Northwest Cluster Meeting Minutes April 10, 2000 Darnestown Elementary School Introductions In attendance: Alan Schwartz, Cluster Coordinator Steve Rosen, Diamond ES Nina Liakos, Diamond ES Patty Rapp, Clopper Mill ES Debbie Zaner, Darnestown ES Rosa Neelley, Darnestown ES Welcome from Larry Chep, Principal Darnestown ES. Mr. Chep gave an overview of the function and success of the QMC (Quality Management Council). He also reported on current testing results and projected student population. Coordinators' Report-- Past Activities by Coordinators: 4/4/00 Town Meeting wih Gaithersburg Mayor Katz At QOHS 4/3/00 Testimony to County Council on Operating Budget 3/30/00 Boundary Study Kickoff for NWES#6 3/27/00 County Council Ed. Comm. meeting 3/22/00 BOE Meeting- Board voted unanimously to approve on supplemental CIP 3/21/00 Testimony to the BOE concerning the Superintendent's Supplemental FY2001 CIP Recommendations 3/20/00 Letter to County Council(Subin, Dacek, Leggett) re: QOMS proposal 3/14/00 Clemente MS PTSA meeting Business 1. Cluster Coordinators for 2000/2001 school year: *Alan is willing and looking forward to serving as coordinator for another year along with Forrest Clark. In addition, Patty Rapp was nominated as a third Cluster Coordinator for the incoming year. Patty brings extensive experience to the position among which is being current PTSA President at Clopper Mill ES. Three coordinators would be advantageous because it would allow the cluster to focus attention in several areas at once. Areas mentioned were personal interaction with locals, boundary studies and new MS issues. *A vote on the nomination of Patty Rapp as CC will occur at the May meeting. 2. CIP and Operational Budgets- projects summary and status given. Comments and Facilities General Information: *County Council has taken a straw vote on the CIP and will proceed to reconcile it with the Operating Budget. Results are expected in May. *Seneca Valley is doing a boundary study that includes all of the elementary schools in its cluster. *Boundary Study for a new elementary school which would have an effect only on McNair ES is underway. The first meeting is to be held this week, date unknown at this time. *NWES #6 will have its Groundbreaking Ceremony on 5-19. Construction of the gym and the Special Education Center are also on track and should be completed according to current schedule. *The addition to Kingsview is on hold as support is gathered for a new MS to be constructed in the vicinity of the Kentlands. This MS would be in the QO cluster but is expected to alleviate crowding at Kingsview, although that will cause tight situations in the interim for Kingsview. *NWHS additions still being implemented in possible phases from 2001 to 2005. 3. Northwest Cluster Goals and Future Plan *Student Achievement across the Cluster *Adequate facilities across the Cluster *Improve parent/family involvement *Cluster reps were asked to think of issues that need to be focused on as a group, with future activities being divided under the three coordinators with the reps serving a more active role in implementation of such activities. *May meeting will focus on planning ways to implement the three cluster goals. The meeting will be Monday May8- 7:30 p.m. The location is TBD. Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.