Macbeth Essay prompts

Macbeth Topics
1. Trace the use of the symbol of blood and blood-stained hands
and explain how the symbol contributes to the character
development of either (or both) Lady Macbeth or Macbeth and the
themes of the play.
2. A tragic hero is a protagonist, usually of noble birth or highstanding, who possesses a character flaw which contributes to his
choices that cause his own downfall. Tragic heroes have several
other common features: they undergo meaningful suffering, learn
from their mistake somehow, and arouse pity or fear in the
audience through their demise. Is Macbeth a tragic hero?
Explain why or why not.
3. Shakespearean plays contain timeless themes. Explore one of
the themes of Macbeth and how it relates to our society.
Themes—appearances can be deceiving, blind ambition, burden
of guilt, and superstition affects human behavior.
4. Student’s choice (needs to be approved before beginning)
Rubric to follow.
Planning sheet available upon request.