German Nationalism Essay Plans.doc

Essay Plans
There are three issues and therefore three essay questions for this topic:
Issue 1 - An evaluation of the reasons for the growth of nationalism in
Germany, 1815–50
1. Intro – SEAF
Start date – 1815, end of Napoleonic Wars/creation of Deutscher Bund
End date – 1850, still no united German state, failure of Frankfurt Assembly
Argument – how important was the isolated factor? Most important? If yes, say so, if
not, say what was
Factors – outline what the other factors are
2. The Impact of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars
400 – 39 states, more on end of Napoleonic wars and creation of Bund
How the Napoleonic Wars were a catalyst for nationalism in German states
3. Military Weakness
(only do this separately if it is the isolated factor, otherwise miss it out or mention
it at the end of the section on the Napoleonic Wars)
How the states acted together to defeat the French
How the states were stronger militarily when they acted together
The 1840 Rhine Crisis
4. Cultural Factors
Language, race -‘volk’, music, art, literature, history
5. The role of the Liberals/Burschenschaften
Liberal nationalism, Wartburg Festival 1817, Hambach Festival 1832
4. Economoc Factors/Zollverein
Prussian economy
WEIGH UP the factors one by one, from least to most important
Finish with a clear answer to the question (JUDGEMENT) and a good quote if you can
Issue 2 - An assessment of the degree of growth of nationalism in Germany,
up to 1850
1. Intro – SEAF
Start date – 1815, end of Napoleonic Wars/creation of Deutscher Bund
End date – 1850, still no united German state
Argument – refer to and answer the question
Factors – outline the factors below – there were supporters, but also opponents of
nationalism, there were revolutions which almost resulted in the
unification of the German states, but these revolutions ultimately
2. Supporters of Nationalism
Educated middle classes, Liberals, Burschenschaften
3. Opponents of Nationalism
Kings and princes, attitudes of peasants/indifference of the masses, limitations of
4. 1848 Revolutions
Causes of revolutions and how these stimulated nationalism
Formation of the Frankfurt Assembly
5. The Collapse of Revolution
Divisions amongst the nationlalists, collapse of the Frankfurt Assembly
Humiliation of Olmutz and reconvention of the Deutscher Bund
Summarise all the ways in which nationalism HAD grown and then all the ways in
which nationalism had FAILED to unite the German states by 1850.
Finish with a clear answer to the question (JUDGEMENT) and a good quote if you
Issue 3 - An evaluation of the obstacles to German unification, 1815–50
1. Intro – SEAF
start date – 1815, end of Napoleonic war/creation of Deutscher Bund, end date – 1850,
still no united German state, Germany failed to unify for several reasons …… (Put
them in an explained LIST)
2. Divisions amongst the Nationalists
Kings and Princes, Kleindeutschland/Grossdeutschland, failure of Frankfurt
3. Austrian Strength
Metternich, Austrian conservatism and opposition to nationalism, Carlsbad Decrees,
Six Acts, Olmutz
4. Religious Differences
Protestant north/Catholic south
5. Economic Differences
Wealth, industry, economies, currencies, trade
(You could put 5 and 6 together)
6. Indifference of the Masses
Attitude of the peasants/masses, limitations of nationalism to certain groups, masses
only mobilised by economic hardship (causes of 1848 revlutions)
7. Resentment of Prussia
Economy, wealth, militarism
8. Conclusion
WEIGH UP the factors one by one, from least to most important
Finish with a clear answer to the question (JUDGEMENT) and a good quote if you can