WORLD CIVILIZATIONS PLANS Week of February 8, 2016 Feb 8, 2016 Feb 9, 2016 Feb 10, 2016 Feb 11, 2016 SS-HS-5.2.4 Students will explain and evaluate the impact of significant social, political and economic changes during World War I (e.g., imperialism to isolationism, nationalism) SS-HS-5.1.2 Students will analyze how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause and effect relationships, tying past to present. Learning Target SS-HS-5.2.4 Students will explain and evaluate the impact of significant social, political and economic changes during World War I (e.g., imperialism to isolationism, nationalism) SS-HS-5.1.2 Students will analyze how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause and effect relationships, tying past to present. Learning Target I can identify the elements of American Isolationism and analyze the impact it had on America and the global community. I can identify the elements of American War-time contributions and analyze the impact it had on America and the global community. Topics/Class Activity/Assessment I can compare and contrast the different I can recall all previous information in order I can recall all previous information in order sides of the Treaty of Versailles and analyze to organize my comprehension in to organize my comprehension in order to its overall and “future” effects on the globe preparation for the exam. pass the exam. from a 1919 perspective. Topics/Class Activity/Assessment Topics/Class Activity/Assessment Topics/Class Activity/Assessment Topics/Class Activity/Assessment 1) 2) NB Daily Agenda to include ACT word of the day and one student presenting to class. Students will be given notes and several mini-writing prompts to write and discuss American ISOLATIONISM and the impact on the war effort and American society as a whole. 1) 2) NB Daily Agenda to include ACT word of the day and one student presenting to class. Students will be given notes and several mini-writing prompts to write and discuss WARTIME AMERICA and the impact on the war effort and American society as a whole. 1) 2) NB SS-HS-5.2.4 Students will explain and evaluate the impact of significant social, political and economic changes during World War I (e.g., imperialism to isolationism, nationalism) SS-HS-5.1.2 Students will analyze how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause and effect relationships, tying past to present. Learning Target Feb 12, 2016 SS-HS-5.2.4 Students will explain and evaluate the impact of significant social, political and economic changes during World War I (e.g., imperialism to isolationism, nationalism) SS-HS-5.1.2 Students will analyze how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause and effect relationships, tying past to present. Learning Target Students will conduct a simulations of the Treaty of Versailles in which they are broken into 3 of the major players. They will work through several key elements of the negotiations and come up with the solutions. The historical aspects and a comparison of their simulation to reality will be conducted for the last 15 minutes of class. 1) 2) NB SS-HS-5.2.4 Students will explain and evaluate the impact of significant social, political and economic changes during World War I (e.g., imperialism to isolationism, nationalism) SS-HS-5.1.2 Students will analyze how history is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause and effect relationships, tying past to present. Learning Target Daily Agenda to include ACT word of the day and one student presenting to class. Students will utilize a study session in order to prepare for the exam tomorrow. 1) NB SUMMATIVE EXAM