Cultures from Around the Block Intercultural Dialogue Workshops Cultures from around the Block Workshop Title: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in the UK Objectives: to inform young people about cultural and linguistic diversity and history of migration to the UK. Explain the advantages of living in the multicultural society. Are the people in Britain ethnically diverse? "We celebrate the diversity in our country, get strength from the cultures and the races that go to make up Britain today." Prime Minister Tony Blair, 2 October 2001 People from all cultures and ethnicities can be found in every corner of Britain and each person in his or her own way has contributed to make Britain the place it is today. If you walk down a street in Britain, especially in the bigger cities you will usually see people with different hair, skin and eye colours. They may Research House UK have white, brown or black skin and blonde, brown, black, or red hair, with blue, black, brown or green eyes. Many of the people you will see will be British people but they all look different because the people of Britain are a mixed race. How Britain became a mixed race society Britain is and has always been a mixed race society. Early in our history we were invaded by Romans, Saxons , Vikings and Normans armies and later Africans were brought to Britain by force in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as slaves or servants. Over the years, thousands of people have arrived in Britain as refugees from France, Ireland, Russia, and other countries, escaping from persecution or famine in their own countries. There are British people whose parents first came to Britain in the 1950s and 1960s from the Caribbean, India, Pakistan, Hong Kong and other places. Their homes are mainly in the big English cities like London, Birmingham and Manchester. About 8% of the population of Britain today are people from other cultures and ethnicities. That is 4.6 million people. Question: Who are your neighbours? Where are they/their ancestors from? New Cultures People moving to Britain have brought their own cultures and try to keep two cultures alive. An excellent example of this is the Notting Hill Carnival Research House UK which is celebrates the Caribbean Culture and is now a very big part of the British life today. Question: Do you know any other cultural events in Britain, which were introduced by different nationalities? Please provide an example. People from minority ethnic groups were more likely to live in England than in the rest of the United Kingdom. They made up 9 per cent of the population of England in 2001 compared with 2 per cent of the population of both Wales and Scotland and 1 per cent of the population of Northern Ireland. Nearly half (45 per cent) of the total minority ethnic population live in London. London Over 250 languages are spoken in London, making the capital the most linguistically diverse city in the world. In a survey of 850,000 children in London schools the question about first language spoken at home was asked. The 40 most common languages spoken are Language English Approx total 608,500 Language Igbo (Nigeria) Approx total 1,900 Research House UK Bengali & Silheti 40,400 French-based Creoles 1,800 Panjabi 29,800 Tagalog (Filipino 1,600 Gujerati 28,600 Kurdish 1,400 Hindi/Urdu 26,000 Polish 1,500 Turkish 15,600 Swahili 1,000 Arabic 11,000 Lingala (Congo) 1,000 10,700 Albanian 900 10,400 Luganda (Uganda) 800 Somali 8,300 Ga (Ghana) 800 Cantonese 6,900 Tigrinya (Sudan) 800 English-based Creoles Yorubu (Nigeria) Research House UK Greek German 800 Akan (Ashanti) 6,000 Japanese 800 Portuguese 6,000 Serbian/Croatian 700 French 5,600 Russian 700 Spanish 5,500 Hebrew 650 3,700 Korean 550 Tamil (Sri Lanka) 6,300 Farsi (Persian) 3,300 Italian Vietnamese 2,500 2,400 Pashto (Afghanistan) 450 Amharic (Ethiopia) 450 Sinhala (Sri Lanka) 450 Numbers have been rounded up or down to the nearest 50 Research House UK Source website: Baker P. AND Eversley J. Multicultural Capital, London: Batterbridge 2000. Research House UK Cultures from around the Block Workshop Title: Subject: What are different nationalities are like? Objectives: Inform young people about different nationalities in Europe and their culture. Combat stereotypes Do you really know what the English are like? English Stereotypes Learning from the media and talking to older people, we pick up a lot of stereotypes about other nations. In every country there are plenty of stereotypes about residents but most of them are untrue and very wrongful. What are the first three things which come into your mind when you hear the words 'England' or 'the English? Mine are fish and chips, rolling hills and sarcasm. Let’s see what people around the world see as the stereotypes of the English. Research House UK When I think of the English, I think of ......... 'Beer, honesty, Bulldog-type, Royal Family, Cricket, the Weather' - Dickie Bird (Famous English cricket umpire) 'Long shadows on county cricket grounds, warm beer, invincible green suburbs, dog lovers and old maids bicycling through the morning mist' - John Major (Ex Prime Minister ) cream teas, 'Big Ben, Shakespeare, pubs, beefeaters' Research House UK 'Men wearing bowler hats, pin striped suite, a newspaper under the arm and carrying a long un-open umbrella.' 'Gardening, warm beer, stiff upper lip, double-decker buses, Morris dancing' Research House UK Morris Dancing ' Royal family, Union Jack, God Save the Queen, Battle of Britain, Trooping the Colour' 'England is a land of beer, football and bad weather.' 