
RIDDLE-ME-THIS (Clever Manka)





Individually carefully review each of the riddles below. Find a possible solution for any ten riddles.

Be prepared to work with a group of individuals to discuss your answers.

Also be prepared to share your answer for the riddles you have solved in a class discussion.

Hint: If you are a visual person it is best to draw your riddle out to gain a better sense of how to solve it.


If you were to put a coin into an empty bottle and then insert a cork in the bottle's opening, how could you remove the coin without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle?


Speaker: "Brothers and Sisters, I have none. But this man's Father is my Father's son." Who is the speaker talking about?


An analog clock reads 3:15. What is the angle between the minute hand and hour hand?


George walked for thirty minutes in the pouring rain without getting a single hair on his head wet. He didn't have a hat or an umbrella and his coat had no hood. How did he do that?


Imagine an analog clock set to 12 o'clock. Note that the hour and minute hands overlap. How many times each day do both the hour and minute hands overlap? How would you determine the exact times of the day that this occurs?


There are three closed and opaque cardboard boxes. One is labeled

"APPLES", another is labeled "ORANGES", and the last is labeled

"APPLES AND ORANGES". You know that the labels are currently misarranged, such that no box is correctly labeled. You would like to correctly rearrange these labels. To accomplish this, you may draw only one fruit from one of the boxes. Which box do you choose, and how do you then proceed to rearrange the labels?


You walk into a room in which there are three primates: a chimpanzee, an orangutan, and a gorilla. The chimpanzee is holding a banana in each hand, the orangutan is holding a big stick, and the gorilla is holding nothing. Which primate in the room is the smartest?



You have a car with a very flat roof, on a level road. There's a helium balloon in the car, barely scraping the roof - any slight force will move it. You start the car and accelerate forward very fast. Does the balloon move with respect to the car? If so, how?


What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the start of every end, and the end of every race?


A snail is at the bottom of a well that is 20 meters in depth. Every day the snail climbs 5 meters upwards, but at night it slides 4 meters back downwards. How many days must elapse till the snail reaches the top of the well?


You have a round birthday cake. With three straight slices of a knife, divide the cake into 8 equal pieces. I know of two different solutions.


Two people come to a river. There is a boat; however it can carry one person only. How can they each get to the other side of the river using the boat?


What gets wetter the more it dries?


A dragon and knight live on an island. This island has seven poisoned wells, numbered 1 to 7. If you drink from a well, you can only save yourself by drinking from a higher numbered well. Well 7 is located at the top of a high mountain, so only the dragon can reach it.


One day they decide that the island isn't big enough for the two of them, and they have a duel. Each of them brings a glass of water to the duel, they exchange glasses, and drink. After the duel, the knight lives and the dragon dies. Why did the knight live? Why did the dragon die?


I am greater than God, and more evil than the devil. Poor people have me. Rich people want me. And if you eat me, you'll die. What am I?


A guy is sitting in some foreign country in death row awaiting his execution the next day. The executioner decides to grant him one last favor; he'll give him a choice in the execution method. The prisoner is therefore allowed to make one last statement. If this statement is true, he'll be hanged the next day. If however his statement is false he will be beheaded the next day. What should the prisoner say?


Clever Manka Name:


Part 1: Solving the Riddles

Refer to riddle handout.

Part 2: Predicting Outcomes

Making predications based on evidence from the story and character consistency.

While we listen to this folk tale we will stop at certain points in the story to make predictions as to what will happen next.


Sheppard vs. Rich Farmer who will solve the riddle.


Daughter (eggs) vs. Mayor (corn seeds)


Mayor’s Challenge to Manka as to when to come.


Mayor Ultimatum vs. Manka’s Option


Part 3: Recall and Reading Comprehension


What did the Mayor agree was the swiftest thing in the world?


If you were Manka why would you be motivated to meet the Mayor by accepting his challenge?


What excellent reason can you give to explain why the mayor insisted on placing a certain condition on his future wife prior to them being married?


If Manka had not chosen the husband to take back home with her in what situation do you believe the two main characters would have ended the story?


Which character is smarter in this story? The husband (mayor) or the wife

(Manka). You are expected to explain and support your answer/opinions with 2 or more direct quotes from the story. (Paraphrasing)

Part 4: Plotting the Story Using Lucky and Unlucky Events

Be prepared to take notes in class as we complete this as a discussion. When complete you will create a poster using this information to plot this story.

To be included on poster:

 Plot of lucky-unlucky events

 Main Problem driving the story (Stated Question)

 Listing of Main Characters and a paragraph description stating whether they were static or dynamic characters

 A Title

Character Types Found in Short Stories.

Static Character:

 The personality of a static character does not change or evolve due to the influence of the main conflict guiding the plot of a short story.

 A static character does not change their perception of issues highlighted in the story.

 Static characters do not mature as individuals nor do they overcome personal character faults they may have as a character.

 Static characters also do not evolve/grow to become the hero or the villain of a story.


Dynamic Character:

 A dynamic character does everything a static character does not do in a short story.

 Dynamic characters often mature as individuals, they overcome in personality faults and they can evolve to become better people, even heroes… or at times, great villains!

