Standard No. Indicator Standard No. Indicator

Faculty Member Name Amy Cooke
Date: 6/20/06__
School District: Hunterdon Central Regional High School
School email address:
Title of Lesson/Unit: Andre Carnegie (Gilded Age) Scored Discussion
Relevant Content Topic(s)/Course Title(s):
US History I, Andrew Carnegie/Gilded Age
State Social Studies Standards Addressed:
Standard No.
Standard No.
9 -13
Course-Specific Curriculum Objectives:
Thematic Unit 1: 1, 2, 3, 4
Thematic Unit 2: 1, 2, 4, 5
Length of instructional period: ____82 minutes____
How many periods needed to implement lesson unit: __2 blocks ________
Grade Level(s) for use: ___9th grade__________
1. Students will take the information that they have gathered researching on the internet, and in the Andrew
Carnegie video: The Richest Man in the World, and in their textbook, to make decision about Andrew
Carnegie’s life either as a robber baron or captain of industry.
2. Students will use their knowledge of the Gilded Age and be able to determine if Carnegie’s life is a
representation of what was occurring during that time period.
Students will be able to verbally express their viewpoints and opinions using evidence and historical
information from their research.
Essential Questions:
Focus Question: Do you believe that Andrew Carnegie was a true Robber Baron or a Philanthropist Captain of
Industry? Should his legacy in the United States be that of a corrupt business leader or should he be remembered as a
philanthropist and a captain of the American Steel Industry? Do his good qualities outweigh his bad or do his bad qualities
outweigh his good qualities. Choose a position and back up your response with examples.
Other Questions to Consider:
To some people, Andrew Carnegie was the manifestation of the “American dream.” Do you believe that this statement is
accurate? Explain your response using examples from Andrew Carnegie’s life experiences.
How did Carnegie seize opportunities to become wealthy and successful? (Give examples)
Do you agree with his business decisions? Why or why not?
How might his belief in social Darwinism have influenced his decisions? Is social DARWINISM A JUST THEORY? In your
eyes in his eyes!
Carnegie is credited with believing that to die rich was to die in disgrace. What do you think he meant by that? Do you agree
with Carnegie’s beliefs? Do you think Carnegie lived up to them?
How did Carnegie's philanthropy address or fail to address union workers' frustrations? What were the workers' and managers'
perspectives during the Homestead strike?
Textbook Readings and in-class notes
Video: Andrew Carnegie: The Richest Man in the World
Internet Sites
Andrew Carnegie website research guide (attached)
Scored Discussion Expectations and Grading Rubric (attached)
Scored Discussion comment recording log (attached)
Day 1: Students will watch the Andrew Carnegie Video and take notes
Day 2: Students will use the Internet to gather information on Carnegie’s life in order to complete the research
guide. For homework students should complete the research sheet and answer all the discussion questions.
Day 3: Students will complete the scored discussion in class. The teacher will serve as a facilitator during the
discussion and will re-direct and guide students when needed. The teacher will use the scoring rubric to record
comments that are made during the discussion.
Assessment of Student Performance:
Students will be assessed using a scored discussion. They will be graded not only on the quantity of their comments
but also the quality of those comments as related to the focus questions.
Students will also receive a grade for their internet research handout.
Bibliography (Provide complete documentation for print and electronic sources used in the lesson.)
1. Video: Andrew Carnegie: The Richest Man in the World
2. Various websites on Andrew Carnegie
3. The Americans – Social Studies Text
Andrew Carnegie Research Sheet/Scored Discussion
Before we have a discussion on Andrew Carnegie it is important to gather research about him and more
specifically his life. Use the following questions as a guide to gather BACKGROUND information
about his life.
What specific character traits and wisdom did Carnegie learn from his mother, father and uncle while
growing up in Scotland? What life experiences in Scotland affected and encouraged him when his family
immigrated to the United States?
How did Carnegie become successful in the telegraph business? What did he do to help move himself up
within the company?
Aside from the railroad, in what other products did Carnegie invest?
Why did Carnegie decide to invest in Steel? What did he want to build?
How did Carnegie’s approach to making steel differ from other companies? What innovative process did
he use to make steel? Was it profitable?
What caused the Homestead Strike of 1892? What was the outcome of the strike? How did it affect
Carnegie’s professional reputation?
How did Carnegie become the richest man in the world?
What was Carnegie’s philosophy on wealth and how to use it?
What is philanthropy and describe some of the things Carnegie did to earn the reputation of a
Describe the theory of Social Darwinism. How did this theory apply to Carnegie’s business tactics?
Define robber baron. Based on the definition do you believe that Andrew Carnegie was a robber baron?
Robber Baron or Philanthropist Captain of Industry – (you make the decision)
Based on the answers above please answer the following questions. Our class discussion will be
based on the research questions and the questions below. Please be able to give examples to support
your response.
