Level 1 - Cisco ISD

Science Fair Project Ideas
Level 1
Comparative Studies
What kind of juice cleans pennies best?
Do watches keep time the same?
How does omitting an ingredient affect the taste of a cookie?
Do suction cups stick equally well to different surfaces?
Which cheese grows mold the fastest?
Consumer Testing
What brand of raisin cereal has the most raisins?
Which dish soap makes the most bubbles?
Which paper towel is the strongest?
With which type of battery do toys run the longest?
Plant Studies
Do roots of a plant always grow downward?
Can plants grow without soil?
Will bananas brown faster on the counter or in the refrigerator?
Does temperature affect the growth of plants?
Can plants grow from the leaves?
Do different kinds of apples have the some number of seeds?
Does a plant grow bigger if watered with milk or water?
Will vitamins affect the growth of plants?
Under what color of light do plants grow best?
Physical Sciences
Can the design of a paper airplane make it fly farther?
Does a ball-roll farther on grass or dirt?
Do all objects fall to the ground at the same speed?
How can you measure the strength of a magnet?
How much salt does it take to float an egg?
Does water with salt boil faster than plain water?
Does on ice cube melt faster in air or water??
Does a bath take less water than a shower?
Does warm water freeze faster than cool water?
How long will it take a drop of food dye to color a glass of still
Which materials absorb the most water?
What materials dissolve in water?
Which dissolves better in water - salt or baking soda?
Level 2
Consumer Testing
Which brand of popcorn pops the most kernels?
Which brand of popcorn pops the fastest?
Which brand of diaper holds the most water?
What type of cleaner removes ink stains best?
Which brand of soap makes the most suds?
Which plastic trash bag is the strongest?
Which houseplant fertilizer works best?
Does temperature affect the results of a soft drink challenge?
Which brand of disposable diaper absorbs the most liquid?
Which chewing gum holds its flavor the best?
Which brand of popcorn pops the most kernels?
Plant Studies
Do different types of soil hold different amounts of water?
Does sugar prolong the life of cut flowers?
How much of an orange is water?
Does the color of light affect plant growth?
Do plants grow bigger in soil or water?
Does it matter in which direction seeds are planted?
What plant foods contain starch?
Physical Science
Which liquid has the highest viscosity?
Will more air inside a basketball make it bounce higher?
Does a baseball go farther when hit by a wood or metal bat?
What kind of glue holds two boards together better?
Does the width of a rubber band affect how far it will stretch?
Does the shape of a kite affect its flight?
What gets warmer faster sand or soil?
In which way does the wind blow most frequently?
Will a ball bounce higher if it is dropped at a greater distance from
the floor?
Do sugar crystals grow faster in tap water or distilled water?
What common liquids are acid, base or neutral?
What determines how fast a piece of candy dissolves?
How does the weight of a pendulum affect the swing?
Will a rubber band stretch the some distance every time that the
same amount of weight is attached to it?
What is the acidity of various household products?
Does baking soda lower the temperature of water?
Does the color of water affect its evaporation?
Will water with salt evaporate faster than water without salt?
What type of soil filters water best?
What types of bacteria are found in tap water?
Level 3
Consumer Testing
Which home smoke detector is most sensitive?
Which engine oil reduces friction the most?
Which home insulation works best?
Which self-adhesive floor tile resists wear the most?
Comparative Studies
What factors affect the growth of bread mold?
What type of oil has the greatest density?
How is the rate of melting snow affected by color?
Which materials keep ice cubes from melting for the longest time?
Which amount of air space is the best insulator for storm windows?
Plant Studies
Does a green plant add oxygen to its environment?
What percentage of corn seeds in a package will germinate?
How much of an apple is water?
Does a plant need some darkness to grow?
What are the effects of chlorine on plant growth?
How does centrifugal force affect the germination of corn seeds?
How does light direction affect plant growth?
Physical Sciences
Which type of line carries sound waves best?
Which metal conducts heat best?
Can same-type balloons withstand the same amount of pressure?
Does the viscosity of a liquid affect its boiling point?
What materials provide the best insulation?
What keeps things colder - plastic wrap or aluminum foil?
Do liquids cool as they evaporate?
Does the size of a light bulb affect its energy use?
For how long a distance can speech be transmitted through a tube?
Does the color of a material affect its absorption of heat?
Does sound travel best through solids, liquids or gases?
Does the slope of land affect the amount of erosion?
Can the sun's energy be used to clean water?
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