'I'm working in a school in Catalonia and they all think that it rains 24/7 in England, and that we eat bad food which is ironic because the food over here is terrible!! Oh, and they all think that we must know David Beckham because we are English!' 'Patriotic people, some think we are snobs but we are just proud of our country and Queen. We are very polite and patient although as in any country, there are the bad eggs. But on the whole we are a very pleasant nation.' Tom Eccles aged 13. 'I think that English people are quite reserved. I had to laugh when I went by tube and saw everyone sitting and reading their newspapers.' Research House UK 'My in-laws are from the Middle East - they think that we boil all our food. If the truth be told I would rather eat curry than boiled cabbage!' ' People think the English are no good at learning foreign languages and have the attitude that if they yell loud enough in English the "foreigners" will evertually understand them... ' lol 'A lot of folks overseas think that the English are crazy about dogs and love them more than their kids!' 'Tea and the Queen come to mind.' Source: European Literary Trails: Study Abroad Program Director: Professor Jolanta W. Warzycka Question: What do you think about French, Italian, Polish, etc? Task for the next workshop: Talk to your schoolmates, neighbours, people you know. Find information about their country of origin. Share this information with your group. Research House UK Cultures from around the Block Workshop Title: Immigration Timeline Task: Work through the timeline below with the young people and ask them to search for more information about each of the immigrants on the website and write and illustrate what information was found out. Timeline: Immigration to Britain 1100s Merchants from Netherlands 1500s Queen Mary marries Philip of Spain Dutch and French Protestants settle 1600s Asians brought to England as Slaves 1700s Refugees from the arrive French revolution (1789) First records of Chinese sailors in London 1800s Jewish arrivals fleeing persecution in Ukraine and Belarus. Poland, Irish settlers escaping poverty during the famine in Ireland. Trade brings Indian and Chinese people to Research House UK main ports Jews flee to UK from Russia and Poland 1900s 1914 - More than 250,000 Belgian refugees fled to the UK, escaping the fighting of the First World War. 1930s - Refugees from the UK Nazi oppression arrive in 1940 - 1960 Polish people homeless because of the War, invited to come to UK 1948 - The boat Windrush brings 492 Jamaicans to the UK – thousands more follow Immigration from Caribbean encouraged to help rebuild post-war Britain 1950s and 60s - Settlers from other new Commonwealth nations arrive – India, Pakistan and Bangladesh 1970s - East African, Asians and arrive Vietnamese 1972 - Asians expelled from Uganda; 27000 admitted to UK 1980s - African community expands Refugees arrive from Eastern Europe – and former Yugoslavia Romania Research House UK 1991 - Break up of the government of Somalia lead to 7,500 applications being made to the UK many of which are accepted. 1992 - 1997 - 2,500 Bosnians enter the UK as refugees following the break up of former Yugoslavia 1999 - Renewed heavy fighting in Sri Lanka leads to 5,130 applications for asylum being made to the UK. Research House UK Cultures from around the Block Workshop Title: A Multicultural Society Objectives: Inform young people about festivals and other cultural events, which were introduced to the UK by different nationalities, explain the reasons of migration and facilitate discussion about the cultural life in their countries of origin. A Multicultural Society 1. Questionnaire • Where does your family originally come from? • Have they always lived in your town? • Where were your grandparents born? • Did they ever move to another town or country? When? Why? • Has anyone in your family ever emigrated? Where did they go? Why? A Multicultural Society The UK has welcomed newcomers for centuries. It is a mixture of diverse ethnic groups, each with their own distinct culture and sometimes their own language or religion. This month is Black History month, celebrating the contribution that Afro Caribbean people have made to British society. Many British Asians will be celebrating Ramadan soon. There are 1.5 million Muslims in Britain with over 6,000 mosques. Asian can be a misleading term as it refers to all those people with roots or family connections in the former British colonies of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Asian does not always mean that the person is of Indian descent. Not all Asians are Muslim. Some are Hindus and others are Sikhs. Research House UK These 2 groups celebrate the festival of Diwalli on November 6th. The Irish have come to Britain for many years, looking for work. After World War Two Irish and other European workers were encouraged to take factory jobs. Britain couldn’t get enough workers to help rebuild the economy and to work in the new Health Service so employers also looked to former colonies and Commonwealth countries. India, countries in Africa and the Caribbean had been controlled by Britain in the past and had strong cultural links with Britain, including the language. Many arrived in the hope of building a new life for their young families. The descendants of these immigrants are now the teachers, the footballers, the TV presenters, the musicians and the politicians that shape British society. There are numerous ethnic newspapers, magazines, TV