TACOMA SCHOOL DISTRICT WILSON HIGH SCHOOL Teacher: Quoc Nguyen Phone Number: (253) 571-6037 Arrival Time: 7:05 Departure Time: 2:35 Room Number: 308 Planning Period: 6th -1:05-2:05 Email: qnguyen@tacoma.k12.wa.us Sophomore English SYLLABUS I. COURSE DESCRIPTION SpringBoard: English Language Arts The following comments are from SpringBoard: Welcome to SpringBoard English Language Arts, a college and career readiness program for all Students. This new edition of SpringBoard was designed from the start to meet the needs of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and was built on current research on best instructional practices and pedagogy. A powerful feature of SpringBoard instruction is the robust alignment to AP Langauge and Literature. While not every student will take an AP class, we believe strongly that ALL students should be equipped with the kind of higher-order thinking skills, knowledge, and behaviors necessary to be successful in AP classes and post-secondary education. II. STUDENT OUTCOMES This is a yearlong course that consists of 5 Units: Units % of Grade Unit 1 Cultural Conversations (29 days) 14 Unit 2 Cultural 14 Student Competencies: *Each unit will also have class assignments that will be worth 10% of your grade. *All Embedded 1 Assessment equal 25% of your grade. (5% for each Embedded 1 Assessment) *All Embedded 2 Assessment equal 45% of your grade. (9% for each Embedded 2 Assessment) Embedded Assessment 1 Write a reflective essay explaining your cultural identity. Embedded Assessment 2 Write a synthesis essay to the following prompt: To what extent does one’s culture inform the way one views others and the world? Embedded Assessment 1 Write a narrative, either real or imagined, that Perspectives (37 days) Unit 3:Novel Cultures in Conflict Things Fall Apart (26 days) 14 Unit 4 Dramatic Justice (30 days) 14 Unit 5 Building Cultural Bridges (39 days) 14 conveys a cultural perspective. Embedded Assessment 2 Develop an argument about an issue that resonates across cultures. You will choose a position, target audience, and effective genre to convey your argument to a wide audience. Embedded Assessment 1 Examine one aspect of tribal culture presented in Things Fall Apart, its significance to the Ibo community, and compare and contrast how that cultural aspect changed from pre-colonial to postcolonial Nigeria. You will create a presentation that reflects your research. Embedded Assessment 2 Write an analytical essay about Things Fall Apart in which you examine a character’s response to the cultural collision caused by the introduction of Western ideas into Ibo culture. In your essay, analyze how the collision challenges the character’s sense of identity and explain how his response shapes meaning of the work as a whole. Embedded Assessment 1 Your assignment is to research, analyze, and present an oral interpretation of a monologue. Your monologue should represent a point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature outside the United States. You will need to use vocal and visual delivery to convey a complex character’s voice. You will write a character sketch of the character you are portraying. You will also evaluate your own and other students’ performances and write a reflection on your oral interpretation. Embedded Assessment 2 Write an analytical essay about the effect of character interaction in the play Antigone. Choose a character whose words, actions, or ideas contrast with Creon’s character. Explain how these conflicting motivations contribute to Creon’s development as a tragic hero and how the character interactions advance the plot or develop themes of the play. Embedded Assessment 1 Present a solution to the environmental conflict your group has researched. You will deliver a group presentation designed to contextualize the conflict for classmates and justify your approach to resolving it. Independent Reading (IR) 20 A list of authors will be given for IR #2-5 All IR essays and assignments are due the day when Embedded Assessment #1 begins. II. Embedded Assessment 2 Transform your presentation from the first Embedded Assessment into a documentary film advocating for a particular solution to the issue. Use research-based evidence, persuasive appeals, and documentary film techniques to engage and convince an audience of your argument. IR #1: Color of Water Dialectical Journal *How is James McBride’s or his mother Ruthie McBride Jordan’s cultural identity discovered in the novel? IR#2 *How can cultural experiences shape, impact, or influence one’s perception of the world? IR#3 In a double-entry journal track the author’s use of the narrative techniques in this unit: dialogue, setting, point of view, theme, characters, and narrative pacing. IR#4 *How do interactions between different cultural groups impact a character in the story from the beginning to the end of the story. IR#5 Double-Entry Journal Characterization Inference it makes 5 Direct characterization 10 indirect characterization *Designates an essay MATERIALS REQUIRED Student Essentials: Notebook Paper Pen (Blue or black ink) Colored pencils Hi-liters (4 different colors) III. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: IV. Peer Review/Response Editing of essays Small group reading Graphic Organizers Partner Reading and Response Close Reading ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES: Embedded 1 Assessment Embedded 2 Assessment V. VI. Independent Reading GRADING SCALE: 93-100 = A 87-89 = B+ 77-79 = C+ 69-67 = D+ 90-92 = A- 84-86 = B 74-76 = C 66-63 = D 80-83 = B- 70-73 = C- < 62 = E CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: Be in class on time 1st tardy-warning 2nd tardy-student and teacher conference 3rd-detention (parent notification) 4th-sent to administration Treat others with respect Have required materials Try your best Follow all rules stated in the student handbook (Ex: No food or drinks, no hats, no visible cell phones, no IPOD or CD player) IX. PLAGIARISM: The object of class assignments and homework (independent reading) is for you to exercise your mind to better understand the content of this course. By copying someone else’s work, you cannot attain this objective. Students caught copying or turning in identical work will receive a “0” on the assignment (which cannot be made up). Continued copying (plagiarism) will result in a failing grade. I UNDERSTAND AND PERSONALLY AGREE TO PERFORM TO THESE STATED POLICIES. _______________________ Printed Name _____________________________ Student Signature ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ Parent Signature Contact Phone Number _____ Date