Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights
Emily Bronte
Study Questions
Chapter 1
1. What is the setting of the first chapter?
2. Who is the narrator?
3. Describe Mr. Lockwood.
4. What event opens the novel?
5. Why is the place called “wuthering”?
6. Why does Lockwood like the neighborhood and Heathcliff?
7. Contrast the appearance of Heathcliff with that of his home.
8. Why or why not is Lockwood as antisocial as he believes himself to be?
Chapter 2
1. How is Lockwood received on his second visit to Wuthering Heights?
2. How do Heathcliff and Mrs. Heathcliff appear to get along with each other?
3. What is Mrs. Heathcliff’s relationship to Heathcliff?
4. Who is the young man?
5. Why must Lockwood spend the night at Wuthering Heights?
Chapter 3
1. What hints does Zillah give Lockwood about household mysteries before he retires that night?
2. Describe the bed in which Lockwood sleeps.
3. What does Lockwood find written in the books on the window ledge?
4. Describe Lockwood’s first dream.
5. Describe Lockwood’s second dream.
6. Is Lockwood dreaming, or does the spirit really appear?
7. What is Heathcliff’s response to Lockwood’s dream?
Chapter 4
1. What information is Lockwood seeking, and from whom does he try to get it?
2. Describe Nelly Dean and her character.
3. How has Hareton Earnshaw been mistreated?
4. What is Lockwood’s impression of young Cathy at this point?
5. According to Nelly, what was the reaction of Mr. Earnshaw’s family when he brought home an
orphan from Liverpool?
6. What is the source of the name “Heathcliff”?
7. What possible reason can Mr. Earnshaw have for bringing Heathcliff home and treating him as his
8. Why does Hindley hate Heathcliff?
9. What illusion does Nelly have about Heathcliff at this time?
Chapter 5
1. What has happened to Mr. Earnshaw?
2. Describe Catherine at this time.
3. What is Joseph like? How does he cause trouble in the household?
4. What happens at the end of this chapter?
Chapter 6
1. What surprise occurs when Hindley returns home for his father’s funeral?
2. After his return, how does Hindley treat the servants and Heathcliff?
3. How do Catherine and Heathcliff react to Hindley’s treatment of Heathcliff?
4. Describe Heathcliff and Catherine’s experience at the Lintons’ home and its aftermath.
5. Contrast Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange.
6. What is Heathcliff’s opinion of Edgar and Isabella Linton?
Chapter 7
1. How is Catherine different when she returns from her five-week stay at the Grange?
2. Describe Catherine and Heathcliff’s reunion after her return.
3. Why do the Lintons disapprove of Heathcliff?
4. What disruptive event occurs during Edgar and Isabella’s visit?
5. Describe Catherine’s two conflicting desires as seen in this chapter.
6. What intention does Heathcliff have at this point?
Chapter 8
1. What child is born in this chapter?
2. How does the death of Frances affect the household?
3. How does Heathcliff change under Hindley’s ill treatment?
4. How does Catherine treat both Heathcliff and Edgar? What does her treatment of them suggest about
her character?
Chapter 9
1. How does little Hareton regard his father, Hindley? Why?
2. What part does Hareton play in a scene between Hindley and Heathcliff? What does this indicate
about Heathcliff’s feelings?
3. What confidence does Catherine share with Nelly in the kitchen?
4. What does Catherine think her relationship will be with Heathcliff after her marriage?
5. Contrast Catherine’s love for Edgar with her love for Heathcliff.
6. Why does Heathcliff run away?
7. How does Catherine react to Heathcliff’s disappearance? What foreshadowing is woven into this
8. What are two results of Catherine’s illness?
9. How are the forces of calm and storm balanced when Catherine marries Edgar three years later?
Chapter 10
1. How are Catherine and Edgar getting along at Thrushcross Grange when this chapter begins?
2. Describe the changes in Heathcliff when he returns.
3. What effect does Heathcliff’s return have on Catherine? On Edgar? On Isabella?
4. Why is Edgar concerned about Isabella’s love for Heathcliff?
5. Where is Heathcliff staying? Why does he lodge there?
6. Why is Nelly fearful of the future?
Chapter 11
1. When Nelly Dean sees Hareton again, what change(s) does she notice?
2. Who has taught Hareton to act rudely and to hate his father? Why?
3. How does Heathcliff bring the battle at Thrushcross Grange to a dramatic confrontation?
4. Why does Heathcliff make advances toward Isabella?
5. Whom do you see as most responsible for the stormy situation at Thrushcross Grange: Catherine,
Heathcliff, or Edgar? Why?
