Draft, 20 September Course title: PUBLIC POLICY Course number: JSM501, Fall Semester 2010/11 Course website: http://www.martinpotucek.cz/vyuka_vp.html Volume of instruction: 2/1 Number of credits: 9 Course leader: Prof. Martin Potůček, PhD. http://www.martinpotucek.cz Consultations to be booked electronically at http://cinefogo.cuni.cz/terms. Seminars for Faculty of Social Sciences students: Seminars coordinator, Assistant & Head of Seminar Group A (Room J 3019): Mgr. Daniel Messele Balcha, contact: danielmessele@gmail.com Assistant, Seminar Group A: Mgr. Antonín Tym, contact: an.tym@tiscali.cz (or Paulina?) Assistant & Head of Seminar Group C (Room J 2080): Mgr. Ing. Vít Skála, contact: skala@ptl.cz Assistant, Seminar Group C: Mgr. paulina.tabery@soc.cas.cz (or Antonín?) et Mgr. Paulína Tabery, contact: Seminars for Faculty of Humanities students: Mgr. Selma Muhič Dizdarevič, PhD. selma.muhic@gmail.com. See instructions by the head of seminars. Goals of instruction: The course aims to introduce students to the study of public policy as a discipline, within a broader context of the development of contemporary societies; to exemplify public policy’s practical application and the ways public policy as a scientific discipline attempts to apprehend social problems and devise solutions thereof; to do so by defining the key terms, concepts and methods of public policy; and to engage students in critical thinking and studying, systematic work with scholarly literature, writing scholarly texts and actively participating in seminars. Registration prerequisites: Full-time enrolment in any Master’s or Doctoral study programme at the Charles University. Conditions for passing: Faculty of Social Sciences students shall be admitted to the written examination for this course (in English or Czech) if they have been graded for the seminar and if they have elaborated and submitted a final written assignment (in English or Czech) on an agreed topic. The topic shall be based on student’s interest and consulted with course assistants or course sponsor. Faculty of Humanities students shall be admitted to the written examination for this course (in English or Czech) if they have been graded for the seminar. 1 Final grading shall be based on the following key: Point score Grade 80 or more Excellent (výborně) 65-79 Very Good (velmi dobře) 50-64 Good (dobře) 49 or less Fail (neprospěl/a) Points can be earned in the following ways: Answers to questions formulated at lectures (3000 characters including spaces 10 maximum, printed out and submitted at the next lecture) Student performance during seminars 25 Final written assignment 25 Written examination 40 N. B.: 1. Sources shall be credited in line with the latest version of the ISO 690 standard. No form of plagiarism is tolerated at the Charles University. Any instances of plagiarism shall be discussed by the Disciplinary Board and, eventually, the Dean. 2. The final written assignment shall be submitted on the day of registration for written examination, at the latest. Course schedule: Time: lectures 3:30-6:20 pm, seminars 3:30-4:50 pm or 5:00-6:20 pm Day Room Content 4 Oct 2080 Lecture #1 Introduction to the course, lectures and seminars. A. Society and Governance Students will form seminar groups. 11 Oct 18 Oct 25 Oct 2080 Seminar #1 3019 Introduction to the discipline. Agreement on presentation topics. Topics of final written assignments (discussion of choice of topics, proposal recommendations and basic rules of crediting sources). 2080 Seminar #2 3019 Presentations on framework topic “Society and Governance”. Specifying the agreement on presentation topics. Discussion of final written assignment proposals. 2080 Lecture #2 B. Development Criteria and Orientations C. Public Policy Problems 2 Day Room Content 1 Nov 2080 Lecture #3 D. Market, State and Civic Sector E. State and Political System 8 Nov 15 Nov 2080 Seminar #3 3019 Presentations on framework topic „Delimiting the Policy Problem“. Deadline for submitting final written assignment proposal. 2080 Lecture #4 F. Institutions and Actors G. Public Policy Policy Discourse 22 Nov 29 Nov 2080 Seminar #4 3019 Presentations on framework topic “Market, State and Civic Sector as Regulators” 2080 Lecture #5 H. Structures, Processes, Functions I. Public Policies 6 Dec 13 Dec 2080 Seminar #5 3019 Presentations on framework topic “Institutions and Submission of a comprehensive draft of the final assignment. 2080 Lecture #6 Actors”. J. How to Examine Public Policy Final recapitulation, getting ready for the examination. 20 Dec 2080 Seminar #6 3019 Presentations on framework topic “Public Policies”. Instructions for submitting final written assignments. Basic bibliography: Fiala, P. and Schubert, K. 2000. Moderní analýza politiky: Uvedení do teorií a metod policy analysis. Praha: Barrister & Principal. Fischer, F., Miller, G. J. and Sidney, M. S. 2007. Handbook of Public Policy Analysis: Theory, Politics, and Methods. New York: CRC Press. Potůček, M. et al. Veřejná politika. 2005 (2nd ed. 2010). Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství. Potůček, M., LeLoup, L., Jenei, G. and Váradi, L. 2003. Public Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: Theories, Methods, Practices. Bratislava: NISPAcee. Veselý, A. and Nekola. M. (eds.) 2008. Analýza a tvorba veřejných politik: Přístupy, metody a praxe. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství. 3 Notes on literature study: 1. Further literature will be recommended in individual lecture worksheets. 2. It is advisable to follow the electronic Central European Journal of Public Policy (CEJPP): http://www.cejpp.eu. 3. Students are expected to follow the media covering policy problems on an ongoing basis. Useful websites: Center for Social and Economic Strategies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague (CESES): http://ceses.cuni.cz Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee): http://www.nispa.sk Government of the Czech Republic: www.vlada.cz Portal of the Public Administration, Czech Republic: www.portal.gov.cz Non-profit sector: www.neziskovky.cz Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: www.oecd.org World Bank: www.worldbank.org European Union: www.europa.eu Eurostat: http://epp.eurostat.cec.eu.int 4