programmes, radio stations and internet sites for each community. The largest groups live in and around the capital London and many other groups are concentrated in the industrial centres in Yorkshire, The Midlands and the South East. Ethnic minorities timeline • 19th century: Jewish arrivals from Russia/Poland, escaping persecution; • Irish people escape from poverty in rural Ireland • 1948 –50s: Caribbean workers invited to help rebuild post war Britain • 1950s-60s: Asians from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh escape poverty • 1970s: East African Asians escape persecution and Vietnamese escape war • 1980s: Eastern European refugees arrive from war and political unrest in Romania and the former Yugoslavia. Ethnic groups in the UK (6.5% of the British population are from ethnic minorities) Research House UK • White – 53,074,000 (includes Irish, Polish, Italian etc). • Black Caribbean – 490,000 • Black African – 376,000 • Black other – 308,000 • Indian – 930,000 • Pakistani – 663,000 • Bangladeshi –268,000 • Chinese – 137,000 • Other Asian – 209,000 (includes Vietnamese, Malaysian, Thai) • Other – 424,000 (people who did not think they fitted the above categories) 2. Your country • Describe your own ethnic group. Why do you belong to this group? Is your group a minority group in your own country? • Describe the different ethnic groups that make up your country. Do you know the numbers for each group? Which are the main minority groups? Where did they originate? When and why did they move to your country? How do they contribute to the life of your nation? 3. Group discussion A group of immigrants or refugees will be arriving in your school soon. • What aspects of school life might they need help with? • How would you make them feel welcome? • Describe 3 things you could do to help them get used to life in your country. Research House UK Cultures from around the Block- Photography Workshops/ Using a camera Workplan 1. Introduction to the technical aspects of digital photography through a presentation and a handout to take away 2. Break young people into 4 groups (split them up so that more experienced photographers are spread amongst the four groups) 3. Four mini-projects running simultaneously. Each group will spend 15 minutes on the task and 10 minutes viewing the results on a laptop then moving onto the next project. The photographer will primarily help out with the DSLR group but will keep working round and checking on everything. The photographer will produced handouts with instructions and questions for each project Projects will investigate: o Framing o Colour, shape and line o Light, shadow and shade o Basic DSLR settings (aperture and shutter speed) This will take up an hour and half. During this time young people will work on the composition of art photography and explore some ideas. Ten minute presentation will be made on composition and the rules to follow and ignore. This will be placed at the end rather than the beginning so young people can play with the concepts themselves first and this presentation will help compound what they found. The presentation will also explain why such techniques work and why some don’t. The handouts will produced a for the young people to take away. For the following four sessions the plan is to break young people into groups and set a mini project on one subject each week: Research House UK Subjects for the following workshops: Week 2: Portraiture Week 3: Landscape, buildings and shooting outdoors Week 4: Photo-story Week 5: Editing (using software to correct, edit, crop and add effects) Equipment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cameras (1 SLR + 3 basic - Research House, Woodway Park school) Laptops (Michelle - 1, Research House - 2) Tripod Kitchen Foil Tape Scissors Fruit Digital Versus Film – Overall Shooting Digital Versus Shooting Film Digital Images versus Film Images Digital Camera Types How Digital Cameras Work Components of a good Digital Camera a. Optics b. Metering c. Focus System d. Sensor Resolution e. Megapixels!!! 7. Lenses a. Telephoto b. Wide angle c. Fish Eye d. Focal Lengths 8. Settings a. Automatic Settings b. Multiple photos c. Manual Settings i. Shutter Priority ii. Aperture Priority iii. Manual Control (you make all the decisions) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Research House UK 9. Flash a. Range b. Quality c. Fill in Flash 10. Supports 11. Memory and Removable Storage Media a. Compact Flash (CF) b. Secure Digital (SD) c. Memory Stick d. Smart Media e. Multi Media Card (MMC) f. XD Picture Card Colour, Shape and Line This mini project is to explore different shapes, colours and lines and how they can be used to create different “feelings, moods and meanings”. 1. 2. 3. 4. Use the bottles, fruit, and coloured card to compose a variety of still lifes Take photos of each, from varying angles Try different combinations of colours and shapes How do you think varying these elements will have affected your work? Load the photos onto a laptop 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Which photo do YOU like best? Do you all agree or do your opinions vary? Do any of the combinations portray a feeling of calm and tranquillity? Do any of the combinations portray contrast or a sense of unease? Would you say any of the shapes and colours complement each other? Would you say any of the shapes and colours contrast each other? DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) This mini project will investigate the two most “fun” settings on a DSLR Aperture settings Research House UK Opening the aperture (selecting a low f-number) will increase the area of the photo that will remain in focus. Reducing the size of the aperture (selecting a high f-number) will decrease the area of the photo that will remain in focus. 