Marketing self-assessment - Momentum for Professionals

Marketing self-assessment
Name of Firm:
Business Sector:
Telephone Number:
How to complete this questionnaire
There are 9 headings which cover different aspects of marketing. Read the different statements under each
heading and score your business on a scale of 1 – 5 (1 = ‘we are poor at this’, through to 5 = ‘we are excellent at
this’). Simply place an ‘X’ in the appropriate boxes below, or if the statement/section isn’t relevant to your
business, e.g. you don’t have any staff, put ‘N/A’. At the end of the questionnaire you will be asked to identify
what are your limiting factors, if any, for carrying out marketing activities.
Free, no obligation, marketing consultancy
If, having answered this questionnaire, you would like to discuss your marketing activities I am happy to arrange
a free 1 hour consultation, either over the phone/Skype or face to face (depending on location), to discuss your
questionnaire responses and offer some tips on how these could be improved. Please email your completed
survey to and I will contact you to arrange a convenient time to discuss
your marketing.
Your marketing self-assessment starts here!
Marketing plan
We have a written marketing plan with detailed objectives,
responsibilities, deadlines and a budget, which is circulated to staff.
We have marketing activities taking place throughout the year, not just
on an ad-hoc basis.
We regularly review the results from our marketing activities against
objectives set, target sales/fees, what results have been achieved and
how we can develop these activities in the future.
If we were to ask our staff, clients or business contacts what they
thought of our logo and branding, they would say it is reflects the type of
business that we want to be known as, i.e. modern and fresh or
traditional and timeless (i.e. not dated, tired or lacklustre).
Our branding is consistent across all our documentation and stationery,
signage, marketing literature, websites, social media etc., and also across
our different offices where relevant.
Marketing self-assessment
Communication to existing clients
We communicate to our clients throughout the year e.g. newsletters,
invites to corporate/social events, pro-active ‘how are things’ phone calls
etc., which is over and above any contact we have with them whilst
working on their individual projects and assignments.
We are proactive in communicating the full range of our services, across
all divisions of the business, so that our clients know how we can help
them over and above the work we currently do for them.
We ask our clients for feedback on the level of service they receive from
us and how we may seek to improve this.
We proactively ask all our clients, introducers and contacts for referrals
and track all referrals we receive so we know where new business comes
from and we know who to thank.
We are proactive in referring work to our clients and business contacts,
where appropriate, and track all outgoing referrals accordingly.
We have a scheme in place to incentivise staff to identify either new
business or cross-selling opportunities.
Our website is up to date (i.e. contact details, partner/director/staff
details, services offered, news/blogs, free resources (if available) etc.
We add new content to the website at least once a month.
We appear in the top half of the first page of search engine rankings,
when using different key words and phrases to describe our website.
We review our web statistics once a month to identify the most popular
pages and topics, key search words used to find our site, key referral sites
and how many unique visitors we have received.
Our website is a responsive site (i.e. the sizing and format changes to suit
pc, mobile or tablet users), which means we are easier to find on Google.
News articles and blogs on our website can be automatically shared with
our social media sites.
Marketing self-assessment
Social media
Which social media sites do you use for business purposes, whether it’s a personal business page or a company
page, please put an ‘X’ next to all that apply:
] Facebook
] Instagram
Other – please state _______________________________
Don’t do social media
Our social media page(s) have up to date company logos and/or
professional photos of me and/or our team.
Our social media profile(s) give sufficient information so that readers fully
understand what we do and how we could be of benefit to them.
We add new posts to either individual social media pages or company
pages at least once a week.
The majority of my connections are all people and businesses that will
help me to develop future relationships that may ultimately bring in new
work, i.e. I don’t just connect with anyone who sends me an invite.
We promote our social media pages across other marketing channels
(website, brochures, emails, adverts etc.).
We monitor the engagements we have with our connections, to see what
types of posts are being ‘liked’, ‘shared’, retweeted etc., and how often
this is happening, so we get a better feel of what to write in the future.
Direct marketing - mailings/emails/telemarketing
We have an up to date CRM database that holds all client and
prospective client contact details, current services provided, and a profile
of them or their business. This is used to contact them via mailings,
emails or phone calls with information which may be of interest.
Our marketing letters are short and punchy, no longer than 1 side of A4,
with the intention of whetting the recipient’s appetite before referring
them to an enclosed leaflet or the website for more information, or to
call/email us direct.
When we send out a marketing mailing, we always make timely follow up
calls or we use an external agency to do this for us.
We make sure that mailings, emails or phone calls are always addressed
to the relevant decision maker in the organisation we’re trying to build a
relationship with, i.e. we don’t send ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ letters or emails.
Marketing self-assessment
We organise or attend at least 2 events/seminars each year with the aim
of connecting with our clients, attracting new clients or developing
relationships with other business contacts and introducers.
Whenever we organise or attend an event we always make follow up
calls to the attendees or people we have met to get feedback on the
event, but to also try and identify any opportunities for future work.
Internal marketing/staff communication
We regularly give our staff updates and briefings on our products and
services, so they can be confident to discuss any aspect of our business.
We issue regular staff newsletters to keep everyone abreast of what’s
happening in the business, feedback from clients and staff news.
We bring all staff together, at least once a year to give them an update
on the business strategy, get their input on how to take the business
forward and to also let them develop closer working relationships with
their colleagues from different parts of the business.
We organise at least 2 social gatherings for the staff each year, to say
thank you for their hard work and to help build working relationships.
Limiting factors for your marketing
If, having completed this questionnaire, you’ve identified certain aspects of your marketing activities which
could be improved, what is preventing you from doing so:
Lack of time to focus on marketing
Little or no budget to allocate to marketing activities
No internal marketing expertise
Lack of a cohesive plan
Don’t know where to start
We don’t need to do any marketing, as we have sufficient work / clients to meet our objectives
Other – please state ______________________________________________________________
Next steps
If you’d like to arrange a free, no obligation, 1 hour marketing consultation to discuss your responses to this
self-assessment and how you can address any areas of concern, please email your completed questionnaire to