“Araby” Assignment Read “Araby” by James Joyce. Annotate as you read. Answer the following questions on your own paper. Questions for Discussion 1. The Setting and the Language Read the first two paragraphs carefully. What kind of environment does the boy live in? Pay attention to specific details (“blind” street; musty room; dead priest, etc.) 2. The Characters, Point of View, and Language Who is the narrator of this story? How old do you think he is? Read the next three paragraphs. Who is it that the boy secretly loves? How does he describe his feelings for her? What kind of “character” is Mangan's sister (round, flat, symbolic)? Pay attention to how she is described in the third paragraph. 3. The Plot What kind of conflict is detailed between the boy and his environment and the boy and the adults (aunt, uncle, and Mrs. Mercer)? When does the main action of the story start? How does it change the narrator? 4. Religious Images What are the religious images/icons that the narrator uses to describe his love for the girl? 5. The Trip to the Araby (the bazaar) How is the bazaar described at the end of the story? What does this description tell us about the world the boy lives in? 6. Theme Why do you think the boy loves the girl in such a devout manner? What do you think of the ending? What does he mean by “vanity”? This story ends with the character’s epiphany. What is this epiphany? 7. Tone Reread the opening paragraph. How does it set the tone for the story? 8. Free Response What is your opinion of the boy's love for Mangan's sister? 9. Making Connections What does this story have in common with “A&P”? Name one character from another piece of literature or a film that the main character from “Araby” reminds you of. Explain.