1. Set up a still life or get a friend to pose on a chair 2. Stand about 5 meters away 3. Open the aperture as wide as it goes and take a few photographs with the still life of friend in the centre of the scene 4. Reduce the aperture to middle range and repeat 5. Make the aperture as small as possible and take another series of photographs. Shutter Speed 1. Set the camera to a fast shutter speed 2. With the camera on a tripod take a photo of a friend walking in front of the camera (about 5 meters away!!!) 3. Set the camera to a mid-range shutter speed 4. Again, take a photo of a friend walking in front of the camera 5. Set the camera to a slow shutter speed 6. Again, take a photo of a friend walking in front of the camera 7. With a slow shutter speed take a photo of your friend standing still. As the photo is being taken zoom in with the lens. Do this a few times. What effect do you think you will get? Framing This mini project is to help you explore subject placement and camera angle. 1. Line up three bottles along the edge of a table 2. Stand approximately 10 meters from the table 3. Take one photo framing the bottles part way up and part way across the scene 4. Take one photo placing the bottles in the centre 5. Take one photo placing the bottles extreme left 6. Take one photo placing the bottles extreme right 7. Take one photo placing the bottles extreme top 8. Take one photo placing the bottles extreme bottom Research House UK 9. Lay on your stomach and follow steps 4-8 again 10. Stand on a chair and follow steps 4-8 again 11. Move in to half the distance and follow steps 4-8 again (standing) 12. Lay on your stomach and follow steps 4-8 again 13. Stand on a chair and follow steps 4-8 again 14. Move into a meter or two from the bottles and follow steps 4-8 again (standing) 15. Lay on the floor (may need to lay on your back when this close!!) and follow steps 4-8 again 16. Stand on a chair and follow steps 4-8 again Critique: 1. What do you think the main differences will be? 2. Which camera position/angle do you think will have been the most effective? 3. Do you think that varying the angles and framing will have changed any meaning or emotion in the picture? Load your photos onto a laptop: 1. Did the photos come out as you expected? 2. Which photos do you find the most effective? 3. Do any of the compositions look more balanced? 4. Do any of them seem to hold more “emotion” or “meaning “ than others? Light, shadow and shade Using the bottles or fruit set up a still life, or photograph each other! Use the lamps, card and foil to vary the light. 1. Take photographs of your still life or volunteer from different angles with no flash 2. Repeat the angles with full flash on 3. Repeat the angles with the lamp shining from a few meters away without the flash on 4. Repeat the angles with the lamp shining from a meter away without the flash on 5. Put foil round some card to make a reflective surface 6. Shine the lamp onto the foil and angle it so the light bounces off and hits your still life or volunteer Research House UK 7. Try the same using just white card 8. Try the same again bouncing light off a wall Critique 1. Did you notice any differences as you were taking the photos? Load the photographs onto a laptop 1. Did you get a variety of effects? 2. Which did you prefer? 3. Did any of the effects produce different feelings about the subject or convey different emotions? Cultures from around the Block Workshop Title: Understanding different cultures and perspectives. Task: Please read what other young people wrote about themselves. Write something about yourself, your family, your culture. Illustrate your story with photos and other imagies. Dani My Language I was born in Bristol. My parents came from Barbados about thirty years ago and my gran used to speak to other people from there in a special way. It's like English but it's different, we call it Creole or patois (patwa) Research House UK Sometimes it just sounds like a different accent, but there are also some words that are different and they express things differently from English people with other backgrounds. I can understand them and I can copy them, but I've grown up with a bit of a Bristol accent, which my Mum thinks is better than a Barbados accent for getting on in Britain. When I'm with my black friends we sometimes talk in our own kind of patwa. It's not like our parents'.... well, it's a bit like it but it's our own. It's something only other black youth can speak well. Also, it's different depending on where you live, like in different parts of the country, so it's like an identity thing. We use it in school or wherever if we want to be private, instead of 'normal' English. I wish white people wouldn't get all paranoid about it: when we're talking patwa we aren't always putting white people down! My Religion I don't really believe in any god or anything, but my Mum does and I was brought up to. She goes to a mainly black church -actually I don't think any white people go. It's called the New Testament Church of God. My Mum says it was set up, like, 30 years ago because black people didn't feel at home in white churches. The white people didn't welcome them much - which sounds pretty amazing to me, but my Mum says she knows people who were asked