Freedom Bible College and Seminary Final Exam BSC-1053 PRAYER ESSENTIALS BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES OF PRAYER Chapter 1 1. Write a short essay (about 200 to 400 words) on a personal experience revealing how an incident or event caused you to live a life more conducive to receiving. This must be an actual incident or event, but the names used may be fictitious. 2. Write a paragraph on how someone gave you something, other than money, that changed your life. Examples: You receive an unexpected Thinking of You card; someone tells you she has been praying for you when you didn’t ask; a person you hardly know tells you that your life has touched him; a neighbor mows your lawn while you are on vacation without being asked. These are only examples—use an actual event. 3. Write a paragraph on how you have been touched—positively or negatively—by this chapter. Chapter 2 1. Every Christian, and many non-Christians, have been healed at one time or another in one way or another. Write an essay of about 150 to 400 words telling how you have experienced either Phase One, Phase Two or Phase Three healing. 2. In a paragraph, tell how the section “Praying for Revival” has affected your thoughts, either positively or negatively. Chapter 3 Either start or join a prayer group in your church or ministry for a period of at least four weeks. This is an honor response—no one will ask for verification. Just indicate that you have complied and then give a short description of the group such as, whether you started the group or joined an existing one and how often it met. It is hoped that you will become involved and be a permanent member of the group. If you are a pastor, or someone who is already involved in a prayer group, find something extra to do in the group and explain that in your description. This project is worth ten points for completion or five points for noncompletion. If you decline to participate, you will receive no penalties with the exception of the loss of five points. Chapter 4 1. Define the following giving original examples of each: a. kinetic energy b. potential energy 2. Write a detailed essay of about 500 words on how your church, or a church with which you are familiar, can convert potential energy to kinetic energy then finally to power. Use your own thoughts, not those in the book. 3. Write a paragraph on how you feel your pastor needs help in making your church more productive and powerful. If you are the pastor, write a paragraph on what you consider the biggest obstacle you have in moving your church into more power. Chapter 5 1. In about 800 to 1000 words give your theological views on Daniel 10:11-13. Discuss the hindrance created by the prince of the kingdom of Persia. Your views are welcome, but support them with biblical references as much as possible. The assignment is yours, but your paper may answer questions such as: Who is the prince of the kingdom of Persia?’ How was he able to withstand the angel Michael? Who was the speaker? See Daniel 10:5. Is there anything significant about the twenty-one days? Why did Michael wait so long before coming to the rescue? Why did the speaker remain with the kings of Persia? Chapter 6 1. Write a 200- to 400-word prayer based upon the information given in the section on the Lord’s Prayer. This must be an actual and sincere prayer, but the names used may be fictitious. Try to cover all elements of the Lord’s Prayer as cited in the text. 2. Write a 100- to 200-word prayer based upon the information given in the section on the twenty-third Psalm. This must be an actual and sincere prayer, but the names used may be fictitious. Try to cover all elements of David’s prayer as cited in the text. Chapter 7 1. Write a paragraph on how either a positive confession or a negative confession has affected your life at one time or another. 2. In 100 to 150 words relate another “Red Sea Situation” encountered by a biblical figure. 3. Using your own thoughts, briefly describe what mechanical prayer means to you. Chapter 8 1. Research Exodus 17:8-16 and write a paragraph on how God has been Jehovah Nissi to you. You may use a natural or spiritual application. 2. Research Genesis 22:1-19 and write a paragraph on how God has been Jehovah Jireh to you. You may use a natural or spiritual application. 3. Research Judges 6:1-24 and write a paragraph on how God has been Jehovah Shalom to you. You may use a natural or spiritual application. 4. Write a 200-word essay giving your thoughts, comparing the differences—either positively or negatively—between a child’s being adopted or being family-born. Chapter 9 1. Write an essay of 500 words on any part of this chapter. Feel free to share testimonies or personal experiences. Be sure to stay close to the subject of salvation. Chapter 10 1. Write an essay of 400 to 500 words giving your thoughts about any part of this chapter. Chapter 11 Answer the questions: 1. Separation of Church and State is a constitutional right. True False 2. Students may bring Bibles or other religious scriptures to school but cannot read them on campus. True False 3. We need to become _________ _________ in our homes, churches, schools and work places that our children are allowed to ______ _ and _______________ _ in school. 4. Who were the Stobbies? 5. 5. It is still illegal for students to express their faith within their homework assignments. True False 6. Gallop polls show that about ______ percent of Americans favor prayer in public school.