
(Mercy Killing)
Concept, Emergence, Causes, Types and the Islamic Shari'a Position
Prepared by
Dr. Abdualrahman bin Ali Al-Traiqi
College of Education
King Saud University
1426-1427 H
All praise is due to Allah, and may peace and blessings be
bestowed upon our Messenger, Mohammad, and upon his
descendants and companions.
Research Problem and Significance: Since the later decades of
the past century, there has been a growing advocacy in the West for
the concept of "Euthanasia ". This concept states that patients with
incurable illness reserve the right to chose to have their lives ended.
More so, this practice has already been legalized and regulated by
law in some of the western countries. In addition, most courtsnowadays- tend to acquit those who are accused of such practice.
In an age where the West is gradually expanding its various
cultural, religious, and social characteristics across the globe, we are
not immune against such influences. Therefore, we find the
resounding echoes of advocacy for Euthanasia in our own
communities. We have also witness its impact on the legal, cultural,
medial and medical grounds. This is why investigating such a
problem from the Shari'a perspective (Islamic laws and legislations)
is of undeniable importance.
Goals and Discipline: This research aims at explaining the
Shari'a's stance on Euthanasia. Thus, the field of this research will be
based on related religious quotes. Different doctrines, old and
contemporary scholars will be quoted, specifying the more reliable of
Method: Based on the resources I have gathered, I have decided
to employ an approach of using the different reading materials to
arrive at deductive and conclusive suggestions.
Main Results:
1. The reasons that yield to Euthanasia according to its advocates
are as follows:
a. Incurable illnesses.
b. Extreme Pains which no anesthetics could help deaden.
c. Birth-deformities.
d. Chronic psychological disorders.
e. Mental disorders.
2. There are two types of Mercy Killing:
a. Positive Euthanasia.
b. Negative Euthanasia.
3. In Shari'a, it is forbidden for the stricken person to feel
despaired. In fact, it is considered amongst the gravest sins.
Shari'a calls for being unwearied with the incurable diseases,
and states that whoever obeys shall be rewarded. We believe
that this is an affliction by God, and the reaction will be a sign
of accepting one's destiny or not.
4. Euthanasia, for the fatally-ill, with or without his/her
permission, is forbidden by Shari'a. Additionally, the legal
punishment can not be dropped by the mere permission.
5. Ceasing medical assistance of the brain-dead is acceptable in
Shari'a. However, it is forbidden in cases where patients are
still mentally active.
6. Negative Euthanasia, as previously stated, is prohibited.
According to Shari'a, the physician is still considered sinful if
he leaves the patient to die when he- the doctor- is able to assist
the patient to remain alive. In Shari'a, the physician is to be
deemed responsible for all necessary compensations to the
family of the deceased.
Finally, I illustrated some potential risks of Euthanasia such as:
1. Losing faith in physicians.
2. Legalizing what-in reality- is a form of murder.
3. Promoting suicide as a method to deal with life's hardships.