A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12 SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 1 MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY, 1789-1939 FIRST TOPIC, SEMESTER 1 WEEKS 1-5 (THEME III: NATIONALISM) THEME ASPECT CONTENT 1. Conditions for a. How French Revolution Causes, Nature and Impact of French and and revolutionary wars French Revolution European increased European People’s/Ideological wars nationalism nationalism Spain’s guerrilla war b. Napoleon’s Legacy Napoleon Bonaparte The Congress System c. Social and Economic Industrial Revolution influences Urbanisation d. Intellectual movements Romanticism (music, literature) and their influence Liberalism (Chartism, etc.) Darwinism (impact on religion) 2. Italian Nationalism a. Condition of Italy b. The 1848 Revolutions c. Role of Mazzini, Cavour and Garibaldi d. The Risorgimeto to 1871 3. German Nationalism a. 1848 revolutions and Germany b. Unification of Germany (1871) c. Relations with other European states to c1900 4. Significance of European nationalism a. What did increased nationalism result in? Nature of Italy c1850: socially, geographically, economically, politically, linguistically Causes Nature Effects Compare and Contrast leading figures How it was achieved What were the motives behind it Causes Nature Effects How it was achieved Role of Bismarck et al What were the motives German nationalism & imperialism Relations with enemies Relations with allies Imperialism Militarism Xenophobia Instability = (L-T causes of WWI) RESOURCES Booklet (MN) Model Essays TIME 16 Lessons (2 weeks) Beethoven Symphony No. 3 and No. 6 Plenary Exercises Booklet (MN) Flow Diagrams on 1848 8 Lessons (1 Week) Plenary Exercises Booklet (MN) 8 Lessons (2 Weeks) ASSESSMENT Timed Essay Tests to be part of continuous assess. criteria along with tests on other themes (= 4 tests in total of 40% weighting of S1 final grade; EST exam = 60%) All lessons will include ‘starters’ as a way of reinforcing including: splatt, historicalhangman, spelling bee, word searches, etc. Plenary Exercises Plenary Exercises Sources on late 19th century German foreign policy e.g. ‘Dropping the pilot’, etc. 2 Lessons A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12 SCHEME OF WORK FOR A LEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 1 MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY, 1789-1939 THIRD TOPIC, SEMESTER 1, WEEKS 13-16 (THEME V: THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION) THEME ASPECT CONTENT RESOURCES 1. Pre-Revolution a. 19th and Early 20th 19th Century Tsars: Nicholas I, Booklet (MN) Conditions in Century Russian society, Alexander II and Alexander III Russia leadership and politics Condition of Russia in 1900 Social Classes pyramid Nicholas II b. Economic and Social Actions of Witte Developments Actions of Stolypin c. Revolutionary groups Mensheviks Bolsheviks SR’s (Kadets) d. 1905 Revolution Causes of 1905 – Long-Term and Short-Term Reasons Nature of 1905 ‘Revolution’ Plenary Exercises Effects of 1905 ‘Revolution’ Was 1905 a revolution??? 2. Causes, Nature a. Causes of the Role of WWI Booklet (MN) and Impact of the February/March Actions of the Tsar 1917 Russian Revolution Other Factors e.g. Rasputin Boney M’s Revolutions ‘Rasputin’ – song b Causes of the Role of the Provisional Govt. and lyrics October/November Kornilov’s Mutiny Revolution Actions of the Bolsheviks Why Bolsheviks succeeded c. Roles of Lenin and Compare and Contrast Lenin Trotsky and Trotsky d. The nature of Ideology/Propaganda Bolshevism and the early Reforms/Changes USSR Practical Actions: War Communism, NEP, etc. e. Effects of the Russian The Russian Civil War Revolution on Europe/the Relations with Weimar World Anglo-French attitudes Plenary Exercises US attitudes TIME 16 Lessons (2 Weeks) ASSESSMENT Paired/Group Work Research Assignment on opposition groups for class presentation Timed Essay in Class on: 19th Century Russia or 1905 Revolution 16 Lessons (2 Weeks) Timed Essay in Class on:1917 Revolutions A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12 SCHEME OF WORK FOR A/SLEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 1 MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY, 1789-1939 FOURTH TOPIC, SEMESTER 2 WEEKS 1-10 (THEME VI: TOTALITARIANISM THEME ASPECT CONTENT 1. Conditions for a. Effects of WWI Consequences of WWI the Rise of b. Impact of the Great How the Great Depression Totalitarianism Depression de-stabilised the world c. Failure of collective Why League of Nations so security ineffectual d. Failure of democratic Appeasement government Isolationism 2. Ideological a. Leadership/Cult of ‘Strong man’ cult Aspects Personality Contemporary parallels b. Intolerance Scapegoats and Victims c. Economic plans Grandiose schemes e.g. autarky, FYP’s, etc. d. Political Structure Authoritarian power structures 3. Totalitarian a. Ideological determinants Racism, Imperialism, Marxism, Regimes and Militarism, etc. Foreign Relations b. Foreign policy Ideological or Pragmatic? 4. Fascism and a. Ideology Fascist Ideas Mussolini b. Mussolini’s Rise to Long Term Reasons Power Short Term Reasons c. Nature of the Fascist Political and Economic Methods regime and Structures Foreign Policy Successes and Failures 5. Nazism and a. Ideology NSDAP’s beliefs Hitler b. Hitler’s Rise to Power Weimar Germany Power struggles c. Nature of the Nazi Political and Economic Methods regime and Structures Successes and Failures 6. Stalinism and a. Ideology Stalinism v. Communism Stalin b. Stalin’s Rise to Power Power struggles Versus Lenin/Trotsky c. Nature of the Stalinist Political and Economic Methods regime and Structures Foreign Policy Successes and Failures 7. Similarities & d. Comparisons of Compare with Nazism, etc. Differences ideologies, methods, etc. Compare with Hitler, etc. BETWEEN THE WARS, 1919-1939) RESOURCES TIME ASSESSMENT Timed Essay Booklet (MN) 8 Lessons Tests to be part (1 week) of continuous assess. criteria along with tests on other themes (= 4 tests in total of 40% weighting of S2 final grade; Mock exam = 60%) Plenary Exercises Booklet (MN) Plenary Exercises Booklets (MN) Feature Film: ‘Hitler, the Rise of Evil’ 20 Lessons (2.5 Weeks) 24 Lessons (3 Weeks) All lessons will include ‘starters’ as a way of reinforcing including: splatt, historicalhangman, spelling bee, word searches, etc. Plenary Exercises Booklet (MN) Video on Hitler and Stalin 24 Lessons (3 Weeks) Plenary Exercises Comparison Tables 4 Lessons Plenary Exercises A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12 SCHEME OF WORK FOR A/SLEVEL HISTORY – PAPER 1 MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY, 1789-1939 SECOND TOPIC, SEMESTER 1 WEEKS 6-12 (THEME I: THE ORIGINS OF WWI, SOURCE-BASED QUESTION) THEME ASPECT & CONTENT RESOURCES TIME ASSESSMENT 1. Historiography Nature of WWI historiography: ‘everybody, no-body Booklet (MN) 4 Lessons Assignments on and Germany did it’ approach Historiography to Look at historians and their arguments help with learning Discuss critically the various viewpoints and approaches theories How have attitudes changed over time? 2. Long-Term Causes of WWI 3. Short-Term Triggers 4. Re-cap on Causes Militarism – which nations most/which least militaristic Xenophobia, Chauvinism & Racism Nationalism Arms Race including: naval race and role of arms industry Imperialism – role of empires/colonies Alliances – the various treaties and pacts Economics Internal Problems Bad Leadership: the Tsars, Kaisers and Kings Moroccan Crises of 1905 and 1911 Bosnia-Herzegovina Annexation Crisis 1908 Balkans Wars 1912-13 Sarajevo 1914 Schlieffen Plan & Plan 17 Look at the myriad of causes and how they inter-link Ditto 8 Lessons (1 Week) Exercises Maps Ditto 12 Lessons (1.5 Weeks) Plenary = Flow Diagram 1 Lesson 5. Effects of WWI Effects of WWI (helps pinpoint causes in a no. of ways) Why Central Powers Lost Impact of WWI on 20s and 30s Booklet (MN) 3 Lessons Exercises 6. Past Paper Practice Basic Source Work Terminology and Techniques Techniques of approaching the Source-Based Question (8-stage process) Past source questions to practise Sourcework Techniques 28 Lessons (3.5 Weeks) Groupwork planning answers Essay and Source practice from CIE past papers (www.cie.org.uk Class and Homework Practice & Timed Essays in Class A Level S.O.W. M. Nichols SCIE 2011-12