Lumumba Film Notes

World History
“Lumumba” Movie Notes:
View the film excerpts on Patrice Lumumba and the Congo, and answer
the questions below as you watch. After the clips be sure to complete the
reflection writing component.
1. As you watch the black and white images of the Congo write down any 2 emotions
you witness in the scenes. (Comprehension)
2. Based on his remarks to Tshombe and Kasa-Vubu does Lumumba seem to stand for
tribalism or nationalism? What makes you think so? (Comprehension)
3. Why do you think the Congolese people, as shown in the video, initially supported
Lumumba? (Comprehension)
4. What problem occurs almost immediately after independence? (Knowledge)
(Video Pause) Predict
what will happen when the rioting army breaks into Lumumba’s
meeting and confronts him. (Evaluation)
“Tshombe is in Rebellion”
6. Who does Lumumba think is sponsoring Tshombe? Why? (Knowledge, Comprehension)
Mobutu takes Command!
7. Detail 2 reasons why the American ambassador chose Mobutu to work with.
8. Analyze Mobutu’s decision to go to Lumumba’s house. Do you really believe he was
trying to protect Lumumba? (Analysis)
The End of Lumumba.
9. Compare the way Lumumba looks as he gets off the plane to how he looked at the
beginning of the film. List at least 3 differences. (Analysis)
10. If you were Mobutu, would you have had Lumumba killed? Explain. (synthesis)
Film Reflection
11. Write down any 3 things you learned about the Congo and its people from the film.
12. Why do you think the leadership of the Congo – Lumumba, Mobutu, Kasa-Vubu,
and Tshombe – could not work together?
13. Hypothesize (take a guess) what kind of leader Mobutu will be for the Congo in the
years following the wild independence movement.