CLASSROOM POLICIES Christy Reasons ▪ ; English 251 2015-2016 Areas of Study/Performance This year’s literature study includes a variety of works, including short stories, novels, drama, poetry, speeches and others mediums from various genres. Students will build reading analysis, writing, and presenting skills as well as prepare for the new TNReady exams, which are a large part of the second semester grade. Students will write a variety of essays in various modes, including research pieces. Access to a computer and printer throughout the year is necessary. Students must make arrangements before or after school to use the school library or to use the public library, friend, or family member’s computer if needed. There are no exceptions to deadlines or to the printing of typed assignments when it is required. My goal is to meet the needs of each individual learner so that each student can achieve his or her full academic potential. A variety of strategies, including Common Core, will be used to build skills as well as to promote a safe learning environment that values all students. Supply List Students should have these items and appropriate text everyday agenda or personal calendar journal (recommended) hi-liters notebook paper (NO colored paper) black/blue pens dry erase marker 3-ring binder red or colored pens *post-it notes/flags Save this handout as the first sheet in your notebook Supplementary Readings for the Class Each student is responsible for having his/her own copy of reading material for class and home use. These books can be purchased, or they can be checked out from the school or public library by the student. It is the student’s responsibility to have the material in class by the first day of the unit study (reminder notices will be given in class at least one week prior). Please note, having a personal copy allows for easier annotation - highlighting and making notes in the margin. To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee (Q2 ) No Fear Julius Caesar Shakespeare (Q3- optional, original version is in textbook) A Walk to Remember Nicholas Sparks (Q4) Classroom Rules 1. Arrive on time 2. Come prepared – having the proper supplies AND being ready to work 3. Be respectful – following directions the first time, refraining from behavior that is annoying or disruptive to fellow students or to the teacher 4. NO cell phones – per school policy, unless teacher directed for instruction 5. NO food or drinks – except clear water bottles with a top Consequences for Failure to Follow Policies 1. First: Warning 2. Second: Parent phone call or email 3. Third: Disciplinary referral * Noncompliance with rules will affect quarterly participation grade per rubric below **Major violations will be dealt with by the administration, regardless of the above mentioned consequences Level of Engagement In Class Behavior Preparation 10 Student regularly initiates AND builds on discussion Student is never disruptive Student is ALWAYS prepared PARTICIPATION RUBRIC 9 8 7 Student Student Student listens and usually may builds on listens and contribute others’ occasionally after ideas contributes redirected to class Student Student Student listens to usually regularly instructor listens but attempts AND is is to sleep in rarely occasionally class disruptive disruptive Student is Student is almost Student is prepared always usually about half prepared prepared the time TOTAL 5 Student rarely listens or contributes to class Points Student tries to sleep AND and is regularly disruptive Student is almost never prepared POINTS= /30 Participation grades will be recorded every 2-4 weeks (quarterly total 60-120 points) Conduct Grades Students are expected to behave in a mature, businesslike manner, taking pride in their ability, character, and work. General guidelines: E Follows the rules every day; exercises good citizenship and attitude in the classroom; exemplary behavior S Generally follows rules; may have received warning; comes to class prepared; general good citizenship and attitude N Frequently disregards rules; excessive talking or tardies; sleeps in class; sits on desktops U Cheating/plagiarism, cursing, fighting, insubordination Academic Grading Policies Grades are calculated on a “total points” grading system and are based on performance in the following areas: class participation, homework, projects (includes essay and research writing), quizzes, and tests. 1. Students will NOT receive a perfect score for simple completion – grades are based on accuracy and effort; spelling and grammar always count. 2. Students will receive participation grade per rubric given above 3. Students present for any portion of the day that a project or paper is due must turn in the assignment regardless of check-in after scheduled class time or check-out prior to scheduled class time; otherwise, the work will be considered late and points deducted accordingly. 4. Students are responsible for all graded papers and should keep these in the event a discrepancy should occur. It is the sole responsibility of the student to notify me immediately if he or she notes any grade discrepancy on Power School. 