ORQ Population Pyramids

Population Pyramid ORQ
6th Grade
Chapter 15 Geography Alive
Name:___________________________________________ Period - _________
Population Pyramid Open Response Question
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Pyramid B
A. Identify the two different types of population growths shown in Spain 2012 and in 2050.
B. Explain one social and one economic reason why Spain had a cup-shaped pyramid in 2012.
C. Comparing the two pyramids, formulate and explain two hypotheses as to why
demographers project Spain’s pyramid in 2050 to change patterns.
Vocabulary – birth rate; life expectancy; bulge; death rate; fertility rate; replacement
rate; dependency ratio; cohorts; Christmas tree; cup; box; Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3 or
Stage 4 of demographic transition model; rapid, slow or negative growth.
4 – Correctly identifies population growth patterns in 2012 and 2050. Clearly explains in some detail an economic and social
reason for the 2012 pyramid. Formulates and explains clearly two logical hypotheses for pattern change. Uses four vocabulary
3 – Correctly identifies population growth patterns in 2012 and 2050. Explains two reasons for pyramid shape in 2012 but may not
separate economic and social. Formulates and explains two hypotheses for pattern change. Uses at least 3 vocabulary terms.
2- Correctly identifies one or both growth patterns in 2012 and 2050. Explains one reason for the pyramid shape in 2012. Makes
an hypothesis for the change in pattern. Use 2 or fewer vocabulary terms.
1 – Correctly identifies one or neither growth pattern in 2012 or 2050. Attempts to explain a reason for the pyramid shape in
2012. Leaves out a hypothesis or attempts a hypothesis that is illogical. Uses 1 or no vocabulary words.
0 – little or no attempt at an answer.
SS-06-4.1.1Students will use a variety of geographic tools (maps, photographs, charts, graphs, databases,
satellite images) to interpret patterns and locations on Earth’s surface in the present day.
Example of a 4
The patterns of population are very diverse for different areas and countries in the world. In some areas there
exist high birth rates but lower life expectancies. This causes a shift towards a greater population of people below thirty
years of age. Another situation is where there exists a moderate birth rate in addition to high life expectancy. These two
circumstances represent the general patterns of pyramid A and pyramid B. Pyramid A is equated with the high birth rate
and low life expectancy. A country that is similar to this structure of population is Kenya in Africa. Pyramid B is
associated with the moderate birth rate and the high life expectancy. A country that is similar to the pyramid B’s
structure of population is the United Sates.
Social and economic factors contribute to the structure of population pyramids. Pyramid A clearly is an example
of a less developed country. In countries that can be described by pyramid A, medical care and education are usually
lacking. Without the proper education and medical care people in less developed countries typically cannot afford or
understand the use of birth control. As the pyramid tapers off with increasing age, it is also evidenced that the necessary
medical care to fight disease as people age does not exist in countries exemplified by pyramid A. Economically, the
country in pyramid A probably has a weak economy and its government therefore cannot cover medical expenses or
infrastructure that harvest a healthy population. Even with donations from more developed countries and introduction
of birth control, socially people in countries like pyramid A have tried to have many children for a long time and continue
to do so. They also do not focus on education or other skills that will develop them and sustain a longer life.