by a white vicar not to come back! But the other thing is that a lot of black people just like to worship in a different way. More people sort of join in, it's more interesting. You can tell the preacher is completely involved in what he's saying, and the people in the church can join in, like they call out if they agree with him, and sometimes people stand up and talk about themselves and what they believe. Research House UK The couple of times I've been to an ordinary white church it wasn't like that at all, it was sort of really formal, and you felt like you didn't dare speak. The singing's better in black churches too - though I'm not saying everyone's like a gospel singer - and everyone joins in some hymns. If I did believe in God I'd go to a black church 'cos they just seem more active and interesting. My Food There's nothing special or, y'know, 'ethnic' ( I hate that word ) about what we eat. I'm almost a vegetarian 'cos I really like animals and can't stand the thought of eating them, but it drives my Mum mad because she isn't vegetarian and she doesn't like to cook without meat or fish. We do sometimes have, like, traditional Barbados food and I don't mind if it's fish. David My Language I only speak English, like most British people I suppose. My grandparents all speak German, and they usually speak in German when they're all together. I suppose it reminds them of where they used to live and everything. They also know this language called Yiddish, which is like a mixture of different languages and used to be spoken by Jews in Europe. There are a few expressions they always say in Yiddish, and some words like for food, which we all use. The language Jews use for their religion is Hebrew, and both my Grandads know a bit of it. I suppose everybody Jewish knows the word 'Shalom' which means 'peace'. Jewish people often use it to say hello or goodbye. Research House UK My Mum and Dad had some Hebrew lessons when they were younger, but not so they can speak it or anything. They also speak German pretty well, 'cos both their parents spoke it a lot to them. I understand it quite a lot, but I wouldn't say I can speak it fluently or anything. When the whole family is together we speak in English, though my grandparents natter away to each other in German. My Religion Just to confuse everyone, when people look at me they think I'm just an someone with no particular religion or anything, but actually I'm Jewish. Being Jewish means different things to different people. With me and my parents it's like an identity thing, a belonging thing. We don't go to the synagogue or anything (though my Grandad does, when he can get there). Grandad once went to Jerusalem on a pilgrimage. He visited the Wailing Wall, one of the holiest sites in Judaism, and the shrine of the book, where there are some ancient manuscripts including the Dead Sea Scrolls. To us, being Jewish is knowing something about our history and the things that have happened to Jews in the past, and we have lots of family get-togethers at special times in the year, with special meals. I suppose the most special of these is the Passover, which Jews have celebrated for over 3,000 years. Oh - last year I went to my friend's Bar Mitzvah- it's like a coming of age ceremony for boys when they turn into men. Like Christians, we have one day in the week which is different from the others. People that are really strict Jews don't do any work at all on Saturdays, that's the Jews' holy day - the Sabbath. We do that a bit - like my parents never go to work on Saturdays, but it's just like some people keep Sunday special, when they relax and that. Mum and Dad say they only do things around the house that relax them on the Sabbath, and not anything that's really work. So the washing gets done on Sundays, and things like gardening and reading the papers on Saturdays. Research House UK My Food We mostly eat ordinary British type food, nothing special really. Since we're Jewish we can't eat anything like pork or ham - nothing that comes from pigs. It's the same as Muslims believe, the pig's supposed to be an unclean animal. My Dad says this is just tradition really, but in the past in a hot country like Israel (where Jews came from) it was sensible, because pigs are supposed to get some of the same sorts of diseases as humans do. If you're really, sort of, a religious Jew you have to only eat meat from animals that have been killed in a special way, with prayers and that. It's called kosher meat. Kosher also means anything that Jews are allowed to eat. Though we're kind of Scottish, we've never had haggis, 'cos it's got some bits from a pig in it, so it's not kosher. My Grandad likes sacher torte, which is a special kind of chocolate cake he remembers from when he was growing up in Vienna, and he sort of passed a taste for this on to my Dad. He lets me have some when he's not feeling too greedy. Though we're not strict Jews, we have a Sabbath meal every Friday night that starts with some really nice bread made with eggs. With us, it's not so much what we eat, as the fact that all the family's together to talk. We have a big family meal once a year at Passover, which we make more of a fuss about than Christmas. There are certain foods we eat then that remind people of things in Jewish history. The only other specifically Jewish thing to do with food that we do is fast once a year on the Day of Atonement, when we're supposed to think of all the things we've done wrong in the past year and try to do better. Research House UK Research House UK