The Southern Colonies

The Southern Colonies
Mason Dixon Line: the line of demarcation that separates the
northern and southern colonies.
 1st settlement: Jamestown
 Founded by John Smith for economic opportunities
 Farmed tobacco=success
European conflict with the Native Americans happened when both
groups believed they were entitled to the same land.
 Europeans believed they had the right to it, they were more
powerful, and they had a charter from the king.
 Native Americans were there first
When colonist began heading west to settle the backcountry
(frontier), they followed a Native American trail known as the
Great Wagon Road.
Nathaniel Bacon raided Native American villages along the
frontier. He tried to burn Jamestown to the ground. “Bacon’s
 Lots of natural resources
 Founded by the Calverts. Cecilius Calvert, aka. Lord
Baltimore, became the proprietor and named the colony.
 Founded to provide religious freedom to Catholics.
 St. Mary’s City is Maryland’s first settlement
 1649-Colony passed the Toleration Act, which gave religious
freedom to all Christians.
The Carolinas
 Founded by 8 leaders called Lords Proprietors for economic
 In 1712, the Lords Proprietors split the Carolinas into two
colonies-North Carolina and South Carolina.
 In North Carolina, farmers grew mostly tobacco and corn on
small farms.
 In South Carolina, farmers grew rice on large plantations.
 Founded by James Ogelthorpe for economic opportunity.
 Colony founded so people could work off the debt they owed
to England instead of going to jail.
 Georgia also served as a buffer between Spanish controlled
Florida and the colonies.
 Settlers arrived in 1733 and founded Savannah