Chapter 12
1. What happens at Thrushcross Grange during the three days following Heathcliff’s visit?
2. How serious does Catherine’s fit become?
3. What significant statement does Catherine make about death during her illness?
4. Describe Edgar’s reaction to the news that Heathcliff and Isabella have eloped.
Chapter 13
1. Describe Catherine’s and Edgar’s actions during the two months following Heathcliff and Isabella’s
2. What is significant about Catherine’s comment about the hills?
3. What prospect cheers the household despite Catherine’s illness.
4. What feelings does Isabella have about her life at Wuthering Heights, as revealed by her letter to
5. Why does Heathcliff mistreat Isabella?
Chapter 14
1. What is Edgar’s response to the news about Isabella?
2. Describe Nelly’s reception at Wuthering Heights.
3. What fact does Heathcliff admit during Nelly’s visit?
4. What does Heathcliff force Nelly to agree to do?
Chapter 15
1. What is Catherine’s response to the letter from Heathcliff?
2. What is Catherine’s immediate response to Heathcliff’s appearance in person?
3. Briefly describe the conversation between Catherine and Heathcliff.
4. How does Catherine and Heathcliff’s meeting conclude?
5. What does this scene indicate about the relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff?
Chapter 16
1. What happens to Catherine after Heathcliff leaves?
2. Why is the birth of a daughter significant?
3. Describe the reactions of Edgar and Heathcliff to Catherine’s death.
4. What curse does Heathcliff place upon the dead Catherine?
5. What does Heathcliff do to the corpse?
6. What is Nelly’s response when she discovers Heathcliff’s act? What do you think of her actions?
Chapter 17
1. Briefly describe Isabella’s fortune as related in this chapter.
2. What changes are apparent in Isabella after her marriage?
3. What happens to Hindley Earnshaw? How does Hindley’s fate allow Heathcliff to take over
Wuthering Heights?
4. How has Edgar changed following the death of his wife?
5. When Edgar and Nelly try to take Hareton away from Wuthering Heights, what does Heathcliff
threaten to do?
6. How has Heathcliff revenged himself so far on Hindley and Edgar?
Chapter 18
1. Describe young Cathy and her life at this point.
2. What circumstances bring Cathy into contact with Wuthering Heights?
3. Describe Cathy’s reaction to the news that Hareton is her cousin.
Chapter 19
1. What kind of boy is Linton when he comes to the Grange after the death of his mother?
2. Why does Heathcliff send for Linton to come and live at Wuthering Heights?
3. Describe Linton’s departure from Thrushcross Grange.
Chapter 20
1. How does Heathcliff receive his son and what is his opinion of the boy?
2. How does Linton react to Heathcliff?
3. What use does Heathcliff plan to make of his son?
Chapter 21
1. What is Linton’s life like at Wuthering Heights at this time?
2. How does Cathy become reacquainted with Linton?
3. Describe the relationship between Hareton and Cathy.
4. Describe the relationship between Linton and Cathy.
5. Why does Heathcliff want Linton and Cathy to get along?
Chapter 22
1. Why is the atmosphere depressive at Thrushcross Grange in this chapter?
2. How does Heathcliff persuade Cathy to come to Wuthering Heights?
3. How does Nelly feel about making the trip to Wuthering Heights?
Chapter 23
1. How are Nelly and Cathy received by Linton at Wuthering Heights?
2. What causes a serious quarrel between Cathy and Linton?
3. What is important about the fact that Edgar and Nelly are sick at the same time?
Chapter 24
1. What discovery does Nelly make when she is well again?
2. What reason does Cathy give for her visits to Linton?
3. What do Cathy’s and Linton’s thoughts about the ideal way to spend a summer day reveal about their
4. What is Hareton trying to learn to do and why?
5. How does Edgar react to the news of Cathy’s visits to Wuthering Heights?
Chapter 25
1. How much time has passed between the events Nelly just related and the present, when Nelly is
telling the tale?
