2014-15 SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS The Site Compliance Visit Self-Assessment Questionnaire is based on the requirements outlined in the LBS Service Provider Guidelines and LBS agreement. It provides the Service Delivery Site with the opportunity to demonstrate the processes and activities it has in place in order to ensure success in meeting requirements and learner objectives. Consultants will use the questionnaire as a starting point for discussion about your organization and your program. Instructions: Please obtain a copy of the Site Compliance Visit Self-Assessment Questionnaire from the Employment Ontario Partners’ Gateway (EOPG) website. Complete and submit to the Ministry by the due date indicated (typically one week ahead of the site compliance visit). SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS Page 1 of 10 2014-15 SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE Agreement Number and Type Service Provider Legal Name SDS Name SDS ID Site Address (Physical) Site Contact Name and Position Site Contact Telephone Number Site Contact E-Mail Name and Position of the Service Delivery Site staff (manager level or higher) who completed this form - the Site Compliance Visit Self-Assessment Questionnaire. Date when the form was completed CUSTOMER SERVICE Agreement Schedule A-13, 17 Guidelines Section 1.2, 1.3, 4.1.3 1 Describe how you seek out and respond to feedback from clients and learners to improve on customer service expectations. Provide examples. SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS Page 2 of 10 2 In the event of a planned or emergency closure, please describe how you will maintain continuity of operations to support clients and learners. 3 Describe the process of how you ensure that your site’s information on the Ministry’s Find Employment and Training Service is always up-to-date. 4 Describe what you have done to make your site and materials more accessible to Persons with Disabilities. For more information on your obligations, please refer to the Section 4.1.3 of the Guidelines. As well please visit the Ministry of Community and Social Services website, Making Ontario Accessible. EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO SELF-SERVICE (EOSS) Agreement Schedule A-14 Employment Ontario Self-Service Training Resource Guide 5 Describe the process you have in place to ensure contact is made with a client within one business day of receiving the client’s online application. 6 Describe any and all circumstances, including the length of time, when your site has been unavailable to accept online applications. SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS Page 3 of 10 INFORMATION AND REFERRAL Agreement Schedule A-7 Guidelines Sections 1.4, 2.2, 3.4, 4.1.5 7 Describe the Information and Referral protocols your site has in place and show how you comply with Sections 1.4 and 3.1 of the Guidelines. 8 Describe how you determine if a client would be best served by another EO, LBS or Community program? If the client is to be served by the LBS program, describe how you determine which LBS service provider best meets the client’s needs? ASSESSMENT Agreement Schedule A-3, A-4 Guidelines Section 2.2, 3.1, 3.5 9 Describe the assessment strategies/ tools you use with Clients and Learners to determine: Eligibility and Suitability Strengths and Gaps Learning Style Goal Path Competencies Required by the Goal Learning Activities Milestones Culminating Tasks Learner Progress Readiness to Exit SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS Page 4 of 10 10 Describe how you ensure staff who carry out the assessments have the appropriate skills and training to select, administer, interpret and track assessment results. 11 Describe how you ensure milestones and the culminating task assessment activities are kept secure and are used according to the administration instructions. 12 Describe how you manage the Milestone and Culminating Task Repository user accounts allocated to your organization including the authorization and immediate restriction of access of users. LEARNER PLAN DEVELOPMENT Guidelines Section 2.0, 2.2, 3.6 (3.5) 13 Describe how your learner plans are developed and how you ensure they capture the following: goal path, background information, assessment results, competencies required and achieved, assessment strategy for incorporating milestones and culminating task, learning activities, timelines/program duration, estimated time per week learner commits, additional supports/referrals required by the learner, and their results SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS Page 5 of 10 14 Describe how you involve the learner to create and keep their learner plan up-to-date. TRAINING SUPPORTS (NOT APPLICABLE TO E-CHANNEL) Agreement Schedule A-9 Guidelines Section 4.2.3 15 Describe your policies and procedures for the disbursement and accountability of Training Support funds to learners. Include how you determine eligibility, level of monetary assistance, and the types of supports paid. TRAINING Agreement Schedule A-6 Guidelines Section 3.7, 3.7.1 and 3.9.2 16 Describe what types of instruction are available to learners: class, independent study, a combination of both (for e-channel - synchronous, asynchronous, a combination of both) and how you determine the most suitable type for the learner. 