L.Tittle Harford Community College Basic Writing Writing Assignment for Process Analysis Paragraph Write a process analysis paragraph of approximately 250 words and 7-10 sentences explaining a process for ONE aspect of a hobby or leisure-time activity. Your paragraph should include a topic sentence that includes the process as well as why knowing how to complete the process is important. The subsequent sentences should support the topic sentence by including any tools or equipment necessary in addition to the steps needed to complete the process. Be sure to define any terms relevant to completion of the process. A concluding sentence should bring closure to the paragraph. Example topics include saddling a horse, changing a tire, or warming up before exercising. Reminder- Be sure to review the paragraph grading guide in your syllabus before, during, and after you complete the paragraph so that content, coherence, and mechanics are fully addressed before you hand in the typed final copy. Use size 12 font and double space the paragraph. Indent the first line. Due date- __________ Late date- __________ L.Tittle Harford Community College Basic Writing In-class Writing for Process Analysis Write a process analysis paragraph of approximately 200 words and 7-9 sentences about how to make a good impression on a boss, significant other, teacher, OR admissions/recruiter officer. Your paragraph should include a topic sentence that includes the process as well as why completing the process is important. The subsequent sentences should support the topic sentence by defining any terms and explaining the process. A concluding sentence should bring closure to the paragraph. Refer to the paragraph grading guide in your syllabus for additional criteria. You may bring your text, this assignment page, a topic sentence, and an outline or other prewriting strategy to help you organize your paragraph. In class, you will write the paragraph, completing the final copy in your best handwriting using blue or black ink. Students in room F106 may type their final copy. Your paragraph should be written in third person- no ‘you, ‘we’, or ‘I’ or forms of those pronouns. You will have one hour to complete the assignment.