To some people, Andrew Carnegie was the manifestation of the “American dream.” Do you believe
that this statement is accurate? Explain your response using examples from Andrew Carnegie’s life
How did Carnegie seize opportunities to become wealthy and successful? (Give examples)
Do you agree with his business decisions? Why or why not?
How might his belief in social Darwinism have influenced his decisions? Is social DARWINISM A JUST
THEORY? In your eyes in his eyes!
Carnegie is credited with believing that to die rich was to die in disgrace. What do you think he meant
by that? Do you agree with Carnegie’s beliefs? Do you think Carnegie lived up to them?
How did Carnegie's philanthropy address or fail to address union workers' frustrations? What were the
workers' and managers' perspectives during the Homestead strike?
Do you believe that Andrew Carnegie was a true Robber Baron or a Philanthropist Captain of Industry?
Should his legacy in the United States be that of a corrupt business leader or should he be remembered
as a philanthropist and a captain of the American Steel Industry? Do his good qualities outweigh his bad
or do his bad qualities outweigh his good qualities. Choose a position and back up your response with
Please list below all the websites and sources you used for this research in the proper MLA format
Graded Discussion Scoring Guide
The chart provides explanations and examples of comments that can be made during the
course of a graded discussion. Please use this as a reference before and during the discussion.
Please remember you will be assessed not only on the frequency of your participation
but also on the quality of your comments.
S = Used Source
Effectively used various sources
throughout the discussion to support
major points made during the
“”= Direct Quote
Effectively used direct quotes to
support major points made during
the discussion.
H= High Quality
Statement that is backed by
evidence. Statement is accurate,
relevant, and insightful.
Q = Quality Comments
Statement may or may not be
backed by evidence. Statement may
be accurate and relevant but may
lack some insight.
L= Low Quality
Statement is not backed by
evidence. It is inaccurate and may
be irrelevant. Statement is also
lacking insight.
New comment or original thought is
brought into the discussion.
N= New Idea
B=Build on Previous
Statement reaffirms or supports a
statement or comment previously
made by another participant.
According to the NY Times
As stated in the Comprehensive
US history book....
Based on an article written by Brad
According to Lance Armstrong stated, "I wanted
it bad because of the history
around this mountain and the
importance to the race. All in all, it
was a very important day…"
The evidence as given by Jennifer
Steinhauer in her article
“Republicans Will Feed the
Hungary” clearly shows a
connection with the previous
statement made by Ms Cooke
“The evidence as provided by
many authors shows a clear
connection between using cell
phones while driving and higher
accident rates, while this is
interesting, I believe that banning
cell phones while driving will not
have a meaningful impact
“Obviously there is a clear
connection between availability of
jobs and immigration into the US.”
“I agree with your (use name)
statement but taking it a step
further I think that…
“I agree with you (use name)
“It is interesting you (use name)
said that because…”
SF= Statement of
D= Disagreement
? = Question
P= Positive
Statement of evidence from a
particular source. There is no
analysis of the facts – you are simply
pointing out facts relevant to the
Statement or comment that is a
disagreement with a previous
opinion or comments that were
made during the discussion.
Question asked to another
participant. Questions could also be
used to strengthen your own
statements and comments.
Statement that provides positive
reinforcement for other participants
in the discussion.
According to - The Mets
last won the World Series in 1986.
“I understand what you (use name)
are saying but…”
“I respect your (use name) opinion
but I disagree with you because…”
“Do you believe…?”
“What evidence did you find to
support your statement?”
“Sharon that is a great point…”
“That is an interesting point I did
not think of that”
Rubric: You will be assessed using the following guide. Please read it carefully.
– Contributes
high quality comments/questions to the discussion;
active listener to other students’ comments; shows respect for other student’s ideas and makes
no disruptive comments; demonstrates organization and preparation for discussion; makes
references to sources
or more times.
quality comments/questions to the discussion; mostly
active while listening to other students’ comments; shows respect for other student’s ideas and
makes no disruptive comments; demonstrates some organization and preparation for
discussion; makes references to sources at least
quality comments/questions to the discussion;
inattentive while listening to other students’ comments; fails to show respect for other student’s
ideas and makes disruptive comments; demonstrates little organization and preparation for
quality comments/questions to the discussion;
inattentive while listening to other students’ comments; fails to show respect for other student’s
ideas and makes multiple disruptive comments; demonstrates no organization and preparation
for discussion.
Does not contribute comments/questions to the discussion; inattentive while
listening to other students’ comments; fails to show respect for other student’s ideas and makes
extremely disruptive comments throughout the entire discussion; demonstrates no organization
and preparation for discussion.
S = Use Source
“ = Quote Source
H = High Quality Comment
Q = Quality Comment
L = Low Quality Comment
N = New Idea
B = Build on Previous Idea
SF= Statement of Fact
D = Disagree
? = Ask Question
P = Positive Reinforcement
(S, “ )
(H, Q, L)
(N, B, D,SF)