety technician)
Original to B14 Arup building.
Review November 2006 then yearly or on modification.
AW Rayment