Primary 7 Lesson 5: The Childhood of Jesus Christ: Picture

Primary 7 Lesson 5: The Childhood of Jesus Christ: Picture Matching Activity
Print and cut out the discussion questions and tape them on the back of the corresponding pictures. Before class, tape the
pictures randomly around the room. Split children into teams. Give each team one or two scripture assignments. Invite the
teams to look up their scriptures and then find the picture on the wall that matches their scripture. Invite them to read the
questions on the back and discuss the answers as a team. Then invite a member from each team to share their scripture,
the question(s), and their answers. (You may want to call up the teams in order of their scripture, so the story will unfold
chronologically.) Note: GAK = Gospel Art Kit, GAB = Gospel Art Book
1. Luke 2:25-34
2. Luke 2:36-38
Simeon Reverencing the Christ Child
Discussion Question(s)
(Picture by Greg K. Olsen, GAB, 32)
Anna the Prophetess
How did Anna witness that Jesus was the Son of God? How do
(Picture by Elspeth Young, June 2007
you think she knew who he was? (Luke 2:36–38.)
How did Simeon know that Jesus was the Son of God? (Luke
Ensign, front inside cover)
3. Matthew
4. Matthew
2:13 - 23
The Wise Men
How did the wise men know that Jesus was the Son of God?
(GAK, 203, or Picture 2-7, in Primary
Why did they give him gifts? (Matt. 2:2, 11.) How can you be a
2 Lesson Manual)
witness of Jesus Christ?
Flight to Egypt
Why did Heavenly Father tell Joseph to take his family to
(Picture 2-8, in Primary 2 Lesson
Egypt? (Matt. 2:13–14.) What did Herod do to try to keep Jesus
from becoming king? (Matt. 2:16.) How did Joseph know it
was safe to return from Egypt? (Matt. 2:19–20.) Where did the
family go to live? (Matt. 2:21–23.)
5. Luke 2:40
Jesus Praying with His Mother
What can you do to “wax strong in the spirit”? (Luke 2:40.)
(Picture by Simon Dewey, GAB, 33)
6. Luke 2:52,
D&C 93:11-14
Growing in Wisdom
What did the apostle John mean when he said that Jesus
(Picture by Simon Dewey, Friend,
“received grace for grace?” (D&C 93:12.) What does it mean to
February 2010, inside back cover)
“increase in wisdom”? (Luke 2:52.) What are you doing to
increase in wisdom & grace?
7. JST Matthew
Childhood of Jesus Christ
What do you think Jesus did as a boy to gain experience and
(GAK, 206)
knowledge? (JST, Matt. 3:24–26; Luke 2:40, 52; D&C 93:11–
(Hint: Jesus is
14.) What things are important for you to learn as you grow
working with
up? What goals have you set?
8. Luke 2:46-47
Boy Jesus in the Temple
Why were the men in the temple impressed with Jesus? (Luke
(Picture 7-6, Primary 7 Lesson
2:46–47. Note that Joseph Smith’s translation of this scripture
Manual, or GAK, 205)
says, “And they were hearing him, and asking him questions.”)
What does this tell us about how much Jesus had learned in
his childhood? What can you do to learn more about the
gospel? How was Jesus honoring and obeying his Father in the
9. Luke 2:51-52
Jesus and His Mother
What did Jesus do to honor and obey Joseph and Mary? (Luke
(Hint: Jesus is
(GAK, 242)
2:51–52.) Explain that Joseph and Mary taught Jesus during
smiling at his
his childhood just as our parents teach us during our
childhoods. How can you honor your parents?
(Hand out one to each team)
1. Luke 2:25-34
2. Luke 2:36-38
3. Matthew 2:2-11
4. Matthew 2:13 - 23
5. Luke 2:40
6. Luke 2:52, D&C 93:11-14
7. JST Matthew 3:24-25 (Hint: Jesus is working with Joseph)
8. Luke 2:46-47
9. Luke 2:51-52 (Hint: Jesus is smiling at his mother)
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (Cut out and post on the back of the corresponding picture.)
How did Simeon know that Jesus was the Son of God?
(Luke 2:27-30.)
How did Anna witness that Jesus was the Son of God? How do you
think she knew who he was? (Luke 2:36–38.)
How did the wise men know that Jesus was the Son of God? Why did
they give him gifts? (Matt. 2:2, 11.) How can you be a witness of
Jesus Christ?
Why did Heavenly Father tell Joseph to take his family to Egypt?
(Matt. 2:13–14.) What did Herod do to try to keep Jesus from
becoming king? (Matt. 2:16.) How did Joseph know it was safe to
return from Egypt? (Matt. 2:19–20.) Where did the family go to live?
(Matt. 2:21–23.)
What can you do to “wax strong in the spirit”? (Luke 2:40.)
What did the apostle John mean when he said that Jesus “received
grace for grace?” (D&C 93:12.) What does it mean to “increase in
wisdom”? (Luke 2:52.) What are you doing to increase in wisdom &
What do you think Jesus did as a boy to gain experience and
knowledge? (JST, Matt. 3:24–26; Luke 2:40, 52; D&C 93:11–14.) What
things are important for you to learn as you grow up? What goals
have you set?
Why were the men in the temple impressed with Jesus? (Luke 2:46–
47. Note that Joseph Smith’s translation of this scripture says, “And
they were hearing him, and asking him questions.”) What does this
tell us about how much Jesus had learned in his childhood? What can
you do to learn more about the gospel? How was Jesus honoring and
obeying his Father in the temple?
What did Jesus do to honor and obey Joseph and Mary? (Luke 2:51–
52.) Explain that Joseph and Mary taught Jesus during his childhood
just as our parents teach us during our childhoods. How can you
honor your parents?