5. No work is accepted via email unless specifically assigned by the teacher 6. A zero (0) will be assigned for any work missed during an unexcused absence. OSS is considered an unexcused absence, therefore, no make up work for those days will be accepted. 7. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing any part of an assignment will receive a zero (0) – this includes participation in “sharing” work. (see school policy below) 8. Students are expected to submit work on days assigned- “I didn’t know it was due,” will NOT work. Students and parents are encouraged to take advantage of all resources in order to stay informed of classroom activities and assignments: teacher email: teacher/class website: class reminders: ________________ (write in the class period Remind code) Late work Work that is not ready to submit at the beginning of class due will receive no greater than 90% credit; work submitted after the class period is over, but still on the day it was originally due will receive no greater than 70%; work submitted the day after it was originally due will receive no greater than 50% credit; work submitted more than one day late will NOT receive any credit zero (0)! Saturday school may be assigned to makeup assignments that receive a zero (no greater than 50% credit will be given). DRAW a VISUAL REPRESENTATION OF THIS POLICY Make up Work – Consistent daily attendance is critical for success in this class According to the SCS Handbook policy, students have one day to make up work for each day of an excused absence. Students should use the classroom folder system to obtain handouts distributed during their absences. If a quiz or test is given on the date of absence, the student must make arrangements to stay either before or after school the day he/she returns to make up the assessment. If an assignment was given prior to the student’s absence, the student is expected to have that assignment the day he/she returns. Failure to make up work according to guidelines WILL result in point deductions Struggling Students The parent/guardian of students who are not meeting required course standards will be contacted regarding a plan of assistance. After-school tutoring is available throughout the year; however, one or more of the following interventions may be offered at the teacher’s discretion: assignment to advisory period, extension of late policy to makeup missing assignments, modified assessments, partial or full re-testing of failed assessments, remediation assignments for point recovery. A student’s failure to take advantage of the assistance opportunities offered could result in failure to successfully earn the required course credit. Students who regularly choose not to do the work assigned are NOT considered struggling students, but rather are insubordinate. Consequences for failing to follow class policies will be applied as outlined above. Extra Credit Opportunities Do NOT rely on extra credit to salvage your grade - you should protect it along the way!!! Extra credit opportunities will be offered each quarter. Extra credit means extra work and extra time put forth on a specifically assigned project. The work must be high quality; if you want an “A” on the extra credit, you must turn in “A” work. Late extra credit work will not be accepted. No extra credit opportunities will be available to students who have failed to complete assigned class work (zeros) Germantown High School Plagiarism Policy Germantown High School values academic honesty and believes plagiarism is a serious offense. Using the work of other people in any way is stealing intellectual property. In the high school setting, it can result in the failure of an assignment, but in a college setting, plagiarism can lead to failure in an entire course or worse. Most importantly, if a student plagiarizes, he or she is not learning, and the ultimate goal of the school is for students to learn. A student has plagiarized if he or she Has failed to give credit to the proper sources any time an assignment has been completed with the aid of an outside source, whether that source is an electronic translator, literary analysis, or other students. Has copied another person’s work, be it the work of an author or another student, without the use of quotation marks and proper credit following the quote. Has paraphrased an item without giving the original author credit. Has inappropriately collaborated with other students. Has allowed another student to copy his or her work. Has resubmitted his or her own work or the work of another student that was submitted in a previous class or activity. The teacher will provide copies of proper documentation to the student showing that the plagiarism has occurred. Consequences of plagiarism If a student has plagiarized, been involved in plagiarism, or allowed plagiarism of his or her own work, even inadvertently, the student will receive a zero on the assignment. If two students have turned in work that is the same, all or in part, both students will receive zeros on the