Trousdale County Schools Weekly Lesson Plan Teacher:Third Grade Pacing Guide Week #:1 Dates: 7-31-14 to 8-8-14 Subject: ELA Common Core Standard(s) to be taught: (Write the entire standard) Spelling: L.3.2e Use conventional spelling for high-frequency and other words and for adding suffixes to base words. L.3.2f Use spelling patterns and generalizations in writing words English: L.3.1i produce simple, compound, and complex sentences Reading: RL.3.2 recount stories and determine the central message, lesson, or moral. RL.3.3 describe characters and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events Writing: W.3.3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. a. Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. b. Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations. SPI(s) to be taught: (Write the entire SPI) Spelling: SPI 0301.1.12 Choose correctly (or incorrectly) spelled words in context. SPI 0301.1.18 Distinguish individual sounds, including consonant blends, within words. English: SPI 0301.1.5 Select the simple subject and predicate of a sentence. SPI 0301.1.6 Select the compound sentence that correctly combines two simple sentences. Reading: SPI 301.1.20 Determine word meaning through context clues. SPI 0301.8.2 Identify setting, characters, and plot in a reading selection. Daily practice activity for citing text based evidence in conversation and/or writing: Questioning during read aloud Journal writing in response to text. Writing in response to science and social studies text. I Can Statements : Student Agenda: I can identify the subject and predicate of a sentence. Posted daily but NOT included in Lesson Plan I can identify the character, setting, and plot of a story. I can identify individual sounds within a word. I can break words into syllables correctly. I can write in response to text. Assessment Strategies (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): Day 1: Take up students writing task for the day and examine their writing level and areas that need to be worked on in their writing, take up reading notebook page 4 and check for comprehension of topic, Day 2: Take up reading notebook page 4 and check for comprehension of topic, take up students writing task for the day and examine their writing level and areas that need to be worked on in their writing. Day 3: Walk around the room as students do phoneme/grapheme and monitor their work, take up notebook pages 2 and 6 to check mastery, take up students’ response to essential question to check if they were able to respond to the question with a clear and descriptive response. Day 4: Take up reading note book pg 3,5 and10 to check mastery level, take up graphic organizer to check mastery level, Day 5: Take up abc order to see if they are able to place spelling words in order those that were unable to do task will be called over into a small group, take up reading notebook page 11 to check for context clues comprehension, grade reading test to determine if they were able to comprehend the story and retell information contained in the story, take up reading note book page 9 to check progress with sentence fragments. Day 6: No school. Day 7: Check spelling test for spelling comprehension, Reading notebook pages 13 to also check spelling comprehension, journal writing to check reading comprehension and reasoning skills, reading notebook page 12 to check if the grasp the concept of capitalization and punctuation, grammar quiz to check comprehension of material covered over the past few days. Daily: I will walk around the classroom to monitor each student as they work to evaluate if they are understanding material or if they are struggling with it, have an objective checklist to mark for each lesson to show if student mastered the objective or if they did not. 1 Instructional Materials (for Stage 1 teachers ONLY): Day 1: Scavenger hunt worksheet, Glad to be in 3rd grade worksheet, book David Goes to School, 5 sheets of white paper, Reading notebook page , index cards with short vowels on it, Find a friend worksheet. Day 2: My first day in third grade writing paper, vocabulary cards, 8 index cards for each student, copy of sentence jingle, old grammar pages 56-57,pencil and paper for each student, index cards with short vowel sounds and word examples, spelling words, Reading notebook page 4, sample who am I sheet, 20 pieces of white paper, crayons. Day 3: Phoneme/grapheme box, dry-erase markers, copy of spelling words, Reading notebook page 6, student vocabulary index cards, list of vocabulary words, definition of setting/characters/plot, copy of graphing chart teacher book pg. T20 and T22, student reading book pg 15-33, student reading text pg. 36, old grammar book pg 58-59, pencil and paper for each student, Readers notebook page 2, blue ping. Day 4: Spelling word list, pencil and paper for each student, list of vccv pattern words for each student (22), short vowel index cards, short vowel words, Reading notebook page 10, student vocabulary cards, student text pg 15-33, story graphic organizer (22), crayons, example of descriptive sentences, Reading notebook pg 3 and 5, old grammar book pg, 56-57. Day 5: List of spelling words, pencil and paper for each student, Reading notebook page 9 and 11, online Journeys site, story cards, test, old grammar book pg. 50-51, pencil and paper for each student. Day 6: No school. Day 7: Reading notebook page 12 and 13, copy of spelling test, reading text pg 38-41, writing journals, pencil, copy of grammar quiz, example sentences of capitalization and punctuation. Daily: I will use the elmo and mobi, objective sheets for each lesson. Instruction: In outline form, describe each day of instruction. Day 1 Classroom scavenger hunt. First day of school writing. Read aloud. Students create rules for the classroom. Review of short vowels. Workbook pg.1 from Reading Notebook. Find a friend who.. Day 2 Writing about 1st day of school. Introduce vocabulary words. Vocabulary index cards (definition) Discuss sentences. Introduce sentence jingle. Introduce Simple and Complete Subject. Scott Foresman p. 56-57 Short vowel review. Introduction of Spelling words. Sort spelling words by short vowel sound. Wb. 4 Formative Assessment: Oral questioning Teacher observation Workbook Writing Day 3 Review of spelling words. Break spelling words apart in phoneme/grapheme boxes. Discuss vccv pattern. Wb6 Vocabulary index cards (sentence) Introduce the elements of a story. Read “ A Fine, Fine School”. Writing over essential question with story. Review subject p. 58-59 Workbook p. 2 Phoneme/Grapheme boxes Oral questioning Oral reading Teacher observation workbook Day 4 Put spelling words in abc order. Discuss VCCV patterns, short vowels, syllables. Wb. 10 Vocabulary index cards Read “A Fine, Fine School” Graphic organizer using story elements over story. Using word choice when writing wb.5 Predicate text 56-57 Workbookp. 3 Writing Workbook pages Oral questioning Teacher observation Oral questioning Teacher observation Writing workbook 2 Day 5 Day 6 Check abc order with a partner. Context clues p. 11 Listen to story. Guided retelling Sequence cards Test over story. Sentences/Fragments text 50-51 Wb. 9 Oral questioning Teacher observation Writing workbook Oral questioning Day 7 Teacher observation Proofreading for Spelling wp 13 Writing Spelling dictation test workbook Read “One Room School Houses” p. 38-41 Journal writing comparing text to text p. 41 Subject/Predicate quiz Capitalization and punctuation p. 12 Alternate Instructional Interventions: Provide a specific plan for alternate instructional interventions, or re-teaching. Small groups, individualized tutoring, peer tutoring, and alternate assessments will be used as needed. Instructional technologies to enhance learning: List how each will enhance the effectiveness of the lesson. The Elmo will be used during instruction to keep students on task. The computer will be used to supplement learning where applicable. 3