Collection IV: Soldier Vocabulary Terms

Collection IV: Soldier Vocabulary Terms
1. epic hero – the central figure in a long narrative that reflects
the values and heroic ideals of a particular society
2. epic – a long narrative poem that relates the great deeds of a
larger-than-life hero who embodies the values of a particular
3. archetype - a pattern that appears in literature across cultures
and is repeated through the ages; it can be a character, plot,
image, or setting
4. resolute – determined
5. vehemently – violently
6. infallible – unable to fail or be wrong
7. furled – rolled up
8. lavish – extravagant
9. assail – attack
10. extolled – praised
11. symbolism – a literary movement that began in France
during the late 19th century and advocated the use of highly
personal symbols to suggest ideas, emotions, and moods
12. symbol – a person, place, thing, or event that stands both
for itself and for something beyond itself; concrete to abstract
(ex: flag, freedom)
13. theme – the central idea or insight about human
experience revealed in a work of literature
14. tone – the attitude a writer takes toward the reader, a
subject, or a character
15. imagery – language that appeals to the senses
“Dulce et Decorum Est”
16. figure of speech – a word or phrase that describes one
thing in terms of another and is not meant to be understood on
a literal level
17. simile – a figure of speech that makes a comparison
between two seemingly unlike things by using a connective
word such as like, than, or resembles
18. metaphor – a figure of speech that makes a comparison
between two seemingly unlike things without using a
connective word such as like, as, than, or resembles
19. oxymoron – a figure of speech that combines apparently
contradictory or incongruous ideas
20. rhyme scheme – the pattern of rhymed lines in a poem
21. half rhyme – words that sound similar but do not rhyme
“The Hollow Men”
22. allusion – a reference to a statement, person, place, event,
or thing that is known from literature, history, religion,
mythology, politics, sports, science, or popular culture
23. inferences – guesses based on evidence
24. parody – the imitation of a work of literature, art, or
music for amusement or instruction
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
25. rhetorical devices – is a use of language that is intended
to have an effect on its audience. Repetition, figurative
language, and even rhetorical questions are all examples
of rhetorical devices
26. rigor – extreme severity
27. provision – arrangement or preparation beforehand
28. lamentable – regrettable; unfortunate
buoyancy – lightness of spirit; cheerfulness
Shooting an Elephant
30. verbal irony – occurs when a writer or speaker says one
thing but really means something quite different-often the
opposite of what he or she has said
31. situational irony – occurs when what actually happens is
the opposite of what is expected or appropriate
32. supplant – replace; displace
33. labyrinth – maze; complex or confusing arrangement
34. squalid – foul or unclean; wretched
35. pretext – excuse
I Believe in a British Empire
36. apathy – lack of interest
37. forfend – prevent