Jose Felix, Jesus & MayraThesis & Breakdown.doc

Thesis statement
Based on diverse symbols like hawk, dance and blue shown on “My Antonia”, written by Willa Catter’s develops the theme of freedom
which is one of the reasons that influence some characters to take specific decisions and behave in a certain way.
Hawk: it represents freedom, because hawks can fly and go wherever they want, also, it is a symbol of new life.
Violin: it is symbol of freedom, it produces music which makes Mr Shimerda, Antonia and Jimmy feel happy and belongs to their own
Dance: when people dance, they just forget about their problems, they enjoy and express their feelings freely.
Characters: Jimmy, Antonia and Mr. Shimerda.
Symbols Protection
“I had been living with my grandfather
“We came to Black Hawk in March,
“Mrs. Harling finally agreed to pay three
for nearly three years when he decided and by the end of April we felt like
dollars a week for Ántonia's services—good
to move to Black Hawk. He and
town people. Grandfather was a
wages in those days—and to keep her in
grandmother were getting old for the
deacon in the new Baptist Church,
shoes. There had been hot dispute about the
heavy work of a farm, and as I was now grandmother was busy with church
shoes, Mrs. Shimerda finally saying
thirteen they thought I ought to be going suppers and missionary societies, and persuasively that she would send Mrs. Harling
to school”.
I was quite another boy, or thought I
three fat geese every year to "make even".
(Cather, page 93 )
was”. (Cather, page 94 )
(Cather, page 99 )
In this quote, black hawk represents a
secure place where Jim’s grandparents This quote explains how Jim could get It explains how Black Hawk was a place which
are going to be safe and rest from the
a new identity in Black Hawk, which let gives money and job to the people. For that
hectic and heavy life and work from the him to improve his life and achieve his reason, Antonia moved to this place and was
country side. Also, this place
personal goals. Also, his grandparents hired by Mrs. Harling who gives Antonia a
symbolizes Jim’s future, where he is
could fit in in the society easily and
good pay.
going to start his studies and become a find the role that best fits with them.
“The dance at Firemen’s Hall was the
“Dancing became popular now, just as “I never missed a Saturday night dance. The
only thing I looked forward to all the
roller skating had been the summer
week. There I met the same people I
before. The Progressive Euchre Club boys came in from farms eight and ten miles
used to see at the Vannis’ tent.
arranged with the Vannis for the
tent was open until midnight then. The country
away, and all the country girls were on the
Sometimes there were Bohemians from exclusive use of the floor on Tuesday floor,—Ántonia and Lena and Tiny, and the
Wilber, or German boys who came
and Friday nights”.
Danish laundry girls and their friends. I was
down on the afternoon freight from
(Cather, page 126 )
not the only boy who found these dances
Bismarck ”
Cather, page 141 )
This quote illustrates how Jimmy was
gayer than the others”.
In this quote, the dance gave them a
(Cather, page 126 )
new trend in their town. Also, it was
Here, the dance gave Antonia and Jimmy
part of their identity and became
friendship, happiness. it made them to fit in
really interested in the dances because popular among people. It was a way
he could find Antonia there, protect her how people could enjoy and forget
and feel comfortable together. Also,
because of the dance, they could feel
that they were in a secure place where
Jimmy and Antonia could be close to
and defend her.
their problems.
together and had a good time.
“Leo, with a good deal of fussing, got
“My father, he went much to school.
“My papa sad for the old country. He not look
out his violin. It was old Mr. Shimerda’s He knows a great deal; how to make
good. He never make music any more. At
instrument, which Antonia had always
home he played violin all the time; for
the fine cloth like what you not got
kept, and it was too big for him. But he here. He play horn and violin, and he
weddings and for dance. Here never. When I
played very well for a self-taught boy”
read so many books that the priest in beg him for play, he shake his head no. some
(Cather, page 223).
Bohemie come to talk to him. ”
fays he take his violin out of his box and make
(Cather, page 80).
with his fingers on the strings, like this, but
never make the music” (Cather, page 59).
It is shown how Antonia kept his
father’s violin since it will be a symbol of It is evident how the violin forms an
the protection and love that he gave
important part of the education and
This dialogue exemplifies how the violin gave
them by playing it. Moreover, Leo, who identity of Mr. Shimerda. Also, the
happiness to Mr. Shimerda and Antonia when
is Antonia’s son, has heritage that violin music that he played will make him
he played it at their country. While playing
and now he is the one who plays it so
that Antonia can remember his father.
unforgettable by his family and people. violin Mr. Shimerda looked good and showed
and gave love and music to his family and
friends. For that reason Antonia begged his
father to play it since she needed to feel the
music and happiness that the violin gave