ASL 1 "Anything But Silent" by Mark Drolsbaugh (Fourth Edition) ******************************************************************* Due Date: Thursday, March 21 Part 3 (30 points) ******************************************************************* Goals for the reading assignment: a. To continue exploring Deaf culture and the Deaf community. b. To develop an understanding and respect of why many culturally Deaf people actually appreciate and love being deaf. Preface: Anything But Silent “takes the reader on a journey into the rich tapestry that comprises the Deaf community. Mark Drolsbaugh demonstrates the many ways one can be deaf in the world and through his use of humor, the reader is able to understand what it essentially means to be a deaf person (Drolsbaugh).” As you answer each of the questions, it is expected that you will take the time to honestly consider if and how your own understandings and opinions about deafness have shifted. Assignment: Some of the questions below ask for factual information provided in the book. Other questions ask you to provide your own opinions or perspectives about the content or episodes in the book. Please provide succinct and concise responses to all your questions (in other words don’t ramble, consider your words carefully and get to your point). In-class discussion: During class we will discuss the book, your responses, and any questions you might have. Your participation in the discussion is considered to be part of the assignment. For Part 3, you will earn 30 points, 25 points for the written responses and 5 points for participating in the class discussion. Anything But Silent (The Impossible Ideal to You Deaf People; pp. 103 to 164) ******************************************************************* No questions, but you still need to read chapters: Techno-Nerds The Return of Super Phony Drive Me Crazy at Below Invoice Intimate Moments Super Phony on Spring Break ******************************************************************* The Impossible Ideal: (3 points) Do you agree with Jim’s perspective? Or Mark’s? Why or why not? Role Models: (2 points) Did you have any role model(s) that have inspired you? Explain. If you do not have a role model yet, maybe you can be a role model for someone else? Explain. The Gentle Art of Deflection: (2 points) If you have a Deaf relative in your family, would you support him or her having an interpreter at your family events? Why or why not? On The Fence: (3 points) a. Explain the meaning of “Hearing-Minded.” b. Mark’s being on the fence means what? c. What were his two solutions to deal with his being on the fence? Ohh, My Back: (2 points) What are the ways to meet halfway for communication between hearing people and Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing people? Captioned Films & Spastic Mailboxes: (2 points) Before the technology came, describe how Deaf people understood the movies and handled phone calls? The Timeless Argument: (3 points) Honestly, where do you stand in this argument? Explain the pros and cons from your perspective. How Could it Happen?: (3 points) How in the world could this [punishment for using sign language] be permitted to happen? It Was Worth It: (2 points) What did Mark gain by writing and publishing his “Deaf Again” book? You Deaf People: (3 points) What would you advise these people with their “You Deaf People” view? And what are your reasons for your advice?