Form 7 Theme: Places of Interest of Kyiv 1 Objectives: To broaden

Form 7
Theme: Places of Interest of Kyiv
Objectives: To broaden student’s knowledge about our capital, its history and
culture; to practice their listening, speaking, reading, writing skills
through various creative activities.
Equipment: a map of Ukraine, a computer, pictures of the places of interest of
Kyiv, posters, and handouts.
The plan of the lesson.
Our Motherland.
Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.
Interesting facts about the city.
Places of interest of Kyiv
The summary of the lesson.
Teacher: Good morning everybody! Students, please greet our guests, the
teachers of English from other schools of our district! Glad to see all of you in
good health and mood!
(Slide 1)
Teacher: Today we have unusual lesson. It’s a presentation lesson and its topic is “ Places of interest of Kyiv”. The aim of our lesson is to improve our
knowledge, to learn more and broaden our outlook, to watch presentations.Today
we are going to speak about Ukraine and its capital Kyiv, about its history and
some places of interest of this city. Ukraine is our Motherland. It is one of the largest countries of Europe. The village of Dilove (district Rakhiv) is considered to be
the geographical centre of Europe. Ukraine stretches from the mountains in the
west to the steppes in the east.
In our country there are many large and nice cities. But, of course, the largest
and the most beautiful is Kyiv.
(Slide 2)
To start with I want you to answer some of my questions:
1. What river does Kyiv stand on?
2. What is considered to be the jewel of the city? (Podil)
3. What street is the heart of the city?
4. What square stands out as the most attractive one? (Maidan Nezalezhnosti).
And now we shall read some more interesting facts concerning our capital.
(Slides 3, 4)
1. Reading.
Pre-reading task.
Kyiv is a very ancient city, that’s why here there are many places of historic
significance. Now we shall read the text about one of the most famous people of
our country Yaroslav the Wise. He was a well-educated person and a wise ruler.
Under him Kyivan Rus became a mighty state. (Slides 5,6)
While-reading task.
Yaroslav the Wise.
Yaroslav the Wise – Grand Prince of Kyiv – was born in Kyiv in 978. He
was a son of Grand Prince Volodymyr, who converted Kyivan Rus to Christianity.
After his father’s death, Yaroslav waged war2 against his brother Svyatopolk I
and gained the Kyiv throne3. Under the rule of Yaroslav the Wise, Kyivan Rus,
with Kyiv as its capital, grew more powerful than ever. Trade with the East and the
West played an important role in Kyivan Rus in the 11 th century. Yaroslav established diplomatic relations with European countries. His daughters Elizabeth, Anna
and Anastasia were married to the kings of Norway, France and Hungary. Yaroslav himself was married to the daughter of the King of Sweden.
Yaroslav the Wise defended his state from the attacks of nomadic4 tribes. He
defeated5 the Pechenegs, who had attacked Kyiv for 120 years. To honour this victory he laid the foundations6 of St. Sophia’s Cathedral, the main church of Kyivan
Yaroslav the Wise valued wisdom, knowledge and books most of all. He
founded a primary school and a library. There were more than 1,000 books in it.
He also wrote a book of laws called Yaroslav’s Justice. No wonder he was called
Yaroslav the Wise.
He died in 1054 in Kyiv and was buried in St. Sophia’s Cathedral. In front of
the Cathedral there is a marble7 stone with his portrait on it to commemorate8 the
first library of Kyivan Rus.
Post-reading task.
Grand –величний
To wage a war – вести війну
Throne – трон
Nomadic – кочовий
To defeat – давати поразки
Foundation – фундамент
Marble -- мармуровий
To commemorate – вшановувати пам’ять
Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False. Correct the false statements:
1. Yaroslav the Wise was a brother of Grand Prince Volodymyr _(False)______
2. Under the rule of Yaroslav the Wise Kyivan Rus grew less powerful than ever.
3. Prince Yaroslav was married to the daughter of the King of Norway.
4. Yaroslav’s daughters were married to foreign kings. _____(True)_____
Read the text again and choose the correct answer A, B, C::
1. _____(B)______ played an important role in Kyivan Rus in the 11 th century.
2. Yaroslav the Wise defeated the _____(A)______who had attacked Kyiv for
120 years.
To honour the victory, Yaroslav began to build St. ____(B)_____Cathedral.
a) Andrew’s;
b) Sophia’s;
c) Volodymyr.
