
Academic Writing – Analysing ‘Strange Fruit’
Used in analytical writing…
Past tense when writing about the history /
context of the poem:
“‘Strange Fruit’ was written by…”
“Lynching occurred in America in…”
Historical present tense when writing about the
text itself:
Used appropriately in analytical writing…
“The poet emphasises the inhuman treatment of
the victims using verbs like ‘swinging’ and
“The idea of the ‘gallant south’ affects the
reader… ”
“The title of the poem, ‘Strange Fruit’ is a
metaphor which represents the unnatural and
disturbing practice of lynching.”
“‘The scent of magnolia’ suggests a pleasant and
civilised place…”
“Meeropol uses repetition to emphasise…”
“The South is presented as…”
“The writer conveys the horror of these events
using powerful language…”
Some examples of active verbs:
Advices Affects Alludes to Argues Builds
Clarifies Confirms Connotes Constructs
Criticises Conveys Denotes Depicts Describes
Determines Encourages Emphasises Establishes
Expands Explains Explores Exposes Highlights
Hints Illustrates Impacts Implies Indicates
Informs Introduces Manifests Narrates
Persuades Portrays Presents Refers Reflects
Relates Represents Reveals Shows Signifies
Symbolises Suggests Supports Typifies
Turning verbs into nouns – correctly
 “The repetition of the word ‘blood’ provides
(The verbs above are to repeat and to emphasise)
Show how likely something is/Allow you to predict
 “The repetition of the word ‘blood’ might
represent the endless torture happening all over
the country.”
 “The writer’s portrayal of the Deep South is
(The verb above is to portray)
 “The juxtaposition of pleasant and awful images
could possibly show that appearances are not
always what they seem.”
 “ ‘Strange Fruit’ is used as a the metaphor and
symbol of the lifeless, hanging bodies of humans
who were the victims of lynchings.”
(The verb above is to symbolise)
 “The alliteration in ‘the sudden smell of burning
flesh’ may be a way of shocking the reader into
 “The poem is perhaps a warning…”
 “The poem is an exploration of a shameful and
racially violent period in American history.”
(The verb above is to explore)