17 Describe how you ensure your instruction materials and learning activities are appropriate for adult learners. 18 How do you ensure training is related to the real-life tasks learners would perform in work, learning, and community settings? Provide examples. SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS Page 6 of 10 19 How do you involve and motivate learners to keep on track and persist to meet their goal? Provide examples. 20 In cases where a learner is best served by more than one LBS provider, describe how you ensure there is no duplication of services and the learner experience is seamless and effective. 21 Describe how you help learners access and participate in education, training, EO services and/or other types of community services while involved in the LBS Program. Also include examples of the formal service coordination relationships you have established. EXIT AND FOLLOW-UP Schedule A-8, 15, Guidelines 2.2, 3.8, 3.9.2, 4.2.2 22 Describe how you ensure follow-up with learners occurs at Exit, 3, 6 and 12 months and is recorded in the learner’s file and on EOIS-CaMS. 23 Describe how you evaluate the effectiveness of your training activities to support learner transitions and how you use learner feedback to make improvements. 24 Describe your process for ensuring each learner file includes the following: Participant Registration Form Learner Plan Evidence of Learner Progress Training Support documentation (if applicable) SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS Page 7 of 10 Participant Exit and Follow-Up Form, and Evidence for decisions (eligibility, suitability, referrals, service at the site, referrals etc.) ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY Agreement Article 7.2-7, 9 Guidelines 4.1.4, 4.2.1 25 LBS transfer payment agreements require service providers to protect the security and integrity of personal information collected during the delivery of the LBS program. Describe the measures you have in place to protect, prevent and detect the unauthorized or inadvertent collection, use, disclosure, loss, alteration or destruction of such information. Also, how do you ensure learners are aware of your privacy policy? EOIS-CaMS (NOT APPLICABLE TO E-CHANNEL) Agreement Article 9.3.h), Schedule A-11 Guidelines 2.3, 3.5, EOIS CaMS Bulletin - CaMS/2013-4 26 Describe how your site demonstrates and ensures that you have the capacity to effectively use and manage EOIS-CaMS. 27 Describe how your Service Provider Registration Authority (SPRA) manages the EOIS-CaMS licences and user accounts allocated to your organization including the authorization and immediate restriction of SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS Page 8 of 10 access of users. 28 Describe your process for entering learner data into EOIS-CaMS including timeframe expectations. 29 Describe how you ensure learner information captured in CaMS accurately reflects the information captured in the physical file. 30 Provide two or more examples of how you use EOISCaMS data and EOIS-CaMS Reports to improve service and outcomes. E-CHANNEL (NOT APPLICABLE TO IN-PERSON DELIVERY) Agreement Schedule A-13 31 Describe how you demonstrate and ensure that you have the capacity to effectively manage the administration of e-Channel. 32 Describe how you ensure your CSV file complies with the Ministry requirements set in the LBS e-Channel Interim Reporting Service Provider Administration Guide. 33 Describe how you manage/restrict access to system and learner data including the immediate restriction of access of staff who are no longer in the employ of your organization or no longer require access to the data to perform their responsibilities. SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS Page 9 of 10 34 Describe how you ensure learner information captured in your e-Channel records is accurately reflected in your CSV file submission and Interim Report. Please include your process for capturing EOSS referrals. 35 Provide two or more examples of how you use learner data to improve service and outcomes. VISIBILITY GUIDELINES for LBS SERVICE PROVIDERS 36 Describe how you ensure your LBS program adheres to the 2007 Visibility Guidelines for agencies contracted to deliver Employment Ontario services and/or projects (as it relates to signage, communication products, events, advertisements, website, etc.). SITE COMPLIANCE VISIT SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR LBS SERVICE DELIVERY PROVIDERS Page 10 of 10