Young Goodman Brown Caught Ya Lesson 1

Young Goodman Brown Caught Ya Lesson 12
(1) "My Faith is gone," cried he, after one stupefied moment. (2) "There is no good on earth, and
sin is but a name. (3) Come devil; the world is yours."
(4) And, maddened with despair, so that he laughed loud and long, did Goodman Brown grasp his
staff and set forth again, at such a rate that he seemed to fly along the forest path rather than to walk or run.
(5) The road grew wilder and drearyer and more faintly traced, and vanished at length, leaving him in the
heart of the dark wilderness, still rushing onward with the instinct that guides mortal man to evil. (6) The
whole forest was peopled with frightful sounds--the creaking of the trees, the howling of wild beasts, and
the yell of Indians. (7) Sometimes the wind tolled like a distant church bell, and sometimes gave a broad
roar around the traveler, as if all Nature were laughing him to scorn. (8) But he was himself the chief horror
of the scene, and shrank not from its other horrors.
(9) "Ha! ha! ha!" roared Goodman Brown when the wind laughed at him, "Let us hear which will
laugh loudest. (10) Think not to frighten me with your deviltry. (11) Come witch, come wizard come
Indian powwow, come devil himself, and here comes Goodman Brown. (12) You may as well fear him as
he fear you."
1. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 1?
Change Faith to faith
Remove the comma after he
Change the comma after gone to an exclamation point (!)
Make no change
2. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?
Change the semi-colon to a comma
Add a comma after Come
Change devil to Devil
Make no change
3. What transition word or phrase should be placed at the beginning of sentence 4?
In the meantime,
4. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5?
Change instinct to instincted
Change grew to grows
Change drearyer to drearier
Make no change
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”
Based on “Caught Ya” lessons by Jane Bell Kiester
Young Goodman Brown Caught Ya Lesson 12
5. What is the best way to combine sentences 6 and 7?
The whole forest was peopled with frightful sounds—the creaking of the trees, the howling of wild beasts,
and the yell of Indians; sometimes the wind tolled like a distant church bell, and sometimes gave a broad roar
around the traveler, as if all Nature were laughing him to scorn.
The whole forest was peopled with frightful sounds--the creaking of the trees, the howling of wild beasts,
and the yell of Indians; while sometimes the wind tolled like a distant church bell, and sometimes gave a
broad roar around the traveler, as if all Nature were laughing him to scorn.
The whole forest was peopled with frightful sounds—the creaking of the trees, the howling of wild beasts,
and the yell of Indians; and even sometimes the wind tolled like a distant church bell, and sometimes gave a
broad roar around the traveler, as if all Nature were laughing him to scorn.
The whole forest was peopled with frightful sounds—the creaking of the trees, the howling of wild beasts,
and the yell of Indians, while sometimes the wind tolled like a distant church bell, and sometimes gave a
broad roar around the traveler, as if all Nature were laughing him to scorn.
6. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 8?
Change himself to hisself
Add a comma after But
Change scene to seen
Make no change
7. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 11?
Remove the comma after witch
Add a comma after wizard
Change here to hear
Make no change
Definitions – Try to define these words using context clues. The words are bold in the passage. You may use a
dictionary if needed.
8. stupefied –
Literary device – Write an example from the passage for each of the following. If you do not know the meaning of
the device, look it up in the dictionary or use your green sheets.
9. symbolism 10. hyperbole –
11. imagery (hearing) –
12. simile 13. simile 14. metaphor –
15. personification -
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”
Based on “Caught Ya” lessons by Jane Bell Kiester