Name: Date: Hour: Chapter 3 Reading Guide American National

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Date: ______________
Hour: ______________
Chapter 3 Reading Guide
American National Government
1.Coercive Acts
2.Second Continental Congress
3.Declaration of Independence and Thomas Jefferson
4.Articles of Confederation
5.Constitutional Convention
6.Legislative Branch
7.Executive Branch
8.Judicial Branch
9.Great Compromise
10.Electoral College
12.Extraordinary Majority
13.22nd Amendment
14.The Preamble
15.Bicameral Charter
16.Enumerated Powers
17.Necessary and Proper Clause
18.Implied Powers
19.State of the Union
20.Judicial Review
21.Supremacy Clause
22.3/5 Clause
25.Federalist Papers
26.Mob Rule
27.Bill of Rights
28.Civil Liberties
29.Marbury v. Madison
30.1st Amendment
43.What did the original version of the Declaration of Independence say about the Slave
Trade? Why was this removed?
44.Why is Social Contract Theory an important link between the people and the
45.Why was it significant that the leaders of the Revolution sighed the Declaration of
Independence? How did this signify the reality of the situation?
46.Why was the war an agonizing choice for Catholic Colonist? Why did the
revolutionaries court catholics?
47.How did Common Sense argue that the colonist did not need the British Monarch
any more? What it an effective argument?
48.Why did the founders intentionally make the Articles of Confederation weak? How
did this lead to its failure and replacement (four reasons)?
49.How did Shays Rebellion demonstrate the weakness of the articles of confederation?
50.How did they Virginia Plan reshape the debate of amending the articles of
51.What did the Virginia Plan propose? Why did smaller states reject this proposal
52.What role did James Madison play in the creation of the constitution?
53.What did the New Jersey Plan promote? Why was this significant in forcing a
54.How did the Great Compromise create a balance between large and small states in
the legislative branch?
55.Why did the founding fathers opt to use the electoral college in selecting the
56.How does the electoral college work?
57.In the Preamble of the Constitution, what four elements are state that found the
American Political Traditions?
58.What does article I of the constitution state?
59.How does implied powers expand the power of the congress over the states?
60.What does article II of the Constitution State?
61.What does articles III of the Constitution State?
62.Why is articles III of the constitution vague?
63.Does the 3/5 clause counter the notion of freedom and liberty presented by the
declaration of independence?
64.Why did the federalist support the adoption of the constitution?
65.Why did the Anti-Federalist oppose the constitution?
66.What was the purpose of the federalist papers
67.What was the purpose of federalist paper 10 and federalist paper 51?
68.Why did most states oppose the constitution? How did they feel it lacked the purpose
of the American Revolution?
69.Why did Alexander Hamilton oppose a bill of rights?
70.What was the process to ratify the constitution? Which state made it official?
71.What are the steps to make an amendment to the constitution?
72.How and Why did he founding fathers make it difficult to amend the constitution?
73.What are the three main categories of amendments to the constitution?
74.How did Marbury v. Madison and Judicial Review provided the Supreme Court the
role of authority of the constitution?
75.What is the argument between viewing the Constitution as Original Intent or as a
Living Document?
76.How did Amendments promote equality and social change in the United States? Is it
the role of the government/constitution to promote equality
77.Does the constitution promote Majoritarian or Pluralist Democracy?