Teacher: Kyiv has very many places of interest which are known not only in
our country and are connected with its history. Every day many tourists come to
our capital and admire its wonderful views. Now we shall see some of them and I
think we should start with the heart of Kyiv – Khreshchatyk. (Slides 7-15)
Pre-listening task
Teacher: We shall stop here and you will listen to the text “The Story of Kyiv”. It is connected with St. Andrew Church and with the foundation of Kyiv.
Here there are some words which may be unknown for you:
To approach -- наближатися
To predict -- передбачати
Magnificent -- величний
(Slides 16-19)
While-listening task.
When you approach Kyiv from the left bank of the Dnipro River you can see a
small toy-like structure – St. Andrew’s Church. Kyivites built it in the 18th century
and named it after Saint Andrew, the disciple of Jesus Christ. Apostle Andrew
came to this land in the first century A. D. and predicted that a magnificent city
would appear here. He put a cross on the hill and later on people built a church on
that spot. But the name of the city is connected with another story.
Once upon a time there lived three brothers – Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv – and
their sister Lybid. They settled on the hills along the Dnipro, founded a town and
named it after the eldest brother. Two hills were named after the other two brothers
– Shchekavytsa and Khorevytsa – while a narrow river was named Lybid after the
The city appeared more than 1,500 years ago. In the 11 th century it became the
capital of a powerful Slavonic State – Kyivan Rus – and was called “the mother of
all Russian towns.”
Post-listening task:
I. Listen and circle the correct answer:
a) Kyi was the eldest / the youngest brother.
b) In the 11th century Kyiv became the capital of Kyivan Rus / Ukraine.
c) Kyiv was called father / mother of all Russian towns.
d) St. Andrew’s Church is on the Dnipro River / the Lybid River.
II. Put the sentences in the order they appeared in the text:
1. Kyivites built St. Andrew’s Church in the 18th century.
2. The city appeared more than 1500 years ago.
3. Once upon a time there lived three brothers and their sister Lybid.
4. But the name of Kyiv is connected with another story.
Teacher: Visiting Kyiv we can see many other churches and cathedrals. Among
them are St. Volodymyr Cathedral, St. Cyril Church, St. Sophia Cathedral and
many others. Now we shall visit some of them. (Slides 20-24)
Teacher: The cultural life of Kyiv is very rich. We can’t but admire its museums, theatres, cinemas and so on. Now we shall learn something about some of
them. (Slides 25-28)
Teacher: And here we can see Pyrohovo, the open air museum of Folk Architecture which is situated in the suburb of Kyiv. This museum was founded in 1969
and open to public in 1976. It occupies a huge territory. (Slides 29-30)
Teacher: And now I want you to read a dialogue concerning Kyiv.
-- Hello, Kate!
-- Hi, Ann!
-- Where were you last weekend?
-- I went to Kyiv to visit my relatives. The weather was fine and we decided to
make a short trip around the city.
-- What interesting places did you see?
-- We visited many places: St. Sophia Cathedral, the Golden Gates, St. Volodymyr
Cathedral and, of course, Khreshchatyk.
-- What did you like most of all?
-- I enjoyed walking in Khreshchatyk. It is a nice street with many shops, restaurants, cafes, buildings and offices. It’s a pity I didn’t have a chance to visit many
places. But I hope to do it the next time. Good=bye!
-- See you soon.
Teacher: Your next task will be to make your own dialogues about Kyiv.
Teacher: Now we shall make a short summary of our lesson. Match the parts
of the sentences:
1. Khreshchatyk Street got its name
from ...
A) the most impressive one.
2. Podil ...
B) is lined up with chestnut trees.
3. The Monument to the Independence
of Ukraine is ...
C) in the suburb of Kyiv.
4. Khreshchatyk Street ...
D) Khreshchaty Yar.
5. Pyrohovo is situated ...
E) was inhabited by craftsmen and fishermen.
6. St. Andrew Church ...
F) is a very attractive city.
7. The capital of Ukraine ...
G) was built in the 18th century.
1. What place of Kyiv is considered to be the heart of the city?
a St. Sophia Cathedral.
b The Golden Gates.
c Khreshchatyk.
2. When did Kyiv become the centre of Kyivan Rus?
a In the 11th century;
b In the 12th century;
c In the 10th century;
3. When did the city appear?
a More than 1500 years ago;
b More than 2000 years ago;
c More than 2100 tears ago;
4. Pechenegs attacked Kyiv for more than ... years.
A 130;
5. Yaroslav the Wise was buried in ...
a St. Andrew Church;
b St. Sophia Cathedral;
c St. Volodymyr Cathedral;
Home assignment.
You are staying in Kyiv for a week. Write down a
postcard to your friend about the places you’ve
already visited or you are going to visit. Express
your own impressions.