Kenzie Fisher 3/3/2016 B3 Aphorism Essay “To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men,--that is genius.” It is morally wrong when one believes their religion is prime and that any other form of worship is an offense to their belief and thus others should not be able to practice their religion at all. Therefore imposing what is true in their own heart is right for all of society and that only their religion is suitable for everyone to use. That is not genius. What’s good for one’s self isn’t always good for society. Although, having one’s own original thought and having the confidence to be in touch with one’s self enough to know what one thinks without denying others that same opportunity is genius. It is important to believe and have your own thoughts. In Pride and Prejudice Elizabeth Benet stayed true to herself and did not conform to marrying for money but would only marry for love. When her friend took the opportunity to marry for a guaranteed suitable living Elizabeth did not impose her own idea to only marry for love but allowed her friend to freely choose for herself. What is good and right for oneself is not always the same for someone else. For example, there are many differences between men and women. The men were initially the bread winners and the women the nurturers. The men would hunt and protect the family while the women would cook, feed, and take care of the family. That is not the same. Each person had a different role and excelled in their specific one. In another instance, when it comes to taxing, the poor feel the wealthy should be taxed more than themselves because the wealthy have the money to be able to pay the tax. However, the rich might feel they should not have to pay tax because they worked hard and would not want to give away what they worked hard for. Kenzie Fisher 3/3/2016 B3 Everyone is different and has different needs or preferences. For my self, I need help in physics while others may need help in other areas like history. Some people might like going to the beach and some can not stand it, someone might like to hike and someone else might like to snowboard. It’s all part of the individual personality. When someone stays true to oneself one may realize that not everyone is the same and that all things do not pertain to everyone. Reaching this understanding is true genius. Finally one comes to the realization that everyone is not the same and that we are all different. Even though we are all created equal and have our inalienable rights, we are all different. What Americans fought hard for was the freedom, the freedom to be an individual and not follow a specific path. Take the road less traveled by and make it make all the difference. Understanding that everyone is different, we are not the same is how we should see things. We all strive to be understood, but if one first understands one self they have fought half the battle. When you understand your self, you know what you are about. One knows what makes one feel certain emotions, what one wants to be, and do with one’s life. Once one finds one’s purpose one finds out who one is. The other half of battle that needs to be fought is to relay one’s understanding of one’s self and express it towards others. One must think for one’s self regardless of what others may think. Understand one’s self. Know that there are differences and things that pertain to one and do not always to others. Learn how to stay in touch with one’s original thought. Allow one’s self to defy to be unlike, unrelated, and incomparable.