Ancient China: Research Paper Assignment

Ancient China: Research Paper Assignment
Write an original research paper related to Ancient China, suggested topics are listed below. The
topic must be selected no later than January 2nd. You may not change your topic after this date, so it
is highly recommended that you begin your research immediately to ensure it is the right topic for you.
1. Use a minimum of 3 sources from books, periodicals, internet websites, etc. All sources must be
cited in proper MLA format. Include a Works Cited sheet at the END of your paper.
2. 3-4 pages in length
3. Proper formatting
a. 12 point font
b. Times New Roman font
c. Double-spaced
d. 8 ½” x 11” typing paper
e. Margins approximately 1” on all sides
f. Stapled or fastened together
4. Proper TYWLS heading with name/date/subject/period
5. 3 Sources with 5 sentences of notes (due Wednesday January 2nd & include with final draft)
6. Rough draft of paper (due Wednesday, January 9th & include with final draft)
7. Final draft of paper (due Monday, January 18th)
Due Date: 3 Articles/Sources about topic due 1/2
Rough Draft in Worksheets Due: 1/9
Final Paper Due: Friday 1/118
Value: 100 points (essays & projects are 25% of your grade!)
Late Papers: One letter grade will be deducted for each day that the paper is late.
Plagiarism: Failure to document sources properly or copying text will hurt your grade and could
result in a grade of F for the project.
Choose One Of The Following Research Topics:
1. Footbinding: Examine the ancient Chinese custom of foot binding. Explain the history of this
ritual and critique the socio-cultural role it played in Chinese society. You may analyze the
metaphoric significance of foot binding in literature and on film.
2. China’s One Child Policy:. Write a paper that analyzes the One Child Policy of China. Critique
whether or not the policy has been successful in controlling the population or whether it has
created more harm than good.
3. Infanticide: A written report on the history and causes of infanticide in China with a focus on
female infanticide. You must analyze why females were the primary victims of infanticide in China.
4. The Chinese Dragon: The Chinese dragon is a powerful metaphor and symbol in ancient
Chinese culture. Investigate what the Chinese dragon is, why it is such a powerful Chinese
cultural symbol, and used during cultural celebrations and practices.
5. Wu Zetian: Women in ancient China were considered subservient to men. They had no rights
and no say in any of the facets of Chinese life. However, one women rose above the persecution
to become the only empress in Chinese history, Wu Zetian. Using a minimum of 3 sources,
research invsetigate Wu Zetian’s journey from royal concubine to the most powerful person in
Ancient China Research Paper: Rubric
(10 points)
(8 points)
(6 points)
(4 points)
(2 points)
Thesis &
Topic is clear and well stated.
Topic is evident, but could be
stated better.
Topic is mostly evident but
slightly confusing.
The topic you are presenting is
The topic you are
presenting is unclear.
A well-chosen, relevant, and
sufficient fact, extended
definition, concrete detail,
quotation, or other information
or example appropriate to the
audience's knowledge of the
topic. (W2)
A mostly relevant and
sufficient fact, extended
definition, concrete detail,
quotation, or other information
or example appropriate to the
audience's knowledge of the
topic. (W2)
A somewhat relevant and
sufficient fact, extended
definition, concrete detail,
quotation, or other information or
example appropriate to the
audience's knowledge of the
topic. (W2)
Not a relevant or sufficient fact,
extended definition, concrete detail,
quotation, or other information or
example appropriate to the
audience’s knowledge of the topic.
Need to provide
supporting details
of Writing
Demonstrates a logical &
clear plan of organization;
includes and introduction &
conclusion that are beyond a
restatement of the
assignment. Skillfully
produces clear, coherent,
sophisticated writing in
which the development,
organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose,
and audience (W4)
Demonstrates a
satisfactory plan of
organization; includes an
introduction & a conclusion
that are beyond a
restatement of the
assignment. Produces
clear and coherent writing
in which the development,
organization, and style are
appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience
*Demonstrates a satisfactory
plan of organization; includes
an introduction & a
conclusion that may be a
restatement of the
assignment. Attempts to
produce clear and coherent
writing, but errors in
conventions and writing style
detract from understanding
Demonstrates a general plan of
organization; may lack focus;
may contain digressions; may
not clearly identify which aspect
of the task is being addressed;
may lack an introduction an/or
an conclusion
* Does not provide
logical organization.
Does not provide a
statement or section
that follows from or
supports the
argument presented.
Does not produce
clear and coherent
Research to
Build and
Gather relevant information
from multiple authoritative print
and digital sources, using
advanced searches effectively;
assess the usefulness of each
source in answering the
research question; integrate
information into the text
selectively to maintain the flow
of ideas, avoiding plagiarism
and following a standard format
for citation. (W8)
Consistently and accurately
uses precise language and
domain-specific vocabulary to
manage the complexity of the
Gather relevant information
from two authoritative print
and digital sources, integrated
most information into the text
selectively to maintain the
flow of ideas, avoiding
plagiarism and following a
standard format for citation.
Gather relevant information from
two authoritative print and digital
sources, integrated some
information into the text
selectively to maintain the flow
of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and
following a standard format for
citation. (W8)
Information is mostly irrelevant to
the text or little research was
conducted for project. Flow isn’t
clear as some information does not
connect to concepts in paper
Does not provide
information to support
analysis of topic.
Research is not
Makes frequent use with only
a few errors of precise
language and domain-specific
vocabulary to manage the
complexity of the topic.
Makes some though often
incorrect use of precise
language and domain-specific
vocabulary to manage the
complexity of the topic.
Makes little or frequently incorrect
use of precise language and
domain-specific vocabulary to
manage the complexity of the topic.
Does not use precise
language and domainspecific vocabulary to
manage the complexity
of the topic.
There are no spelling or
grammatical errors
There are few spelling or
grammatical errors
There are several spelling or
grammatical errors
Language &
whole document
There are many spelling or
grammatical errors
There was minimal
effort used to ensure
that there were no
spelling or grammatical