2. What suggestion does Nelly make to Lockwood? How does Lockwood react?
3. How does Edgar feel about Cathy’s marrying Linton?
4. How does Linton get permission to see Cathy?
5. What is Edgar’s state of health? Linton’s?
Chapter 26
1. How does Linton appear physically and emotionally during his first meeting on the moors with
2. Why does Cathy agree to meet with Linton again?
Chapter 27
1. How does Heathcliff get Cathy to Wuthering Heights?
2. Why does Heathcliff imprison Cathy and Nelly at Wuthering Heights?
3. What is Cathy’s reaction to Heathcliff’s plan?
4. How long is Nelly imprisoned at Wuthering Heights?
Chapter 28
1. What tale does Nelly discover has been circulated about her disappearance and Cathy’s?
2. Where is Cathy? According to Linton, what are the plans for Cathy?
3. How does Cathy manage to escape Wuthering Heights to be with her dying father?
4. Describe Edgar’s state of mind at his death.
5. How are Edgar’s plans to alter his will thwarted?
6. What now appears to be the future of Cathy and Thrushcross Grange?
Chapter 29
1. What plans does Heathcliff reveal when he comes to the Grange after Edgar’s funeral?
2. What does Heathcliff reveal to Nelly about his actions concerning Catherine’s grave?
3. Why is it significant that Heathcliff has felt Catherine’s presence outside the bedroom window at
Wuthering Heights?
4. What is the only thing that Heathcliff takes from Thrushcross Grange, besides Cathy?
Chapter 30
1. What is Cathy’s life like at Wuthering Heights?
2. What soon happens to Linton?
3. How has Heathcliff managed to prevent Cathy from gaining control of Thrushcross Grange?
4. Who tries to be friendly with Cathy at Wuthering Heights? How does Cathy respond?
5. How does Nelly conclude her story to Lockwood?
6. What are Lockwood’s plans?
Chapter 31
1. Describe the situation Lockwood finds when he arrives at Wuthering Heights.
2. Why is Hareton trying to learn to read? How does Cathy react to his effort?
3. What state is Heathcliff in? What is happening to his plans for revenge?
Chapter 32
1. What changes does Lockwood find at Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange when he returns?
2. Why is Hareton fearful of becoming Cathy’s friend? What earlier event in the story does his comment
3. How do Cathy and Hareton make peace?
Chapter 33
1. What does Cathy resolve after her argument with Heathcliff?
2. What does Heathcliff see in Hareton’s and Cathy’s eyes that gives him a shock?
3. What has happened to Heathcliff’s desire for revenge?
4. What is Heathcliff reminded of when he sees Hareton?
5. What obsesses Heathcliff at this point?
Chapter 34
1. How does Heathcliff act during his final days?
2. How does Heathcliff’s desire to change his will recall Edgar’s situation before his death?
3. Why is it significant that Nelly finds Heathcliff’s body with his hand on the sill, the skin broken but
not bleeding?
4. Who is the only person who seems to mourn Heathcliff’s death?
5. Where is Heathcliff buried?
6. What are Cathy and Harton’s plans?
7. What stories are being circulated by the neighbors about Heathcliff’s and Catherine’s ghosts?
8. When Lockwood visits the graves of Catherine, Edgar, and Heathcliff, what does he think about the
stories of the ghosts?
9. How has harmony been restored to Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange?
An Examination of Characters
1. Describe the two sides of the elder Catherine’s personality.
2. Describe Heathcliff as a child, as an adult, and as a dying man.
3. Contrast Heathcliff and Edgar.
4. Compare and contrast Cathy with her mother Catherine.
5. Briefly describe each of the following minor characters: Lockwood, Nelly Dean, Hindley, Isabella,
Hareton, and Linton.
An Examination of Literary Techniques
1. How does the point of view change throughout the novel? How does this change affect the reader’s
perception of the story?
2. Describe the imagery and symbolic elements in Wuthering Heights.
3. How is symmetry maintained through the structure of Wuthering Heights.
An Examination of Themes
1. Discuss revenge as a theme of Wuthering Heights.
2. Can Wuthering Heights be viewed as a story about rebellion? Why or why not?
3. What is the dual nature of romantic love as depicted in Wuthering Heights?
An Examination of Philosophy
1. Who is more favorably depicted in the novel, rebels like Heathcliff and Catherine or conformists like
Edgar? Why do you think so?
2. Is Heathcliff a realistic character? Specifically, does his love for Catherine seem believable? And is
his desire for revenge realistically compatible with that love? Why or why not?
3. Is life really divided into stormy and calm elements as Bronte suggests? If so, can these two opposing
elements ever peacefully co-exist? Why or why not?
4. Should Heathcliff be blamed for his actions? Do you think he should be excused on the basis of his
presumably impoverished childhood and Hindley’s abuse?