Age of Anxiety project

Age of Anxiety
Monday 2/27
Tuesday 2/28
Block 2/29 & 3/1
Friday 3/2
Monday 3/5
Tuesday 3/6
Block 3/7 & 3/8
Friday 3/9
Chapter 28
Unit Outline
Introduction to post war Europe: The Age of Anxiety
Art of the Age: Change over time
Lab time for project
Lab time for project
Economic Depression hits Europe: Government Response
Projects Due: In class activity
MC Test Chapter 28: Reading Questions Due
Unit Reading Questions Directions: At your own pace, but thoughtful answers due on day of MC exam, 3/9
Class lecture will revolve around these questions, and dates are noted when lecture is related to a question.
(8) pp. 921-926 (9) pp 913-917
1. Define the idea of the “Cruelly Injured Mind” that was present in post-war Europe. Connect the new ideas
of existentialism and the Christian revivalism that grow in popularity to this injured mind.
(8) pp 937-939 (9) pp 928-930
2. Summarize the relationships between Germany and Great Britain and France in the post war period.
DEFINE: Ruhr Crises, Dawes Plan, Gustav Stresemann, Locarno Agreements, Kellogg-Briand Pact.
(8) pp 939-942 (9) 930-933
3. Using a 3-column chart summarize the domestic policies that Great Britain, France and Germany used to
provide stability in a time of economic, political and social instability.
(8) pp 942-948 (9) 933-941: Just READ to reinforce the class discussion/lecture from Monday 3/5…when
reading look for the following ideas: What were the causes of the Great Depression? How do countries/regions
such as Britain, France and Scandinavia respond to the economic downturn?
NOTE: Information about the US may be interesting but not required.
Terms for MC Test: Friday March 9th
From Collages and Ch. 28 in your TEXTBOOK
Friedrich Nietzsche
Logical Empiricism
John Paul Sartre
Sigmund Freud
20th Century Literature
George Orwell
Oswald Spengler
Igor Stravinsky
James Joyce
Simone de Beauvior
From Readings in your TEXTBOOK
Max Plank
Albert Einstein
John Maynard Keynes
Ruhr Crises
Gustav Stresemann
Locarno Treaty
Great Depression
Scandinavian Response
Georges Sorel
Christian Revivalism
Virginia Woolf
Post Impressionism
Radio and Movies/ Purpose
“Heroic Age of Physics”
Dawes Plan
Kellog Briand Pact
Economic recovery
Age of Anxiety
AP European History
Prompt: What filled the minds of people during the era between WWI and WWII?
Overview: You will create a collage of images and information that is reflective of the Age of Anxiety and
responds to the prompt above.
Visual Aspect:
You must include the following (at a minimum) on your collage:
1. three-pieces of art titled with painting title and artist
2. two-quotes from two different authors and a brief description of the themes of literature at this time
3. two-quotes from two different thinkers/philosophers and a brief description of their philosophy
4. one-representation of architecture and design from the period and brief description of that style
5. one-representation of entertainment during the period: how did people distract themselves from this age?
Information Aspect:
The information (written) must connect the significance of the images to the time period. This can be
demonstrated with brief written summaries about key individuals and ideas of the period.
 A thesis statement that relates to the above prompt must be clearly defined and demonstrated
1. Who were the most well known artists? What did their art depict? How was it different from previous art
movements? How was music different during this age?
For the work of visual artists try this website:
Edvard Munch
Max Ernst
Van Gogh
Gustav Klimt
2. Who told us what we should be thinking and why? What was the philosophy of the time?
“New Christianity”
Heroic Age of Physics
3. Who were the major authors of the time period? What were some themes of the literature and poetry?
James Joyce
Virginia Woolf
de Beauvoir
TS Eliot
How did people distract themselves during this time? What were the major forms of entertainment?
Timeline and Assessment:
 Due Date: Tuesday, March 6
 You will have adequate in class time to work in the computer lab and with your group
 Please refer to the attached rubric/grade sheet for assessment information
 Important pieces of information from Collages will be incorporated into MC Test on Friday, 3/9
Rubric: The 20th Century Mind
Presentation of Collage—Visual Appeal and Creativity: 35% of grade
Comments and Evaluation
Presentation is creative and
presentation connects to theme of
assignment. By looking at your
collage do I see the theme? Does it
make sense?
All visual (5) requirements are present
and connect to the assignment in an
academically relevant manner
– see assignment sheet.
Layout of text and information is
easily accessible and clearly
presented. Do I struggle to find
information and make connections
between the images and the ideas?
Information within Collage—Accuracy and Relevance of Information: 65% of grade
Comments and Evaluation
Quotes selected are appropriate and
connect to the theme of the
Individuals and ideas are clearly
defined in an accurate and
academically relevant way.
The thesis statement that relates to the
above prompt must be clearly defined
and demonstrated.
All written information is accurate and
clearly supports the focus of the
assignment. All 4 questions listed on
the assignment sheet are answered
Could someone who knew little
about this time period, examine
your collage and walk a way with a
clear understanding of the era?
Overall Grade: _______________________