assignment. Students will also be asked to fill out an honors infraction form. Honorary clubs look at these forms to determine membership in the organizations. Return (this page ONLY) to Mrs. Reasons DUE: Thursday, August 13th Incorporating the visual aspect of literature is very helpful to many students. As permission waivers are necessary for works found outside of the English department or our school library, I am including a waiver for the use of works that might fall into this category. Please be assured, we will NOT watch movies to replace instruction, but only to enhance what we are studying in the classroom. Author biographies, historical era clips, TED talk clips, commercials, speeches… A Walk to Remember (2002) Please take this opportunity to choose one option below and to provide your signature where indicated. ______ I am providing my consent for Mrs. Reasons to use video supplements during instructional presentations in the English 251 classroom that my child is taking this school year. ______ I do not give my consent for Mrs. Reasons to use video supplements during instructional presentations in the English 251 classroom that my child is taking this school year and may be reached at the following phone or email contact to discuss the matter further. Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand all of the policies, procedures, and expectations for Mrs. Reasons’ class. Student Signature _________________________ printed name _____________________ Parent Signature ___________________________ Daytime Phone _______________ Parent Email ______________________________ Evening Phone ______________ If you have questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to contact me – email is the quickest way to reach me, as I do not have regular access to a telephone during the school day. I am looking forward to an exciting year! Christy Reasons TELEPHONE / CONFERENCE LOG Student Name ______________________ Date 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reasons for Contact PLAN Student Name ______________________ Level of Engagement In Class Behavior Preparation 10 Student regularly initiates AND builds on discussion Student is never disruptive Student is ALWAYS prepared PARTICIPATION RUBRIC 9 8 7 Student Student Student listens and usually may builds on listens and contribute others’ occasionally after ideas contributes redirected to class Student Student Student listens to usually regularly instructor listens but attempts AND is is to sleep in rarely occasionally class disruptive disruptive Student is Student is almost Student is prepared always usually about half prepared prepared the time TOTAL Level of Engagement In Class Behavior Preparation 10 Student regularly initiates AND builds on discussion Student is never disruptive Student is ALWAYS prepared PARTICIPATION RUBRIC 9 8 7 Student Student Student listens and usually may builds on listens and contribute others’ occasionally after ideas contributes redirected to class Student Student Student listens to usually regularly instructor listens but attempts AND is is to sleep in rarely occasionally class disruptive disruptive Student is Student is almost Student is prepared always usually about half prepared prepared the time TOTAL 5 Student rarely listens or contributes to class Points Student tries to sleep AND and is regularly disruptive Student is almost never prepared POINTS= 5 Student rarely listens or contributes to class /30 Points Student tries to sleep AND and is regularly disruptive Student is almost never prepared POINTS= /30 Student Name ______________________ Level of Engagement In Class Behavior Preparation 10 Student regularly initiates AND builds on discussion Student is never disruptive Student is ALWAYS prepared PARTICIPATION RUBRIC 9 8 7 Student Student Student listens and usually may builds on listens and contribute others’ occasionally after ideas contributes redirected to class Student Student Student listens to usually regularly instructor listens but attempts AND is is to sleep in rarely occasionally class disruptive disruptive Student is Student is almost Student is prepared always usually about half prepared prepared the time TOTAL Level of Engagement In Class Behavior Preparation 10 Student regularly initiates AND builds on discussion Student is never disruptive Student is ALWAYS prepared PARTICIPATION RUBRIC 9 8 7 Student Student Student listens and usually may builds on listens and contribute others’ occasionally after ideas contributes redirected to class Student Student Student listens to usually regularly instructor listens but attempts AND is is to sleep in rarely occasionally class disruptive disruptive Student is Student is almost Student is prepared always usually about half prepared prepared the time TOTAL 5 Student rarely listens or contributes to class Points Student tries to sleep AND and is regularly disruptive Student is almost never prepared POINTS= 5 Student rarely listens or contributes to class /30 Points Student tries to sleep AND and is regularly disruptive Student is almost never prepared POINTS= /30