PAPER BASED SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE The Self-Assessment Questionnaire is based on the requirements outlined in the LBS Service Provider Guidelines and LBS agreement. It provides the Service Delivery Site with the opportunity to demonstrate the processes and activities it has in place in order to ensure success in meeting requirements and learner objectives. Employment and Training Consultants (ETC) will use the questionnaire as a starting point for discussion about your organization and your program. Instructions: 1. Complete and submit to MTCU by the due date indicated on the correspondence received from your MTCU consultant (typically one week ahead of the scheduled monitor). 2. The question prompts are included to support you in providing fulsome responses. 3. Note: Question numbers may not be in sequence in certain sections of the questionnaire as not all monitoring questions apply to this level of monitor. LBS Strategic Monitoring Pilot: Paper Based Self-Assessment Questionnaire August 2015 Page 1 PAPER BASED SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Agreement Number and Type Service Provider Legal Name SDS Name SDS ID Site Address (Physical) Site Contact Name and Position Site Contact Telephone Number Site Contact E-Mail Name and Position of the Service Delivery Site staff (manager level or higher) who completed this form. Date when the form was completed GENERAL QUESTIONS 1.1 Describe how you seek out and respond to feedback from clients and learners to improve on customer service expectations. Provide examples. Is there a customer complaint resolution process in place? How do you incorporate suggestions? Aside from the customer satisfaction question on the Exit and Follow-up form, what other feedback mechanisms do you use to evaluate and improve service LBS Strategic Monitoring Pilot: Paper Based Self-Assessment Questionnaire August 2015 Page 2 GENERAL QUESTIONS 1.2 In the event of a planned or emergency closure, please describe how you will maintain continuity of operations to support clients and learners. delivery? Do you reduce service during the summer months? What do you do to ensure continuity of service for your learners during closures? How do you contact learners during emergency closures? 1.3 Describe the process used to ensure that your site’s information on the MTCU’s Find Employment and Training Service is always up-to-date. 1.5 What processes and plans are in place to ensure that the following three key pieces of information are up-to-date in EOIS-CaMS: 1. the service delivery site contact information, 2. the “Available for Service” field to indicate when your service delivery site is available to receive applications, and 3. an EOSS-specific email address that can receive notifications when LBS Strategic Monitoring Pilot: Paper Based Self-Assessment Questionnaire August 2015 Page 3 GENERAL QUESTIONS an application has been submitted to your service delivery site. 1.6 Describe the measures you have in place to protect, prevent and detect the unauthorized or inadvertent collection, use, disclosure, loss, alteration or destruction of personal information. How do you ensure learners are aware of your privacy policy? 1.7 Describe what you have done to make your site and materials more accessible to persons with disabilities. For more information on your obligations, please refer to the Section 4.1.3 of the LBS Service Provider guidelines. As well, please visit the Ministry of Community and Social Services website, Making Ontario Accessible. This may include: HR policies, IT policies, records retention and destruction policy, regular data validation, security checks, back-up of data, deactivation of staff who have left or changed positions, data recovery, etc. This may include materials in alternative formats, modifications to your website, site accessibility improvements, referrals to services that support persons with disabilities, service offerings at alternative locations, etc. 1.8 Describe how your Service Provider Registration Authority (SPRA) manages the EOIS-CaMS licences and user accounts allocated to your organization. Does your SPRA verify users are current and active on a regular basis and deactivate users in a timely fashion? 1.9 Do you have a system in place to ensure What is your system to store completed LBS Strategic Monitoring Pilot: Paper Based Self-Assessment Questionnaire August 2015 Page 4 GENERAL QUESTIONS 1.10 1.11 that milestones and the culminating task are kept secure? milestones and culminating tasks? Describe how you ensure your LBS program adheres to the Employment Ontario Visibility Guidelines for agencies contracted to deliver Employment Ontario services and/or projects (as it relates to signage, communication products, events, advertisements, website, etc.). Describe your best practices for ensuring that the visibility guidelines are met: How do you ensure that staff have the appropriate skills and training to select, administer, interpret and track assessment results? What training and ongoing professional development do they receive? What is your system to store any blank or unused milestones and culminating tasks? Submit event template as required Submit marketing documents prior to publication to ETC for review. SERVICE DELIVERY 2.2 Describe the assessment strategies and tools you use with clients and learners to determine: Provide evidence of the process that is used to review and adjust learner plans on an ongoing basis to meet the needs of learners. Eligibility and Suitability LBS Strategic Monitoring Pilot: Paper Based Self-Assessment Questionnaire August 2015 Page 5 SERVICE DELIVERY 2.4 Strengths and Areas for Development OALCF level at entry into the program Learning Style Goal Path Competencies Required by the Goal Path Learning Activities Milestones Culminating Task Learner Progress Readiness to Exit. Describe how your learner plans are developed for the individual. Describe how you ensure they capture the following components specifically to each individual learner: Explain how learner plans and decisions regarding service delivery are made to reflect the OALCF. LBS Strategic Monitoring Pilot: Paper Based Self-Assessment Questionnaire August 2015 Page 6 SERVICE DELIVERY 2.13 background information goal path assessment results learning styles and method of training delivery competencies required learning activities assessment strategy for incorporating milestones and culminating task learner’s estimated weekly commitment time timelines/program duration competencies achieved additional supports/referrals required by the learner (and their results). Describe how you evaluate the effectiveness of your training activities to support learner transitions. How do you use learner feedback to make improvements? Based on your evaluation, were learners prepared for their next step? What changes have you made as a result of learner feedback? Provide examples. DATA INTEGRITY LBS Strategic Monitoring Pilot: Paper Based Self-Assessment Questionnaire August 2015 Page 7 DATA INTEGRITY 3.1 Describe how your site ensures that you have the capacity to effectively use and manage EOIS-CaMS. Which resource materials or online training modules have you accessed? How do you support new staff with system training? Have you identified an EOIS-CaMS ‘expert’ who acts as a resource to staff? FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 4.1 How does your organization manage the budget to ensure full expenditure of the approved allocation? Describe the financial processes and systems your organization has in place. How does your site ensure timely processing of invoices? Describe the financial forecasting practices your site uses. Who analyzes financial reports and when? 4.2 How does the analysis of your financial What information is analyzed from your reports contribute to your overall program financial reports? evaluation and business planning? Does this analysis form part of your overall LBS Strategic Monitoring Pilot: Paper Based Self-Assessment Questionnaire August 2015 Page 8 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT evaluation and support business planning? PERFORMANCE MEASURES 5.2 Describe how you are able to develop, implement, monitor, and modify action plans to achieve your contracted commitments with the ministry. REPORTING 6.1 Describe the process your site has to ensure mandatory reporting requirements are submitted by their deadlines. SERVICE COORDINATION 7.2 What system is in place to track and analyze learner referrals to and from your LBS Strategic Monitoring Pilot: Paper Based Self-Assessment Questionnaire August 2015 Page 9 SERVICE COORDINATION organization? Based on your analysis, have you identified any gaps in referrals? What steps are you taking to strengthen referrals with EO providers and other community organizations? LBS Strategic Monitoring Pilot: Paper Based Self-Assessment Questionnaire August 2015 Page 10