Exemplification, needs, essay assignment

English 101/101H
Exemplification essay assignment
Yablon 1
At this point, you should have read the chapter on
exemplification as well as the sample essays within that chapter.
Exemplification is the type of writing that each of you has been
doing since middle/high school – making a statement of some kind
and backing it up with examples.
The examples chosen to back up your statements may be used
to persuade the reader, contrast two or more subjects, show a
causal analysis or relationship, or to help prevent ambiguity.
They may be drawn from personal experience, typical or
hypothetical situations, generalizations of typical or usual
examples, or they may be representative examples. Of course, all
examples should be accurate, detailed and relevant to the
proposition given (the thesis statement). They must support
their respective topic sentences, which, in turn, support the
thesis statement.
Each essay states a thesis and then proceeds to prove that
thesis by using a series of examples that flow together in a
logical pattern. They may be serious or humorous, but they are
all well organized, detailed, and descriptive. They may tell a
story but the main purpose is not to tell a story. Instead, the
main purpose of an exemplification essay is to explain the
proposition (thesis) introduced at the beginning of the essay.
Clarity and organization are essential.
Your assignment is to write an exemplification paper,
double-spaced, two to three pages in length (not including a
Works Cited page), and following MLA guidelines, that answers a
question you want answered. You must use and include two outside
sources – and only one of them may originate from a
computer/Internet. Please cite those sources both within your
paper (in parenthetical references) as well as at the end of the
paper (on a “Works Cited” page).
Good essays have importance; they answer a need, a question
or problem that has been posed. To get some good ideas about
topics to write about, I suggest picking up and reading the
Sunday edition of a local newspaper such as the Los Angeles Times
or the Daily News. Choose topics of interest and relevance.
Avoid trivialities such as “Is it easier to ski or snowboard?”
Those types of subjects are banal and not worth reading. If you
cannot discover anything in the local newspaper that strikes your
fancy, you may consider one of the following topics. Remember,
you need to define a problem, find a topic, and then try to
explain something about it. Some possible topics of discussion
The rising cost of food, fuel, and housing.
English 101/101H
Exemplification essay assignment
Yablon 2
The recent rise in political participation.
The self-centeredness of a constantly upwardly mobile
The widespread fascination with celebrities.
The influence of reality television.
The changing definition of “family” and/or “marriage”
in America.
The change in the local or global environment.
Manners and etiquette in today’s American society.
The changing role of government in American society.
Taboo subjects such as sex, religion, or politics.
The changing use of language in American media (TV,
radio, movies, etc.)
Health and fitness.
You may write on any one topic, but only one. For this
particular essay, you may either choose your own topic or use one
of mine, but if you choose your own topic, you must spend a bit
of time defining it at the beginning of your essay.
If you decide to go with one of my topics, please be aware
that these are only TOPICS. You still need to transform them
into more narrowly focused THESIS STATEMENTS that assert your
subject and perspective on that subject. Please do not write
glib, flippant answers. Take the time to search and see what you
come up with.
As an essay, your
and be well organized,
presented in a logical
questions or concerns,
possible. Good luck.
paper must contain an identifiable thesis
including specific, detailed examples
manner. As always, if you have any
please discuss them with me as soon as
All other formatting details follow those outlined in the
class syllabus.
[file: Eng 101, Exemplification needs essay.doc]