6th Grade Communication Skills – Hilger/Greene Monday Tuesday Wednesday I can edit and revise my article for a newspaper I can collaborate in creating a newspaper using my knowledge of primary and secondary sources. I can identify and distinguish between primary and secondary sources How can I improve my newspaper article? What could I do different next time I write a newspaper article? Which story would you believe more; an autobiography or a biography? Acceleration Strategy Students will read selfselected text. Students will give suggestions to students with troubling articles. Students will discuss how different points of view change what is reported. Revision Strategy Students will use audio books to improve reading comprehension and fluency. Students will correct their articles through guided practice. Students will have printed notes on primary sources. Students will finish their newspaper articles through guided practice. TEACHING STRATEGIES: Students will learn about small group and independent activities. Small group: students will revise and edit their articles with help from the teacher. Students will discover the importance and differences between primary and secondary sources. Students will experience primary sources and discuss the importance of secondary and primary accounts. SUMMARIZING STRATEGIES: Students will independently apply their knowledge of reading strategies and nonfiction features. Students will use their knowledge of primary and secondary sources to finish their articles. Students will reflect on the activity, practice their knowledge of nonfiction and note the relationship of nonfiction text. VOCABULARY FOCUS: Nonfiction features Edit Revise Primary source Secondary source Tertiary source Primary source Secondary source Tertiary source Students will read nonfiction articles for homework. Students will list primary and secondary sources known. Students will indicate whether their home reading is a primary, secondary, or tertiary souce. Learning Target I can …. Activating Strategy: DIFFERENTIATION RE-TEACHING FOCUS Homelink (if necessary) 6th Grade Communication Skills – Hilger/Greene Thursday Friday I can sort sources between primary and secondary. I can apply my knowledge on nonfiction features, primary, and secondary sources. Why are primary sources essential to reporters and historians? List the types of primary and secondary sources you know. Acceleration Strategy Students will read self selected text. Students will read self selected text. Revision Strategy Students will read and listen to audio books for comprehension and fluency. Students will have an opportunity to study as a group and will be read test questions aloud. TEACHING STRATEGIES: Students will discover examples of different sources with different versions of stories. Students will review and discuss their knowledge of nonfiction features, primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. SUMMARIZING STRATEGIES: Students will sort examples of sources between secondary, tertiary, and primary sources. Students will take an open-note test on nonfiction. VOCABULARY FOCUS: Primary Secondary Tertiary Learning Target I can …. Activating Strategy: DIFFERENTIATION RE-TEACHING FOCUS Homelink (if necessary) Students will read secondary sources for homework. Notes